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Everything posted by Miguelsgamingch

  1. gabo04: We need a serach bar in KSP modders: thats our sign modders search bar at home:
  2. Hey, Do you have the craft file? i want the rocket lol anyways just give it via KerbalX Or Steam Workshop
  3. Would you make your own space center you built in kerbal kosntructs to a mod for the KSP And Kerbal Konstructs To Use?
  4. V0.6 Is Out! V0.6 "Moar Testing" Major: -Added Launchpad 3 #3 -Added Rocket History Museum Minor: -Minor Bugfixes
  5. I Dont know how but I GOT IT AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNN IN 1 WEEK I Also made a meme: g
  6. Mk1 Inline Cockpit JNH? Thats Kerbalized SpaceX: Yeah No Worries, Ima Delete That Mod, I Dont Use It Anyways. Edit: I Forgot My KSP Wont Load For Some Reason RIP.
  7. Hello! So Everytime I Launch KSP It Stops with a Unity Error This Happened When I Exited KSP, Then 2 Hours later i tried to launch it again beacause i want to play some more and here we are. KSP Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nZDQL9pw7kmG8a-w9Z6t_am9AG3tUeRj/view?usp=sharing
  8. Hello! Have Been Using Your Mod Since @MOARdV Stopped Development Of Raster Prop Monitor I Would Like To Report The Issue About Some Of The Text In IVA Gone, Replaced With A White Rectangle Line KSP Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nZDQL9pw7kmG8a-w9Z6t_am9AG3tUeRj/view?usp=sharing
  9. eh, it also happens to me but really dont care about it, i will put a part and remove it and get the command pod or just reload the save, whatever works
  10. Nice! Sugesstion: Instead Of Putting The Parts By Moving Them, Use A Attach Point But For Now, It Looks Good, Should download it.
  11. Im Sure Theres Allot More So Try To Find More Than These Mods.
  12. Thanks for the answer. But Question, How do i make a backup save?
  13. I Really Dont Know If This Mod is Pointless So I have put up a poll, and im sure no one is gonna answer
  14. I Really Want This Mod, But Im Worried, This will apply to my saves, and my current space stations, well there all gonna die when i add this mod. I Have 20+ Space Stations, How The Hell Im I Gonna Refil all the foods on my saves!?!?
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