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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Yes, but they have a point. Nate, as it appears (yep, cheeks-covering ongoing!), was their proxy on the lies. And since he probably signed a nasty NDA, I'm reasonably sure he will not get into the clear - at least, not for a very long time. So, in the very bitter end, it really doesn't matter if he lied willingly or not - Logic dictates that we just can't trust anything he says about the subject. At least until that NDA expires.
  2. Just to clarify: libel land slander are "specializations" of defamation (the former is written, the later is spoken). And you can defame someone even subjectively. "I think John Doe is a thief" is still a defamation if John Doe works on something where stealing would prevent the dude from getting a job, as a security guard. Yes, in USA Truth is a defense. But you need to prove you know the truth and are not "guessing". It's really messy. TL;DR: express your opinions giving the subject the benefit of the doubt: "If John Doe really took something from someone, then he may be guilty of heisting". But, frankly, I'm not even sure if I did it right on this example. This was exactly what happened when BenQ decided to shutdown operations in Manaus. We were working normally when came the order from the company's Director : "stop everything, logout from any external service, do not even commit anything. All BenQ projects are terminated". And it was just like that. The only guys that are previously warned of these things are the infra team, as they usually have to shutdown accesses before the notice is given. Don't have a clue if this happened at that time. And, worst, would get in really, really serious legal problems if, by knowing, tell someone about without explicit authorization.
  3. Gee... I'm still using 2.79c 2.93.9... (what? me, lost in time?)
  4. It's not about him, it's about you. I doubt this would render any real trouble to you, but it may prompt someone on TTI (or whoever end up buying this thing) to remove your posts preemptively due something else. We don't know exactly what's going to happen, but I have some hints that it may not go exactly the way we would want - too much stupids decisions made in the last years, sooner or later someone will be in charge of cleaning up. (and, yeah, I think that there's a chance of someone facing charges eventually - perhaps not by the reasons we are seeing now) There're many different ways to say something, I just think that perhaps changing a bit yours would make yours posts... "more persistent". (and I still think that openly bashing someone gagged is, well, less than a constructive way to exercise criticism) Well, so I just earned my second braincell. I didn't knew about him. I added him to my Twitter X news feed.
  5. Bulleted or numbered? But failed, so now there's a zero chance of this happening - not to mention that whoever would had bought the damned thing would do an audit on the development, otherwise they would be as dumb as the predec... uh, never mind. If someone had bought the thing, I see two hypothesis: The dude knows the trade, would do an audit on the code and then would decide to keep or not any member of the team; If they would keep Nate, it's because they didn't found anything wrong on him The dude don't have a clue about software development, and then doesn't matter if they would keep Nate or not! But still out of scope of the proposed Though Experiment, the discussion me and @Scarecrow71 were (trying) to do. Of course you may be worried about something else (as Nate), but by then why doing it by arguing with @Scarecrow71 and me on a completely different subject? Depending on how you express your opinions... yes, you need - otherwise you will be dangerously flirting with defamation. We just don't know how deep is this rabbit hole, and this dude being gagged by a NDA is just aggravating the (potential) offense. There's a reason democratic countries invented that pesky thing called Presumption of Innocence. By no means I'm intending to supress your opinions - it's exactly the other way around. Being the reason I'm trying to, the most friendly I can, suggest changing how you exercise them. As far as I know, he didn't committed a crime - so the correct term is RESPONSIBLE. Yes, he's responsible - and you have a good point about his responsibility over what he had said to us being considerably higher than anyone's else. We can even agree that he may had failed with the expected Working Ethics from someone trying to sell a game to people (kids between them!!). There's a lot of things that we can hold him responsible. Please note the "we can" - as we don't have a smoking gun to allow us to affirm categorically such a thing without risking, well, slandering the guy. Yes, you have a good point on bringing his past works to the table. This helps to uphold your argument, but it's not necessarily a proof of wrongdoing or similar misdeed that allow you to declare him guilty of something. Again, I'm not trying to counter-argue you, you have good reasons to believe what you believe. However.... Truth is a defense - so unless you have proof that you are telling the truth, you don't have a defense. It doesn't matter what you know, what matters is what you can prove! The dude is under a NDA, he's gagged. Not being able to defend himself is a potential aggravating against you This is not a Court of Law, it's not up to us do decide who's guilty on this whole ordeal. Don't help the real responsible (perhaps even guilty) party to walk by focusing everything on Nate. You mean this guy?
  6. Hey, it's me, Mar... uh.. Lisias. @AlamoVampire is around? I missed the last (Don't) Click it!
  7. I failed to see the significance of this argument, because: Whoever would be buying the IP, would not be buying Nate - these are two different things; We are not TTI shareholders, Nate is their problem - not ours (anymore); We are not a Court of Law, we aren't going to punish anyone due any misdeeds; Nate didn't did all of that by himself - he got a lot of help, really, really lots of help No one is capable to do such a marvelous blunder without lots of help. Of course there're humans inside - who else would manage to do such a magnificent blunder for so many years? Well, finally something I can connect into. Yes, this is probably what's going to happen - and the reasons are exactly the ones (or pretty near) explained by @Scarecrow71 on their Thought Experiment. Unless someone manages to find someone with pockets deeper than their Common Sense , willing to outright grant some money to the project - without expectations to even recover it, what to say get some interest. In a way or another, IMHO the time to try finding such a... uh... angel is now. A few more years (perhaps not even that, months!) and things will start to crumble due a lot of other mistakes that are happening since some years already. And, by then, not even Pachinkos would want it. This ship is captainless - and adrift near reefs. And a storm is coming.
  8. You are the lucky one. I'm getting: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.20.1 === == = POST EDIT = == === 504 is when there's a server behind the front-end (cloudflare in Forum's case), but it's overloaded by some reason and didn't responded in time. 502 is when there's no one answering the front-end (due a server crash or something nasty like that).
  9. Too late for Goodbyes, Julian Lennon. Sometimes, this guy is a Lennon better than Lennon...
  10. You know, I completely failed to consider this. Dude, I'm a huge fan of the franchise, easily going into "poetry" trying to exemplify the relative importance I perceived from it. And I didn't realized that, besides a 100K sale on the initial day (what's not exactly a bad performance), when compared to the expected potential user base (KSP¹ sales), this number is... Pathetically bleak... They failed to reach 99.98% of the intended audience - and I'm not even considering the refunds. That's the point: this point is meaningless. Being 100, 50, 1.000 M USD, it's just a number someone pulled out from his ass, someone else repeated it as it was a good estimate (in the absence of better information) and he used it on a pretty decent Thought Experiment about what it would need to someone took over the Franchise. The price TTI would want for it, no matter how much, it's just the tip of the iceberg and this is the argument we should be debating about. Again, we are wasting a very decent Food for Thought with details that, when compared to the other expenses, it's just irrelevant. I wonder if the meetings on P.D. didn't gone to a similar direction - it's virtually impossible that every single P.D.s' employee would be a complete dumbass and would not had realized the vicious cycle the development was entering into. IMHO we are wasting pretty decent arguments (as yours is not bad neither) on details, and completely missing the real problem to be solved - again, I'm wondering if something similar didn't plagued the (probable) infinite meetings P.D. and I.G. had at the time where nothing were really decided (prompting the devs to play videogames instead of bashing their arses on solving problems, as it was alleged on the video). Probably because he thought I didn't added anything significant to the discussion, while you somehow touched a nerve and he decided to attack the weakest link on your argument - I would be flattered in your place. Unless the prospective gains worth it!
  11. One of the worst FPS killers (or slideshow makers) is blowing up your VRAM. Once the total textures to render a scene is bigger than the available VRAM, the GPU driver does some shenanigans using the CPU's RAM to store them, and the GPU suffers to access that textures. The first thing you should try when your performance is terrible (really, really terrible) is to lower the textures resolution (on KSP¹, I need to set it to Quarter, on the Game Settings Menu, depending on how much add'ons I had installed). If KSP2 has something similar, I suggest to try it.
  12. Of course not, they will send ninjas in the darkest of the night to "discuss a corrective measure" in the dude's restroom - in the darkness of high profile condos, no one cares if you scream! We are completely forgetting the Board of Directors. Just look what they did in Unity a few months ago.
  13. It will devalue significantly the franchise. A good part of the value on intangible assets is the public perception. Once you see tour characters being commercially explored in cheap/"shady" products, your IP starts to be associated to the words "cheap" and "shady". It's usually a one way ticket to the oblivion - but perhaps things can change, let's see how the Metal Gear franchise recovers after the monstrous blunder from Konami.
  14. It was implemented on the 0.4.x series, and it worked fine up to 1.11.2, but on 1.12.x something weird changed and it royally screwed Recall, preventing it from working. Don't ask, I'm still trying to figure out why it happened (at least I understood what). Until I understand exactly what gone down through the tubes, I don't plan to change this code for obvious reasons.
  15. Pachinkos and Kerbal Farm (on Facebook!), here we go! I don’t know exactly how this stunt works (US Code 26, $165 I think), but MS preferred to strip down anything of value from Nokia before writing it off as losses, essentially getting that assets "for free" (as they deducted them form the taxes!). So it's not impossible (until better information is available) that they could manage to write the whole ordeal off as losses and still be able to control the Franchise. On this scenario, the sunk costs would be amortized (at the taxpayers' expenses, as usual).
  16. These are secondary questions. The most important one is: who will be in charge? A problem with Foundations (a possible solution for the problem at hands) is that they are a lot like Incorporated companies - see that huge drama on Mozilla Foundation some years ago (preceding their downfall into almost obscurity nowadays). In Brazil, we use to say "Cachorro que tem muito dono, morre de fome" (something like "A dog with many owners starves to death"), and this is exactly what happened to KSP2. For while. Things keep going down through the tubes, they are risking to get into a position in which they will need to pay someone to onload it from them (like Siemens did with Mobile). Since TTI had cleaned the house, it's safe to assume there's no one left in a position of power to put their own egos above sane commercial decisions (one of the very few advantages of responding directly to share holders that can sue your cheeks out by not doing it). So I expect TTI's CEO to do the most profitable (or less loss-making) decisions still on the current fiscal year. They had a hell of a hot potato in their hands right now. Now... What would be this decision related to KSP2? What are their real and concrete options? There's no free lunch; no matter the decision, it will cost something. Even going Open Source incurs on costs, someone need to audit the code and rip off any 3rd party commercial code - not to mention that someone capable must be around to review any eventual Pull Request into the main code base (otherwise, why open the Source?). I doubt any decision maker on TTI is paying attention to a bunch of disgruntled Kerbonauts brainstorming about how to save the franchise but... Let's pretend they are doing it. Not necessarily. Sometimes it's cheaper to just write the entire thing off as losses on the taxes.
  17. Well, given the estimates of how much they wast... invested on KSP2's one, at least 100M USD (and I'm plain ignoring how much they paid Squad for the franchise). Now, if they will find someone willing to pay it... This is completely another history. Just for starters: The thingy was terribly review bombed on Steam - really bad; There're campaigns for mass refunding around the globe - from AU to UK; KSP2 Source Code is probably a bag of technical debits beyound salvage; KSP1 Source Code suffered 6 years (at least) of severe bit rotting; 3rd parties are coding fixes for the game; And some of them are not even respecting the game's very EULA, creating a serious precedent. Last time I saw so many problems together, the Corporation sold the whole division for a tiny fraction of the Division's assets value - essentially, Siemens sold Mobile for the net loss of the previous fiscal year, disregarding anything else - but the buyer acquired a whole industry, with manufacturing plants included. What a prospecting buyer would acquire by burn... investing money on Private Division? Buildings? Manufacturing plants? A shrinking but still relatively active market share? A distribution network at least? Giving a small enough price, anyone will buy it. But how small is too small? When Microsoft ditched Nokia, they wrote it off as losses on their Taxes...
  18. KSP2 was their lifeline - check the others P.D. titles launched near or at the same time KSP2 and you will realize that they launched KSP2 in desperation to get some results before the Cutting Throat Fest©. Things are way worse than we thought.
  19. It wasn't hostile, as it appears. Well, things make more sense now. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/224984-ign-reports-t2-wants-to-get-rid-of-the-ip-they-want-to-offload-pd-completely/
  20. Not necessarily. The risk of the IP ending up being used on Pachinkos or even a Kerbal Farm on Facebook is also pretty near now.
  21. Do you know that micro-wave popcorns? Here in Brazil we have something similar (but pretty different): micro-wave pork rinds (we call it torresmo). As popcorns, you just SHOULD NOT open the bag near your face, or the steam will burn you. So I, smart of me, waited the pork rind to cool down a bit inside the bag before opening it - and then tried to smell it (I like the smell). Man... I don't know what in hell they put on that rinds, but the smell was somewhat "corrosive" - the damned thing wasn't hot, but yet I "smelled" it down the throat. I thought I was done, "great! I just burnt my right lung". Fortunately, I was wrong. TL;DR: never allows pork fat to burn inside the bag - and never try to smell anything inside the bag after opening, even if cooled down. (And I probably will never buy microwave pork rinds again)
  22. Lisias


    I just bought two. I know, there're chances to the game to be never finished, but: One of them is already on a very decent state, and I think it worths the money being asked as it is now. The other is a single dude, doing something that I'm not seeing anyone doing and I liked it. It's, right now, the only shot I have to play a Classic SimCity style game with modern mechanics but still feeling like the classic one. Don't be too harsh about EA, aim your canons to people abusing it - blame the gamers, not the game.
  23. This is not a problem when the customers has no choice. On the Microsoft Way. Problem: even by not having a choice about a specific game the user likes, the user has the choice to play something else at the same time the competition can publish a new game with the same mechanics/similar lore - and this is something the C-Suits that are controlling the Bug Big Studios and Publishers are learning now. No matter how interesting and/or addictive is a game, they can't be locked down on it as MS managed to do with Windows (for some time, they are being gradually cracked down over the years). The future for Publishers and Studios currently in the hands of these guys are less than bright - on the long run, the share holders will understand that these shares are not sustainable in the long run, will demote the shares as speculative investment and then things will start to really look bleak around here. But since the demand will not vanish with the share holder's profit, new Studios will born from the ashes of the older ones (and the end of the Non Compete clauses will help a lot on this) and, with them, new Publishers (or old ones that managed to be not incorporated, or to buy back their shares). It will be pretty harsh times ahead, the Winter finally had come. But the good news about the Winter is that it's always followed by the Spring. Eventually...
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