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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Balance. And KSPIE gives really good batts Nvm, fixed it. In GameData\WarpPlugin\patches, I renamed USI_NF_Mode.cfg to USI_NF_Mode.cfg.off. Now reactors perform how they should (Antimatter reactors don't burn through dozens of grams of antimatter over the course of a few days) and the warp drive charges properly, and I can use the NF battery parts.
  2. In rings the debris is much closer together than in an asteroid field Ik
  3. That's not true in Nate's opinion.
  4. Is there any way to disable KSPIE's Near Future Electrical compatibility mode? I want to have bigger batteries, but I also don't want my reactors and generators to be nerfed. Secondly, what's the purpose of the compatibility mode?
  5. The point of KSP2 is to fix many of the underlying problems with KSP, which mostly lie in its years of new features tacked onto old code. I'd guess that the codebase of KSP2 is going to be so different to the original game that what you suggest wouldn't be an update, it would just be an entirely new game. And it would be so expensive for SQUAD/Private Division to do that you would probably have to pay $60 for it. So doing that isn't really worth it, and as you said it won't happen - you might as well just buy KSP2 Closest you could get is stock Interstellar Extended / Extraplanetary Launchpads / Orbital Shipyards. This really angers me. KSP was originally a passion project, and AAA madmen getting their unwashed-of-the-metal-smell-of-change corporate hands feels viscerally wrong. *grits teeth, shakes fist in the air and stifles an incredibly loud, profane rant that would scorch the very silica in the surrounding earth into glass* Remember when Star Theory / Uber Entertainment made overpriced DLC for PA? ST or I, KSP 2 has an equal chance of being milked for money. This community is a wonderful thing to be involved in, and I’ve known about this wonderful game for 3.5 years. My nostalgia of old SWDennis, Danny2462, Matt Lowne, Nexter’s Lab and Scott Manley YouTube uploads is nigh on par with my nostalgia of pre-1.4 Minecraft and old app games like Fruit Ninja and Candy Crush, despite those memories being almost twice as old. I will support this game whatever direction it goes so long as it preserves the original pillars and is recognizable to the 1.3x I spent the weeks after my birthday playing all those 2 and 3/4s years ago. I had strong hopes for KSP2 to be the splendid KSP sequel, to compound my love of this awesome game, to be the definitive game to complete my collection of “mind and eye candy, plus a full salad for the mind as well games” like Factorio, modded Minecraft and Besiege. But now my hopes are being held within a vise grip that threatens to shatter them by the threat of a corporate entity tainting this dream game. Take Two management, If you are reading this and haven’t got your precious corporate feelings hurt by the previous posts, I have one demand for you. One. That is to not screw this amazing game up. You will disappoint an enormous amount of people and this wonderful community will die an agonizing death. With trepidation and anxiety, Don't worry. Under the control of either Uber or TT, the same team will still be working on KSP 2.
  6. It's possible that Team Nate is not allowed to share information about KSP 2. Hopefully we get some updates soon.
  7. Orbital mechanics and built in modding compatibility.
  8. It's also the most annoying answer. Obviously there's a mod for it, but the minimalists would enjoy a stock version.
  9. Oh, please no. That is way too unrealistic. Much more unrealistic than fusion drives and all that future hocus pocus even. Fusion drives aren't unrealistic.
  10. Is it OK if you put it on CKAN? Oh, and thank you for adopting as much mods as you do. Being someone who likes to mod their games, I appreciate your efforts. Edit: Warp drive says that it doesn't have enough EM to activate, even with a full EM tank.
  11. I really hope the lost storyline makes a return in KSP 2. @Nate Simpson, has anyone discussed implementing a similar storyline to what Nova had in mind?
  12. You can't judge the contents of a tank based on its shape. The "antimatter" engine looks more like a magnetic nozzle or a metallic hydrogen engine. Antimatter just won't be feasible in the near future and probably won't end up in KSP 2. "Holy grail" is likely referring to Daedalus engines, or Buzzard ramjets that can scoop fuel from the interstellar medium and turn it into fuel, allowing an essentially infinite burn time.
  13. What is the point? Kerbal Space Program is much catchier than a cliche [insert word] [insert word] [simulator] name.
  14. Not everything has to be loaded. The rocks could just despawn at a certain distance. Asteroids in asteroid fields are hundreds and thousands of kilometers apart.
  15. Good luck coding when you have a family that could get infected to take care of. Speaking as regular community member, I think this is just the opposite. Uber/ST has a track record of under performing and failed deliveries IIRC. Take Two specifically went for the KSP2 IP, which included some key personnel from within ST program. I think this is more of a sign that TT is hell bent on publishing KSP2, on time (well, the new time), and up to standard. I'm actually quite encouraged by this. Time will tell though. Now speaking as a Moderator, the discussion seems to be going full force over in this thread, so just to keep things simple, let's move the conversation over there. @Jimbodiah, I will also quote your post there. You know, this (somewhat) gives me hope for a good KSP 2 release.
  16. I mean if Take 2 breaks any promises that Star Theory held before, such as no microtransactions.
  17. I like how everyone compains yet does nada about this. When will we see protests at T2 for this unethical behaviour instead of just complaining on forums? Then don't. No one is forcing you to buy anything. T2 had an interest in making sure their desired project is complete. They gave it to a third party, under contract, who promised to deliver but could not. So, T2, realizing that Star Theory was in trouble, took steps to make sure KSP2 could still be produced and with folks who are familiar with the vision of the game and who are aware of the code being used. Calm down, folks. It will be okay. But you're forgetting that this is T2 and that they could be lying as most corporations like to do.
  18. Another piece of vapourware. Can we get a revival?
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