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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Needs more wingspan, your plane is gliding on a pair of twigs and the minimal surface lift of the tanks.
  2. Should be done via a mod and not Squad.
  3. I fully concur with this assessment. To add to the absurdity, the new stock decals are, in as much as how they have been implented in game, essentially pale, and far less versatile imitations of at least (there may be others I am unaware of) three decal adding mods that predate this one: Nebula, Decalc'o'mania, and the name of the third escapes me. Is there not a place to suggest things directly to Squad? Or are we just going to be stuck with all new features being made by amateurs instead of the modders who know how to do things?
  4. @SQUAD should have just sent a DM to the cinebox and ask if they could implement this mod into stock instead of spending 5 precious minutes on smashing their keyboards with their heads and pumping out the decals added to KSP 1.10.
  5. Can't Squad make a decal better than the modders for their own game!? This is absurd. This game would be 10x better if it were the modders working on it and not the Yandere Devs working on it right now.
  6. You know, it probably would have been easier to just add an in-game editor than to write those instructions.
  7. I'm doing the same, that doesn't mean I'm 100% happy with it. My preferred unobstructed area would be something ellipsoid, with the long axis stretching from bottom left to top right. Disclaimer: the above is only an approximation, but I hope you get the idea. This leaves me with two corners for big stuff, and two corners for small items. Of course, I'm also throwing mod windows into the mix -- leaving one big corner available for mod stuff probably would be a good idea. As it is, I'd prefer to move the staging menu up and place the navball below it. Haven't figured out how to do that, though. Still doesn't help that the UI looks scattered around, which is something that KSP 2 fixes perfectly fine.
  8. It's not a bad UI, it's much better than the scattered, disconnected UI belonging to space yandere sim KSP 1.
  9. Why couldn't you just have decals that procedurally match whatever surface you place them on? Good [snip] luck trying to make a decal look natural on a Mk2 part.
  10. I can't believe you have to reload the game to add flags.
  11. I am relaying this information to your past self to prevent the bootstrap paradox turning into a worse paradox.
  12. That wasn't my point. Small companies can be unethical, sure, but there's being 'bad' and then there's 'doing things that make no financial sense'. It was just a scenario. Of course it doesn't make financial sense.
  13. But why would they do that? Financially speaking, it doesn't make sense for a company to indefinitely postpone the release of a product they're spending money to develop. If Star Theory had planned to continuously delay KSP 2 and never release it, they would spend money for every day they continued to work on it but never make a return on their investment by actually selling the game. Though we might view big corporations as soulless machines that exploit their customers, their ultimate goal is still to make a profit. And working on an expensive product like a game but never making money off it goes entirely against that goal. My point still stands. The "big corp bad small studio good" logic doesn't work here.
  14. We don't know who's at fault here. For all we know, Star Theory could have been planning to never release KSP 2, just keep delaying the game by a year every year.
  15. That just takes the fun out of making rockets as light as possible.
  16. If KSP 2 has scalable tanks, for example, then why would you need those parts? Exactly, you wouldn't. We're not running under the assumption it will have any sort of procedural parts. Even with scalable parts, space suits and historic parts would be nice to have in this 60$ game. Besides, BG's robotic parts have nothing to do with scalable parts.
  17. People seem to think KSP 2 means KSP 2.0. That isn’t the case. Still, it should have all the features added by KSP 1's DLC.
  18. No to 1 because several fuels does nothing to add to gameplay unless it's just fusion pellets, futuristic fuel and interstellar gas, and yes to 2 as long as I can turn it off and it doesn't get in the way of leaving a kerbal on Eeloo for a long time while I sort out a rescue mission.
  19. Yes, as long as KSP 1 remains a buggy, slow pile of cobbled together code that belongs inside a septic tank.
  20. KSP 2 is being sold at 60$, the DLC better be stock. Besides, you're overthinking what the options mean.
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