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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. To be fair, an option for people who don't have a choice might skew results.
  2. This is time consuming and also exceedingly boring. As many tangles as this solution might have, it's worth being able to run many missions simultaneously without having to wait so long to see the payoff of your missions.
  3. Even smooth rock should work. Friction isn't just misconfigured, it's completely broken.
  4. I don't think you understand what I'm talking about. In KSP, dV gets updated every time you change the craft, whether or not the change impacts a given stage. If I have an engine in stage 1 that has 400 dV, but then add a part to stage 6 - which will be long gone at that point - why does dV in stage 1 get recalculated as if thus change impacts stage 1? Yes. I understood that. My point still stands. Recalculating it every time anything changes, whether or not there's a real impact, only helps prevent issues where the game might have done a bad calculation and needs to re-evaluate the dV.
  5. Your 1060 is going to be fine. Programs like SpaceEngine and MSFS run with a playable framerate on my 1050.
  6. Is this a problem? Surely recalculating it every time anything changes only helps prevent issues where the game might have done a bad calculation and needs to re-evaluate the dV.
  7. I mean, the egregious thing is that it doesn't have to be a continent. Just anything bigger or more exciting than a lander will do.
  8. It's probably that, but I wouldn't discount the possibility of this being a rare KSP occurrence of Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things.
  9. At least ChatGPT takes it well when you tell it how completely wrong it is.
  10. Gameplay footage snippets have been dropped for a while now, so why would we only now start putting stuff in spoilers?
  11. And won't that be nice? I mean, we didn't know anything when the original trailer dropped, so you could class that as a spoiler.
  12. You can clearly see game footage on some of the screens. We've already seen a lot more than just the main menu or a rocket sitting and doing nothing, so I still fail to see how it's a spoiler.
  13. Can't wait to see someone explain how a main menu of all things is a spoiler for anything
  14. Since there's nothing to install, yes
  15. How would NASA plan a rescue mission for another mission that hasn't happened yet? Bonus points if the rescue rocket has features you would only see in a rescue mission.
  16. I'm not sure about anyone else, but being able to see how the main menu will look is exciting. I hope they did away with the overly long transitions from KSP 1
  17. I'm not saying otherwise. I'm just saying that lag is also another factor and can also serve as a psychological deterrent I'll just leave this here because it's very relevant. Yes Aziz, you can just plant a flag and minimize part count, but that's boring.
  18. I'm pointing out that new players are going to be using a ship large enough to carry a transfer vehicle and lander to orbit, and that's where KSP begins to struggle. Yes it is, unless you are implying that everyone owns a beast of a computer. The learning process is only one part of the problem. I know how to dock. I know how to build vessels. I'm still not bothered playing KSP, because unless the only thing I plan to do is to send a dinky little lander, plant a flag and go right back, the game will struggle. If I dare to do anything with an inkling of ambition, the yellow clock tedium begins. Players shouldn't be discouraged from sending anything bigger than a lander.
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