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Everything posted by kspnerd122

  1. a while ago you said you would update GPO but nothing has been said for years(until i started talking about it) it just seems sad that all the amazing mods you have made have been killed due to players wanting updates to the game please consider bringing it up to 1.7.3/1.8.1 same for before kerbin
  2. it seems like gameslinx has let the old mods die even though they are still decently popular
  3. mods are perfectly fine as long as they are not blatant saturn v/spacecraft coppies otherwise you can use mods all you like
  4. No, Making History saturn 5 parts do not get you points you lose 5 pts for using them your actual score is 195(you thought you got 5 points at 200 pts but you actually lost pts still you have best score so far.
  5. @Space NerdI would totally get that mod, how about working together to maintain and improve KSS are you interested in taking over from the devs who have cast off their mod to die so, would you want to remake KSS or use one of the last remaining copies to continue to maintain it.
  6. can you allow downloads of KSS for those who still want it. PLEASE, im not asking for update, im simply trying to get the mod to try out for myself
  7. Is it not possible to simply remove the wormhole, I don't care about long travel times, I have fast interstellar vessels.
  8. does this alter the home system Y/N also after kerbin replaces as well
  9. i would agree, most planets in beyond home have 4 biomes, after visiting hydrus, scaythe, scindo, ash, lua, and armstrong, im still not done with the tech tree, should i go to gateway, or fury next don't remove biomes turn down the science mult, delete most of the biomes and create your own in your game, limit yourself to 1 biome per planet etc don't make the game harder for everyone, simply make it harder for yourself
  10. not culmative, otherwise it becomes, Whose computer can handle the highest part count on the lander i award you with 125 points but up to four they are in fact, culmative, knock yourself out
  11. it is possible to do this as several packs are cross compatible, as long as it does not alter the home system it is fine
  12. i use a Kaedalus drive that takes about 100000 units of LF and uses cherkonov nuclear engines from kw rocketry i used a 2 stage asparagus design to get 200000 DV half to speed up(after chem engines push it out of the star system this thing uses ENGINES for RCS so if you want to spend 20 years refueling this thing with average ore deposits or hours launching fuel tanks to orbit and docking them for refueling(i choose to make it (mostly) empty and fly to gilly for refueling refuel using the mining module 30 converters 40 large drills this gives me the ability to send exploratory crafts and a mining colony, this was my first interstellar ship(scrapped after the unity was built) the unity was my seccond, much better ship it had a TWR of 3 when full when on the mun it had 50 cherkonov engines and 500000 DV it could take 400 tons to any star within 50 LY within 100 Years, still slow but the unity had twins, the solidarity, a kerbal transport ship, and the hope, a cargo vessel, unity had both space for kerbals and cargo, however it was destroyed when it could not avoid a collision with jool due do not being able to slow down however the small crew was rescued by the solidarity which had a lower mass and more fuel to spare. Unity debris eventually collided with the sun and the solidarity almost burned up however solidarity and hope are now docked in the shipyards on minmus
  13. Kongrats on another amazing release also is this Kompatible with after kerbin/beyond home
  14. i give you 120 points, you may now place the badge in your signature section
  15. Also There is a fundemental problem with this, im playing beyond home by @Gameslinx and there are only 14 biomes across all moons of rhode, i don't have nukes after visiting both lua and ash after visiting armstrong I will just barely have the gravioli, science labs, and large solar panels, i would need to go to hydrus with a rover, minimum, before i could get ions, RTG's(I go for them because i will soon return to the kerbolar system with a large colony ship that will set up near Janus, what is left of jool, Also in this version GAS GIANTS ARE LANDABLE and I may not complete the tech tree until visiting the Kerbol System and transmitting science back.
  16. We should get 5 way symmetry and 9 way symmetry(So Delta 2 Replicas are easier to make.
  17. wait, what if the Devs make it like a free DLC that you could chose to get.
  18. I feel it should be toggle because stuff such as RSS if it were forced on would make players angry
  19. KW rocketry for example definitely could work on a console
  20. also LT-2 landing gear have allowed me to land a Decent size booster back on kerbin. also I just lock the robotic landing gear for launch and unfurl it before landing then i lock it in place again.
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