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Everything posted by Toonu

  1. Hello, I've done very simple ship and launched it. Moved it via Vessel Mover to sea and it slightly touched water, then it started spinning so quickly and I have no idea what can cause it. I have on the ship just few NAS AAs and ammo packs. Any ideas? I would be very thankful, because making more ships is nonsence when they will do the same...
  2. IS there option to make custom ribon which can Kerbal get without manual adding? Like get it after x hours of service?
  3. I know its too hard to dock even with automatic systems. But what about 5 full stack launches and then 2 reusable launches which refuel the 5 depleted on orbit to deorbit too?
  4. Hi, I was just using BDA Autopilot and I saw it doesn't recognize Firespitter engine as engine, thus throttling down to zero and doing nothing. Is there any fix/patch/MM Patch or somethign I can do about it?
  5. Is there way to stop water coming in ? Like if I get heat again under 50% it starts getting wawter out? Some electric pumps? Ok, see the pump, sorry for necro...
  6. Use Big Boat Parts then, part count drop to 20 parts Even with big battlecruisers or carriers. https://spacedock.info/mod/167/Large Boat Parts Pack It have two sub-packs. One for WWII ships and one for modern...
  7. That helps when they are behind CoM? I thought it is just air flow around wing stopped at back wingtip (if FAR models it...) I will try to move them. I'm just not sure what it can help with. More control?
  8. Thanks for all replies! The biggest thing that helped was Making it more sweep, with 90 degrees nose. The wing is now pretty stable event when turning at mach 1 (cause I couldnt get more from that engine so low :D) still it turn and slow down cause drag rudder. But that isnt problem, its maybe better than turn a lot wider curve. Yeah, supersonic is whole new level. I can see that now... But thank you anyway for making transsonic wing working now guys! Curent craft: This is my first wing of my recon fleet. Now I will focus on heavy scout using two vectoring engines with small storage. Then maybe wing bomber (see you B2, B21! :D) And maybe even supersonic like Boeing F/A-XX 6th gen program
  9. No,there aren't any supersonic flying wings nowadays. Except Boeing are developing its F/A-XX program for 6th-generation fighter jet which in concept arts is flying wing fighter, meant to be supersonic. Thanks for the answer with 90 degrees nose, I will try it. And you suggest have less longer wings?
  10. Yeah guys, I already had drag rudders and split ailerons. I know how to make flying wing after so long time but the problem is still present. Turning and supersonic... I think if I add more drag rudders it will have really wing sized drag rudder
  11. Hello, I've been building a real flying wing for about two months and tried various designs. I even tried real concepts which really flew, like Ho-229, B-2 Spirit, RQ-170, X-47B.... I'm using FAR and procedural part mods in my modpack, because I like a bit more realistic performance it can give. I'm really good at making planes and even Fly-by-wire planes, naturally unstable. Still I'Ve been building flying wing for two months and still no results. The wing was very bad at first. Nowadays its pretty stable except turning. I'm using drag rudders and spoilers and double side flaps for turning. I put spoilers of wing size and still it can't compensate the sideslip it sometimes get. Any ideas how to build it better? Here is example of my last flying wing. Pretty stable except turning with too high AoA. This one has old photo with smaller drag rudders(I added one more to the wingtips). Thanks for any reply! Any idea would help me! TL,DR: My question is how to make flying wing stable even in turning at transsonic and supersonic speeds. My wing is unstable even when it have drag rudders big as the main wing.... Ave! Toonu
  12. I think it's again just because your friends. Tell them to not spam. There is no way to stop spam in the console except editing console mode from debug. But that still won't fix user generated spam. Still I have been searching for a while for a friend who plays KSP with multiplayer. If you want some non cheating and non spamming friend. Write me PM. Ave! Toonu
  13. Actually it is already updated to 1.2.2 and working. Here's the link for download... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0rbkv7zl5wnzbio/AADFbXy-H-H1KKM1P5XH76GZa?dl=0
  14. Hello I just tried this star system modpack. It works fine, but the prima and secunda planets aren't binary with sigmaBinary. It just move them into the sun instead of make binary system. Thus I had to move out the config for making it binary. Can you fix it somehow? I will try fix it tomorrow, but you know-how better than me...begginer. I think fix means only rewrite the sigma binary config for that binary system. Thanks! Ave! Toonu
  15. Yeah, I would be thankful, even when there won't be like with TAC LS % of oxygen, CO2 and other food. You're amazing if you will add this two features! MechJeb panel for RT too and this one!
  16. I know, but in future the RT flight computer instead of MechJeb on the top of Mk 1/2 module? I mean the buttons workign both for MJ and RT. And the Life support panel working for USI LS, not just TAC LS? Is it possible with some config or harder?
  17. Hi! Thanks for updating this to new Unity. I want to ask if the top panel for MechJeb can work for RemoteTech flight computer too. Its similar... And except TAC LS, can you add USI LS? I would do it if I know how...and make pull request
  18. I'm not sure what is a negative mass or how in the predictions and concepts can someone make it. Is it somewhat connected to anti-matter mass? I m now talking about negative mass and Alcubierre warp drive. Thanks for reply! Ave! Toonu
  19. Hi @Lothsahn Any progress about networking and my server problem we encountered?
  20. Thanks for so fast reply! But still, it have all features of MFR/RF or something is missing? I'm just thinking about removing MFR when I have to have this because MKS... Thanks! @allista
  21. Hi @allista I ve been always using RealFuelTanks or ModularFuelTanks. This is basically copy of MFR with possiblities of RFT(Cryotanks etc?) Is this compatible with MKS or not?
  22. Actually reinstall helped. But thanks for efforts. One question, why is Kerbalism incopatible? I haven't problem with that, just curious...because I wanted that mod...
  23. How to install this mod? When I installed Folder from GameData from GitHub, it won't have any icon on toolbar or effects on the orbit. Any help appreciated! Thanks! Ave! Toonu
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