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JoE Smash

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Everything posted by JoE Smash

  1. That sounds awesome.... Sounds like I should delete my Lynx and Malemute (sp?) mods and use this instead....
  2. Hello, Unfortunately I myself cannot mod or create parts....I tried looking at Blender from Steam and it seems to be far beyond my abilities to understand. That being said I have an idea for a mod but no way to implement it. If you check out this review video of the Heisenberg mod by Angel-125, and pay close attention to the 8 minute and 14 minute marks you'll see probably the best cargo bay with a ramp and one with an elevator I have ever seen.... I asked Angel-125 if he/she would be willing to take the ramp and elevator and apply them to size tweakable mark 1 and 2 rocket and space plane form factor....Unfortunately he/she has no willingness to do so. However he/she said that they did not have issue with someone using those parts as a starting point to do so. Basically I'm requesting someone with the knowhow to take the ramp and elevator mechanics of those parts and add them to typical rocket and space plane form factor as a stockalike version....and also hopefully make them work with tweakscale....so a bunch of separate sizes would not be necessary.... If anyone is willing and able to do so, I guess the first step would be to discuss it with @Angel-125, and then start a mod development thread here....and let me know! Thanks! JoE Smash
  3. I like the heat shields in this parts pack, but for some reason the intermediate sizes don't attach properly.....i.e. the Modest and Largish sizes (don't know if there is a bigger intermediate size I haven't unlocked it yet) don't attach close to the above and below parts. There is a rather large gap above and below the part. I then have to fix it with the part moving arrows on both ends every time I place them. Don't know if this is an attachment issue you can fix? Is this just happening to me?
  4. The contract rewards for this mod don't seem to be influenced by reputation or the mod that lets you adjust contract rewards.... My contract for my first station is worth like 50,000 funds and I have 650 reputation. Is there any way to fix this? @pap1723
  5. Could you make this table a download or like share it on dropbox or imigur or something?
  6. They are useful in my opinion for two reasons: For planets with atmosphere....like Eve, I'd say it's the best place to land or make a base (if you can find a flat bit near there) so you need less delta V to take off again. For planets with no atmosphere it tells you the lowest altitude you can orbit and not worry about a mountain impact.... So, thanks!
  7. Is this still necessary, or has Squad had the common sense to make this mod obsolete yet? It's truly sad if it's still necessary....
  8. That's what I was afraid of....so basically I need to back read and if I can't find the answer ask every mod thread if it is compatible. I currently have about 20 mods loaded that are for 1.4.4 even though I have CKAN set to 1.4.3. Awesome!
  9. Thanks for your response as always m8! One more question....sorry.... You are not the only modder to publish versions that don't match the current game version through CKAN. How am I to know when it is safe to use a "mismatched version," ask? Or hope the modder set it up on CKAN correctly? Typically if the version is older I check first....but many modders have updated mods for KSP v1.4.4.....not just you, and I have quite a few mods that are for 1.4.4 now.... even though I have CKAN set to only install for version 1.4.3. Should I just assume those are all ok?
  10. @linuxgurugamerwhen downloading through CKAN for version 1.4.3 of KSP, it downloads the newest version of KW Rocketry for version 1.4.4.....is this going to be an issue when I run the game? Should I manually install the prior version? If so where do I put the "extras" folder?
  11. Sorry, I forgot what you said and I was verifying that it happened with the other module. So I guess both are doing it. I'll try to remember it next time I'm leaving Kerbin.
  12. Update: The CA-SWIS Solar Wind Analyzer does not function while orbiting Kerbin either....just an FYI.... So I guess I'm SOL on that science
  13. 1. I can't find Minmus in the OP list at all.... 2. I don't even understand how to read any of the data here... Are all the initial values followed by "km" all ideal orbital altitudes? I though the ideal altitudes were 750km for the SAR and 250km for pretty much everything else. Lastly I put my SAR at around 750km above Minmus and it still says "sub-optimal" for orbit AND it's moving SOOOOOOO slow. I also seem to be at like 9% for days. Can someone please tell me the ideal orbital altitudes for Minmus?
  14. @Nertea are you still working on this mod, or are you done updating it?
  15. He is responsive, we've spoken. Not about my crashing, but I've asked things and he's answered. I'm pretty sure if he knew how to fix the issues he would have already. He's updated OPT Reconfig twice in the last month already. Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's probably beyond his control.... I figure he's doing the best he can, I'm not sure what his programming skill set is, and I'm sure it greatly exceeds my own....I just don't know that he can fix whatever may be messed up. My gut tells me there is some issue somewhere though. I know some of the parts have had issues since before he took the project over. He's been actively tweaking them, I just don't know if it's making things better or worse....Since my game crashes so frequently with those mods installed, and doesn't when they aern't I'm leaning twords the latter. Like I said though it's mostly just a gut feeling, as I certainly don't have any idea how to fix code....or write code....or model parts. I basically know how to do a file search and open a cfg file with note pad. That's pretty much the extent of my current KSP modding ability.
  16. I'm sure you are good at docking/rendevous in general (as you are doing advanced stuff and using life support mods in the first place), but as a noob who just managed to dock for the first time ever two days ago I wanted to pass on what I learned it the hard way. In the event you have mechjeb installed ( I barely know how to use mechjeb either) under "RCS Balancer" make sure you have the RCS Overdrive slider down to 0 (well unless you need stronger RCS thrusters I guess). Mine was set to 100% by default and was making my first docking attempt seem totally impossible....as well as waste a crap-ton of monopropellant.... I'd tap the RCS thruster H key and have my target probe moving all over the place.... Once I turned that off, I couldn't understand why I was so scared of docking in the first place. Good luck, it sounds like you have a lot of options and good advice here already! Without knowing what to do I'd just over engineer a rocket with the 6 tons of fertilizer, twice the delta v of fuel I thought I needed, and engines that were powerful enough to catch up and then cross my fingers and hope for the best....
  17. Do you use OPT spaceplane parts @linuxgurugamer? I know we both run a ton of mods, I didn't know if you use that particular one....or three really. There's OPT, OPT Legacy, and OPT Reconfig. My game seems to run a lot better (i.e. doesn't crash) when I don't have them installed. I don't know if that's because the parts packs collectively use a lot or RAM, or if some of the parts are inherriently flawed. I feel it's the latter, because I can install far more memory of mods in general as long as I don't install those particular ones. I am aware some of the parts have severe issues, as that is the reason for the reconfig bit. The current handler of the mods uses the reconfig bit to patch "issues" with unfinished parts that kyeon left unfinished when he suddenly disappeared and stopped working on his mods. My gut tells me that there are issues that may be beyond his means to understand or fix and somehow that's why I have far more stability issues running the game with his stuff in it. I could be totally mistaken though, and that's why I wanted to know if you used those particular parts and had no increased stability issues, and it was just me and me being silly. That being said I haven't crashed in a while....which is making playing much more fun.... I wish the parts did work without killing my game though, because the models are pretty cool and make interesting looking spaceplanes. I prefer the look of them over the stock parts even with mk2 and mk3 expansions...
  18. Thanks for doing all that m8! I really appreciate your help! I only have one question/request at this point, is it possible to set the default condition to "part disposable = true" for the decouplers at least? I ask because the parts in question are all decouplers which should be disposable by default. We already discussed their main function of being probe cores as well as decouplers is for the sake of recovering disposable stages with Stage Recovery or something. When I build a ship with a probe core I DON'T wish to lose, I use a proper probe core....not a decoupler. Using a decoupler as a true probe core for the sake of part counts or weight or something, would probably be the exception not the rule. I ask because of course I already screwed up a Minmus mission by missing a decoupler on my second to last stage which is now on a sub-orbital trajectory into the surface of Minmus. I believe I managed to find the part in question in my persistent save and manually switched said decoupler to disposable = true ....but finding the specific vessel to edit was a pain in the rear. I am not looking forward to doing this every time I forget to switch a decoupler to disposable. It would be a much better situation to forget to make a decoupler "not disposable" than forgetting to make it "disposable" and then getting penalized for being daft. Well that's my opinion at least....
  19. Well, the problem going on isn't my problem in the first place, it's the guy above me who is having the issue. I was just trying to be helpful because I used Bluedog mod before and had the zip in my CKAN folder already.....so I unzipped it and dug around until I found the stupid probe for him. I'm not currently using it because it adds things I don't really need or want. It's a pretty cool mod with lots of interesting stuff, it's really big though and uses a lot of memory. I think it added too much science or something. I'm already using probes plus....which already adds a riduculous amount of science parts and probes. With both mods I'd have like 50 probe cores and 50 science experiments....which is a little excessive. That being said I ALREADY had posed in the Bluedog forum thread about this ALSO, for this guy as well....if you go look in that thread you'll see I posted about this yesterday for him. The 62K antenna in question IS deployable, but the OP claimed it IS deployed. I already got a response over in the Bluedog thread which was, "Yes there are two antennas, but when you deploy the 62K one it overrides the 5K internal one which is used for take off before the 62K one can be deployed." While that answer is all fine and good, that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems like he's only getting the range of the 5K, so either he's wrong and didn't deploy it, or the part is bugged and not working as intended. If it IS deployed, it being bugged may very well be the case. This mod may actually help find bugs like this with particular parts simply because it helps you finally visualize what each antenna is doing. When you can't see what each antenna is doing it is much easier to miss that they are not working as intended because their range is invisible....so you just hope and assume antennas are doing what they are supposed to be doing. So at this point I am not sure what can be done other than the OP pressing the issue over at the Bluedog forum. I'm really not sure why the OP posted about it here in the first place. This mod just allows you to visualize what antennas ARE doing, it doesn't augment what particular antennas do in the game already. He already confirmed that the mod is displaying the EXPECTED range correctly and the math works out. If the true range in game he is getting is much less, then there is a problem with the part, which should be brought up with the part designer. I agree with your statement to that effect....
  20. Ok, I was just passing along that some dude had an issue with the range of the antenna over in the thread for the antenna helper mod. Like I said, I no nothing about modding or how particular things in the cfg file work. If you go to that thread though, he claims the antenna is not giving him the expected range.....but there could be a number of things going on. I don't know that he has clarified if he is using remote tech or not....I believe that mod makes it so you actually have to have antennas orienting properly....which is why I refuse to use it.....rofl!
  21. Someone has a question in the Antenna Helper thread about an antenna that seems to not have the correct range, but it is about an antenna on your Sienna (spelling?) probe. He says it is supposed to have an antenna power of 62.5K, but the maths are not working out as intended. I managed to find the cfg for that probe and noticed it has TWO data transmitter modules. One is an internal 5k power antenna and one is a Direct antenna of 62.5K power, but it says antennacombinable = False. I'm wondering if maybe the internal 5k antenna is being defaulted to and should be deleted....or maybe the other one should be set to antennacombinable = True.... I'm no modder, so honestly I have no idea really what's up with it....
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