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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. I'm thinking Alpha's clever rotation switch you mentioned would do the trick if it's possible on this one too. edit: [sincere apologies for commandeering the BDB thread]
  2. Hello, I seem to have stumbled upon a series of steps that makes CD very unhappy and nullreffy. The video below shows the exact steps and results, but essentially it's reverting from a flight causes the decals to be blank once back in the VAB, and the log is spammed with nullrefs. Reloading the craft seems to clear it up. As you'll see, 3 of the decals are on a SAF. Log file is quite large, so it's zipped here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lAjfCCpQLuTRU4uQEU4Q33_vPXcYdf0T?usp=sharing Unlisted video embedded below. It's real time so there's chapter markers. Thanks for any advice!
  3. Not entirely sure how to interpret your "should" but, they do indeed show after rotation. That's why I asked. You can clip the stand into the ground enough to hide them, but then the engine bells clip, too.
  4. This is awesome! Thank you for working on this. Do you think it would be possible to support rotating the stand?
  5. My guess is that you're on the latest version of scatterer, which is no longer compatible with KSRSS. Maybe try a back rev of scatterer, like 0772.
  6. Hi all. I'm trying to get my first part into game. I have no log errors, and the part shows up in the VAB, but a) you can tell the texture is not wrapped correctly, and b) when the part is instantiated and hanging on the mouse cursor, it's invisible, and adding it to a node it's still invisible. The log file lists that the part was added to the craft. Instead of recounting the arduous steps getting to that point, lemme ask the basics: I imported A.fbx and B.png into my Unity project. The export therefore had A.mu and B.png. Was I supposed to convert B.png to B.dds, or should it have worked as-is? I assume the base name of the texture must be baked into the MU? Would that mean I need B.dds? Or should it be A.dds? Does the png need to be deleted? Also, I need to flip something somewhere? Where does that step fit in? I assume that's what I missed for the texture to show up incorrectly in the parts list? Thanks for any help! It's wild to be this close to actually seeing something I modeled and textured in game. Of course it'll be pure crapola, but it's a first step hopefully.
  7. would someone elaborate just a bit on this? which folder are we in? the barca folder has a couple parts in it. is one of those the older version?
  8. That's basically what I'm hoping to do with part of my upcoming 2 weeks off work I've done a tiny plugin before, so I've seen a little of that side, but I have a couple weird parts that I really want, so I'm going to attempt to model and import them. Lofty goals are lofty.
  9. This is a tad confusing at the moment. The Github repo says 1.4.2 in the .version file. The Spacedock download yields 1.4.1. I have a 3rd version whose changelog says it's "1.5.0 - TBD".
  10. sorry this is slightly off topic, but ... does this mean that you're able to do the full workflow from a .blend file to a KSP part in game (assuming, of course, that the model is KSP-appropriate)? This is a skillset I would really like to have myself.
  11. Hmmm, if this were true, then you should be able to divide the larger one by 4 to get the smaller one, too. But Apollo 11 entered an Earth orbit of 185km x 183km, which when divided by 4 is not valid for KSRSS, so something is wonky with this way of thinking.
  12. Good morning. I downloaded the new version and the latest Harmony this morning. Installed both on KSP 1.12.3. I have a couple issues: On my system, I do not have anything added to the Settings pages, either the one from the first main menu, nor the one from the space center. Am I just being blind? The second thing I noticed is that the log file correctly lists the modules I enabled, except for the maneuver tool module (the one I'm really interested in). And indeed the stock maneuver tool is still there. Any idea what I've borked? My log file and my settings.cfg: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OFXHWxzvPLKqkJLAkX2Th8qhVS4beHxz?usp=sharing Thanks in advance!
  13. Hmm, isn't this what happens when reflections are not enabled in Settings? Space center, Esc, Settings, Reflection Refresh Mode and next one
  14. Hiya. The nosecone is unlocked in largeUnmanned. Is that intended?
  15. I'm with you there! Maybe it's working for other people and just not me. Without the WF folder, everything seems to work fine. Your new artwork is really fantastic by the way!
  16. Interested to see how others get along, but for me, this version still creates kabloobabytes of waterfall nullrefs. Steps: sandbox, sample craft on pad, ctrl+alt+f12.
  17. The log file should be in the same folder as the ksp executable. Although, I have seen people come up with a "player.log" which is a file I never have, so I'm not 100% sure how to explain that. I get a ksp.log next to ksp_x64.exe. I'm guessing you installed scatterer manually, since it's not in the earlier CKAN screenshot? Are you using the latest or the previous release? I think for right now, it's basically a must to be on 0.770 of scatterer and not the latest versions. At the same time, I don't think that would lead to crashes, only borked visuals. I hope someone else has better ideas than me today. Were I in your situation, I think I would just get rid of everything but kop/ksrss and see if it behaves. I have like 90+ mods installed, and I'm super careful and do only manual updates of mods, but even being careful sometimes I still just have to delete stuff, go re-download the original files, and start from scratch. unfortunately, i agree with you so I don't think those are the culprits. I don't know how else to explain that our paths are the same in the Eve config window, and we have the same files in that folder, but yours shows a different setting from somewhere else. Do you have grep or a tool like that? I grepped for "EVE_CLOUDS" on my install from the GameData folder down, and I found 4 files under KSRSS, and one under SigmaDimensions folder, but that's it. If I'm not mistaken, that's the node name that would have to appear in some cfg file somewhere in order to show up in Eve. I think?
  18. i think "less" than yours, but idk squat about hardware any more. I have an i7 at 4ghz and 16gb ram on Win10. I know you posted your ckan screenshot, but I don't use ckan, and I'm not sure of all the ramifications of when you install some things via ckan, and some things manually. if you wanted to post a link to your ksp.log file, that would be a much better indication of what's actually installed. since you don't show ksrss as installed on that screen, i'm just wondering if there are other things lurking in your install.
  19. maybe rss-textures has some conflicting configs in it? idk, but i don't have either of the RSS- folders you do
  20. oh wow, that's hardcore crashing. I really never get those unity crashes any more, I just get trillion-terabyte log files. But anyway, I can't imagine what causes that. A few messages up I posted a screenshot of a really minimal KSP/KSRSS install. I hate to suggest rebuilding from scratch but I'm not sure how else you can debug that. As another user said, scansat should be OK, so sorry man, I'm out of guesses.
  21. KSRSS isn't installed in that ckan screenshot? do you mean when you add ksrss to that install, you get crashes? if so, i would definitely start by eliminating scansat, as that's the only one I don't have from that list, and ksp basically never crashes for me.
  22. Hmmm, this might be related: when I load the space center scene and it's dark, sometimes KSCFloodlight statics are producing light, but internally they are not really toggled on, which you can tell as clicking on them will immediately turn off the light and play the on animation (which is slower), officially turning them on. So there would appear, at the very least, to be some confusion about day/night state on scene load. (That static uses that module, too)
  23. *sniff* I thought I was alone in the universe. Hello. I don't want to derail your thread any more but this is good to know. I'm used to it too, but then I wanted to make a video about building a thing and it's just fugly and bummed me out so I thought I'd ask. Will keep you in mind if a solution presents itself!
  24. Ah no worries, and thank you for the reply. I'm sure it's not scatterer, as I've tried installs with just the KSRSS files. And actually, it's only black terrain outside the VAB, when you're inside the VAB looking out, or when you use Hanger Extender, then the whole world is black. But in flight or space center scene terrain is fine. Not the end of the world. These are the folders I'm curious if you still have, from your op: KSRSS (0.7) KSRSS-Textures <---- this one? KSRSSVE <---- and this one? Thanks again!
  25. This thread is really impressive! May I toss in another technical question? I'm curious about your KSRSS installs. In the OP it lists your mods, and among them are the KSRSS textures and the KSRSS Eve stuff. Does this still reflect your current install? I ask because KSRSS 0.7 now comes with both of those things internally in the 0.7 branch, but I'm desperate to solve the black terrain issue outside the VAB, so I'm looking for any differences in my install and other people's. Actually, if either of you have a second to post a picture of your GameData folder, that would be incredibly helpful and very much appreciated! Sorry about strangers asking favors
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