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Everything posted by rettter3

  1. Have you thought about maybe bringing all your mods as one big pack? Because it seems like you're mostly finished with everything and it would be more easy for us to have them all together. But no pressure, just a kind suggestion/request, I know it's a bit of work:D

  2. Does anybody use an Arc a770? Would like to get information on it's ksp performance (1080/1440/2160). Also having information on it's performance with eve+scatterer would be nice.
  3. Please don't preassure the modders. Actually there are many people like me, that are still willing to wait a bit for the mod, as there are huge Performance problems with KSP2, that probably won't change top soon (I expect earliest bigger improvements in maybe a few months). But yeah, I am also eagerly waiting for this mod, just don't preassure the modders
  4. I'm excited for a hopefully more optimized game physics-engine and thus being abled to build bigger spaceships and spacestations.
  5. Will you also be doing a 2.5x /2.7x Version? I absolutely love what you are doing and I would really like to exchange Jnsq with this mod (regarding, that Jnsq is basically complete/not being worked on anymore).
  6. I don't know how you made this look so great, but it's absolutely awesome. I'm hyped and love your work
  7. This and the next scatterer update will transform KSP1 to KSP2... Awesome work my man
  8. Is there any chance, you are going to update all your mods to use MAS for Ivas?
  9. I'am probably gone stick with KSP, at least for the first Months because of mods and wanting to wait for reviews about KSP2.
  10. Awesome (And I am very happy for you, that real life is starting to become better again)
  11. Do you have your own money? In Germany, you can buy steam gift cards in many stores, so you could do something like this and then use the card to pay the game on steam. But I don't know what the situation is like in your country, for me it's a common way of getting games without asking my parents
  12. Definitely gonne keep an eye on this. At the moment I'm trying to find a well fitting config to play rss with my favorite mods
  13. Maybe also tantares? IT's already a fully finished mod, so no new updates
  14. The new docking ports and fabrics are amazing. Thanks @benjee10 and @Beale
  15. I am really hyped, I always wanted to build nice looking boats in KSP
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