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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. What did the devs do wrong? They're creating entire star systems and you're here overhyping and thinking not giving news every 2 seconds is "treating the community badly".
  2. Pretty sure OPM lets you upgrade to a lvl4 tracking dish. I've designed planes myself, and thanks to KSP''s lack of spaceplane tutorials despite the plane hangar being labeled as the spaceplane hangar (Was it a mistake to call the plane hangar that, Squad?) I've never made anything big that doesn't explode on landing. Let's hope that KSP 2's developers aren't trash at teaching players to do things.
  3. bonus points for buzzing the tower from interstellar space and burning up after leaving the atmosphere.
  4. i'd pay $60 US just to get the load times under 2 minutes and something that looks like it wasn't made in 2010 You'd pay $60 for textures and a couple of performance mods?
  5. it's a game that actually gets released rather than repeatedly delayed due to feature creep. It's a game but it's not a sequel or anything worth buying.
  6. features been creeping since 2017. all they needed to do was update the graphics and physics engine stuff and call it a sequel, that would have been released by now. their plans are causing the delays, not covid. Update the graphics engine and physics engine? That's not a sequel, that's just the core game but shinier.
  7. If that doesn't happen, I still expect KSP 2 to have grip pads.
  8. Granted. You have a time warp button and press it to skip two years. Now the release date is 2023. The time warp was global. ok
  9. And did anyone working on KSP 1 or 2 ever say this?
  10. Why? When you travel, you don't wonder what is going to happen there? You never talk about food you haven't eaten? I too, hope KSP2 delivers. You don't understand what I'm talking about is what I gather from this. Please stop arguing KSP 2 will have much better performance and allow the construction of much larger structures than KSP 1, expanding possibilities. If that alone doesn't make KSP 2 a true sequel to you, I don't know what will. It looks quite difficult to make a sequel to a sandbox game since there's no story to expand on, so in KSP's case, all Star Theory can do is improve the explosions, add dynamic textures, add multiplayer and add interstellar travel, something we've been waiting for, for years. Can you just tell me what you expect KSP 2 to be? This conversation started because someone became paranoid that KSP 2 would become victim to feature creep even though there's nothing else planned other than expanding horizons, and they said that they didn't want colonies and interstellar travel, and I'm just trying to say, there'd be 0 point in KSP 2 if it didn't expand on KSP 1.
  11. Exactly. None of us do until we figure it out. Well I know that KSP 2 will be a good sequel if it delivers on its promises. Please refrain from talking about things when you don't even know what said things are all about.
  12. We won't know unless KSP2 is one. You probably don't understand, but what I mean is thaty if KSP2 is a true successor, we will know. If it isn't, we willknow. It's definitely not either of them tho. So you don't know what you're talking about?
  13. Can you not expect people trying their best to make KSP greater than ever to be able to tell the freaking future? Thanks.
  14. not really. Giving KSP some new planets and cloud mods and calling it a sequel would suck, and so would just making it futuristic. That’s not a “true successor”. Then what is a """""true successor"""""?
  15. So, KSP with some graphics mods? That wouldn't be worth anything, would it? The entire point of KSp 2 is to be KSP 1 but futuristic.
  16. The one question I have for you:Will we get a public beta before launch?
  17. Doesn't EVE let you add dust clouds? Duna has them with EVE installed iirc. How come?
  18. That's your preference but KSP was never about practicality. None of this makes sense, and where did you get "red dwarves get brighter over time" from?
  19. Semantic differences. They also say "Defining and achieving unique goals." My point is that one serves the other, otherwise the experience is hollow. Simple Rockets has a far superior creative interface for rocket design, but I'd argue it's not as popular (and not as good) because the purpose behind the rockets isn't well-defined. KSP is a space flight simulator. It was never about practicality. Besides, what use is there in talking about practicality in the context of a game where planets have impossibly high gravity for their sizes and grass grows into dirt that is presumably as hard as rock?
  20. The dev diary said that they don't want players babysitting hundreds of kerbals, so life support will probably be minimal if implemented.
  21. I do want things to change, just that things that aren't broken don't need fixing.
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