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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. Engine effects work for me. The fairing however, is a major eye sore. Is that maybe a missing texture? If you do end up tweaking any textures, would it be difficult to add a B9 switch to turn on/off the logo on the tanks?
  2. Hmm ok, your mod your rules. I've put the Redstone stand back in Start on my install, since Explorer is in the Start node. Otherwise you can't afford to build Explorer until you've flown Explorer. The previous setup worked out great a first historical build.
  3. I've placed the following cfg into my custom configs folder in order to get all mechjeb modules unlocked at the start of a science mode game. However, it's having no effect at all - meaning that a craft built when there are no nodes unlocked has only the normal start modules unlocked. Should this method still work in the latest MJ, or did I just mess something up somewhere?
  4. The Redstone and Vanguard launch stands have been moved out of the Start node - is that on purpose? It's a bummer because they used to pair well with Explorer 1 or Vanguard 1 which are both buildable from Start.
  5. I am using the latest Kronometer but on unsupported everything, so I have low expectations. This is KSRSS (dev branch) @ 2.5 scale and just wondering if there's something simple I might have misconfigured?
  6. Happy to report no more flickering. Thank you for this fix!
  7. So I've tried PRE and can say this 100% fixes the HullCam flashing problem that I see on my system. Here's what I did: addded PRE to a 1.11.2 install (noted that PRE is marked as only 1.10.1 compatible) added the aerocam to the booster of the stock Arianne craft in sandbox mode, launched PRE is enabled by default, so the launch cam was solid. I reverted a few times and tested that with PRE disabled, the flashing was present, and enabling PRE in the moment causes a pause, but then the image is rock solid with no flashing. @linuxgurugamerHopefully this pans out to be helpful info for hullcam
  8. I'm super interested in checking out any changes you make the elevators, as I tend to have issues with them. The redstone elevator almost always leaves without the kerbal, and the kerbal drops to the ground. Maybe a slower speed will help with that.
  9. OK thank you for the info. Tonight I'll download PRE and confirm that it does indeed fix the hullcam issue, and if it does, I'll let LGG know as another data point. Thanks!
  10. I've posted in that thread asking if the mod author has any thoughts on their fix for that problem. Maybe it's something that will give LGG a clue for HullCam, too. I'll post back here and tag LGG if anything interesting comes of it.
  11. Saludos! I have a slightly unusual question for you. Another mod called HullCamVDS has a problem on my system, and other people have it too. It's a problem where the screen appears to flash when the cams are active while the sun is out and the altitude of the camera is something less than 2k. Anyway, another user reported in that thread that your mod has a camera fix option that also fixes the HullCam flashing problem. This seemed like an odd connection, so I came to investigate. I noticed your method UpdateNearClipPlane() mentions a flickering fix. When you have a free moment, would you mind commenting on what you were addressing with that fix? Do you think the problem I mentioned above has anything to do with things you addressed in your mod, too? LGG was able to confirm the flashing, so I was hoping there might be a clue here. Thanks for your time!
  12. Bummer, thought that might be a slam dunk. The only ones in your list that I didn't either recognize or use myself are : diazo, ftmn*
  13. I've seen lots of people blame that on Planetshine. I've never had it, but never used that mod - so ymmv
  14. ah, first I've heard of this, but yep confirmed - they do work after a bit. The D mount is the one that doesn't show anything for me. The III version works fine.
  15. I have two minor plume issues, can anyone confirm? The Inon engine mount shows no RCS plumes, and the Leo "Gus" thrusters show a translate forward RCS plume, but not an engine plume with the throttle. I'm on 1.11.2, BDB-github. Waterfall RCS plumes seem to be working fine on other parts.
  16. Hello! Picked this up to see what the differences might be, even though I don't do any plane stuff. But ya know, anyone working on mods I use is a good thing. I was wondering if you'd consider a change. In UpdateDogfightCamera() in CamTools.cs, there's a * 10 factor being forced into the keyboard Zoom speed, whereas that's not done for the keyboard Move speed. And indeed, this makes Zoom pretty unusable for me. Try putting the camera near a parked vessel and then use keyboard Zoom. Even at 1 it's just way too fast for close shots. I get that the * 10 can help with fast ramp zooms, but it excludes any other usage, and the same thing could be accomplished by just typing a larger number, whereas there's no way to slow it down no matter what you type.
  17. Is this a terrible idea ... Shutdown Velocity slider on some SRMs? edited: 2nd potentially terrible idea: a clicky to reverse control point on the Pioneer 1 probe?
  18. sounds like you could use the SituationModuleInfo mod. When you right click on a science part in the part tray, it adds text about where the experiment can be run.
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