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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. I don't mind using some mods, but I definitely mind using that one. My game suffers from pixel lights enough as it is, I will not add something that relies on additional projections and draw calls to work. And on top of that, am I wrong to assume that I can use some newly added feature of the game and expect it to work without any problems straight from the box? I think I should at least have that right as a paying customer. If not, then we have a problem. It can't have been a mistake to give the decals an aero model.
  2. There is a lot more to making a change like this than just going into GIMP and downscaling the textures. There would be a significant amount of QA involved to ensure that the downscaled textures don't cause any visual issues, in many different circumstances. This isn't a game you are making a quick change for your friend; this game goes out to >2 million players, each of whom runs a different computer, different OS, different memory, different graphics cards, etc. And if they don't do that QA and something is off, even for a small percentage, then everyone starts jumping on them saying "why couldn't you test it better?" It's just not worth it from a business point of view, and the impact to the game is so miniscule that it's not worth even looking at it Yeah, leave it to Squad to make seemingly small mistakes that pile on and can't be fixed because it takes too long to even just look at a chair alone. I think I'll just stop updating KSP 1 because it kills my PC, none if its performance issues will be fixed and mods will break. Cya when KSP 2 comes out with competent devs that get stuff right first time.
  3. The effort it would take to fix the 2k textures doesn't justify the amount of time, you are talking about an artist for a period of time to redo each texture, at least 1 qa person to go over, etc. Is it perfect? No, and it will never be perfect. Is it good enough ? Absolutely I never said redo the entire texture. Is it hard to go into GIMP and downscale the textures?
  4. Draw the line between conventional and unconventional. There's no such thing as a "conventional rocket". Case in point:
  5. They are old parts, they were replaced but kept in secret to make sure saves don't have things go wrong.
  6. But you have yet to say why other than "performance improvements" despite the fact that there is no major concerns regarding performance that these texture changes would fix. The loading times and RAM usage within the stock game itself, when running at least the minimum requirements, is perfectly acceptable. Or do you disagree on that? Perfectly Acceptable? I give up, you're just going to keep arguing that 2k textures aren't a sign of something being wrong.
  7. Once again, I am not. I am not sure how many times I can tell you that. What I AM against is the expectation that this something Squad should focus on. I do expect the devs to make an effort to make a game not cause my PC to slow down until the next restart. What would Squad be to not take suggestions or save hours of a slow and laggy desktop? It's not like they don't take suggestions, there's an entire subforum dedicated to that. Squad NEEDS to focus on the 2k textures for small parts and ancient formats. I am not sure how many times I can tell you that.
  8. Like I said before I don’t care if they do it. Just like I don’t care that they did that for the fairings. I agree that fairing change didn’t have any business case, but not everything Squad does has to. It is their business after all lol. This change was probably someone pets project because it was a personal annoyance and they got the go ahead to do it. If someone in Squad wants to take this on as their pet project as well, they can go right ahead, I don’t care However don’t expect this to happen anymore than how anyone expected a change to how fairings worked. If the change to fairings didn't matter but was enjoyed, then why are you against another idea that doesn't matter but will be enjoyed?
  9. Once again, make a business case. I don’t see review bombing or people not buying the game because of loading times. Existing users might care but unless those existing people aren’t planning on DLC specifically because of loading times, then once again there is no business case. Squad is a business and everything they have done over the years for existing users also benefits them as well. If you can prove that this is impacting them negatively, then I will agree with you. Make a business case for the ability to lock a fairing's fade out in the editor. KSP was selling good enough before and no-one's going to buy the game because of said small feature. /s
  10. Yes it matters. Is Squad a charity? Do you understand that those resources have to be paid to do this work? Do you understand that doing work which doesn’t provide any increase in revenue is literally a waste of money? If KSP was getting bad reviews for performance problems for example, then absolutely they would have a good business reason to do it. If they could present it in a PR way to increase sales, once again they would have a good reason to do it. The simple fact is that there is currently no business benefit to doing it, so it is both a waste of time and money for Squad. If you can provide a business case for Squad, feel free though. A lot of people will care. In fact, everyone will care if they'd fix the loading issue and make KSP stop loading everything on startup. You may not care but it doesn't matter.
  11. Because the majority of end users aren’t going to notice the difference. Does it matter? Besides, people seem to like the fact that Restock fixes issues like this. Besides2, things like this build up. If you fixed everything draining on performance, you'd get a game much faster.
  12. I don’t care if they do, it just appears to be a complete and utter waste of their resources that could be better spent on literally anything else. You have yet to tell me how saving resources is an utter waste of time.
  13. No, what benefit does that provide to Squad? Is that going to increase sales? Are those textures actually causing performance problems that need to be resolved? As far as I can tell all it does is eat up a bit of disk space and RAM, and quite frankly if it wasn’t a big enough issue to fix in 2013, it certainly isn’t in 2020. It's not like Squad has their priorities set.And what's wrong with spending time on increasing performance? Why do you hate the concept of Squad taking 5 seconds to do some converting and retexturing?
  14. If you're launching from outside Kerbin you are going to need to deliver resources needed to build things before you can launch them, so it won't be istantaneous. No, but clicking the launch button after gathering said resources should be.
  15. Not quite the same concept on paper, practically the same exact gameplay requirement and consequences. I don't care because I want the launch button to instantly take me to my craft, regardless of colonies.
  16. TLDR: Resources required for extraplanetary launchpads + automated supply lines = construction time. Not quite the same. I thought we were talking about the construction time of craft, not the colonies and the supply lines.
  17. From the Steam store page description: "Kerbal Space Program features three gameplay modes. In Science Mode, perform space experiments to unlock new technology and advance the knowledge of Kerbalkind. In Career Mode, oversee every aspect of the space program, including construction, strategy, funding, upgrades, and more. In Sandbox, you are free to build any spacecraft you can think of, with all parts and technology in the game." That description for career mode sounds awfully like a management game to me. Huh. Alright then. It's a management game on one mode. Hopefully it stays that way.
  18. Go back and read the previous pages, no point in repeating myself. There's about 50 replies from you, no point in reading all of them.
  19. A bunch of features could have been added to KSP1's career but it didn't happen because there was no clear design goal and they practically abbandoned the mode after releasing the first prototype/placeholder. "A bunch of timers" are in fact already confirmed for KSP2, with colonies and craft requiring resources and supply lines, mining and refining/production taking time. And? That actually makes sense but it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. You can't have colonies without resources or supply lines but you can have a game without a useless timer.
  20. Can you provide a logical reason as to why they would possibly want to spend time on this? Can you provide a logical reason as to why they wouldn't fix such a glaring issue with the game? I get all that, I mean what logical reason would Squad want to do that for? You're telling me there's no reason to not use ancient formats and textures that bog the game down!?
  21. Career existing, that's the management side of KSP 1. And a bunch of timers could have been added to KSP 1 for career mode, but that didn't happen because KSP isn't a management game at its core.
  22. Career existing, that's the management side of KSP 1. And a bunch of timers could have been added to KSP 1 for career mode, but that didn't happen because KSP isn't a management game at its core.
  23. KSP isn't a management game, it's a rocket simulator. Nothing in the design pillars say anything about management, and overall construction time probably goes against the pillars. However, that doesn't answer the question of where you picked up KSP being a management game.
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