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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Yes, I think adding slanted 1.875 adapters is a highly logical choice.
  2. It's the new, improved manoeuvre node system that SQUAD showed off a few weeks ago. It's coming in 1.5.
  3. Isn’t Atlas supposed to be Kerbin 2 billion years ago, like the rest of this mod? That would explain the landmasses. Although I’m not sure whether Atlas is supposed to be that colour. @Gameslinx?
  4. I'm pretty sure this is being fixed, or at least suppressed, in the 1.5 update. As far as I know, it's a bug in the Unity physics system, so it's quite difficult for Squad to fix it. It reemerged in 1.4 because of the upgrade to the newest version of Unity.
  5. If you mean bigger than 3.75m, we already got 5m parts in the MH expansion. But I'd quite like 7.5m parts in the stock game to be honest.
  6. I played around with Falcon 9s for a bit: Then Jeb watched his own plane crash. (Thanks to my top-notch art skills, the plane isn't quite in the centre of the blue circle, rather a bit to the left).
  7. ...where they develop Windows 11. The building is a hut..
  8. Hey @Locuthos, welcome to the forums! IIRC, you should just be able to go into the .txt file pertaining to the EVA reports/surface samples (can't remember where they are -- not at my KSP computer right now) and just find and replace the default text with your own. It shouldn't require any coding skill (most config edits are pretty simple actually).
  9. Why don't we find out? We'll probably need hangar extender, tweakscale and maybe a part welding mod to stop the part count from getting out of hand.
  10. My username: I used to play a lot of racing games, so my username was RealRacer3. When I got Minecraft and created an Xbox live account, someone already had that name, so I added an x to the end. When I created a KSP forum account, I decided to replace ‘Racer’ with ‘Kerbal’. My profile pic: It’s just a kerbal (I forgot his name ) on EVA in LKO. I thought it was quite nice. My old one was a GIF of a Kerbal re-entering Kerbin’s atmosphere. I might go back to that one, because it was quite funny
  11. Wow, that’s awesome. If the universe is a simulation, it must be running on a pretty beefy computer to have visuals this good
  12. Tessa Pen Gun? What kind of name is that?
  13. 9/10, I see you a lot, and we’re both in @The Minmus Derp‘s discord server.
  14. I’m not exactly sure what Ethernet is, so no. TUBM has never done an orbital rendezvous.
  15. When you watch Star Trek (or any science fiction) and keep talking about it to people who’ve never seen it. I say ‘Live long and prosper’ instead of ‘Bye, see you tomorrow’.
  16. Sure. You can produce beautiful music in the ultrasound range. To be able to do everything you can do in Universe Sandbox 2, but in real life.
  17. I remember the time I went in a hot air balloon. On landing we fell over and slid into a tree
  18. I live a short train-ride away from the British Interplanetary Society, who I believe were the first to conduct a design study on a lunar lander (in the 1930s). Parts of its design influenced Grumman's LEM, in fact. Alternate history! Imagine if the UK landed on the moon first.
  19. I installed manually, just off Spacedock. I guess I should grab it off Github when I get the chance.
  20. I’m pretty sure my station won’t need the KOOSE pods working properly for a while, so that’s alright. Will I need the new part on my station for the de-nesting to be fixed? Or is that a separate thing?
  21. I was just about to build an escape system for my LKO space station when I remembered your mod, @TiktaalikDreaming! Downloaded. One problem I have is that I can’t get the KOOSEs to de-nest. I’ve tried the staging sequence, action groups and the right click action menu of both the pods and the nest, but the pods still stay stubbornly stuck to the nest. Am I missing a dependency or just being dense?
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