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Everything posted by Miguelsgamingch

  1. Hm. My PROUDEST ... Well Allot In 1 Day. First time going to orbit, First time making a space station And First time launching a rocket.
  2. I Never Trust KSP Collaborating with SpaceX. Dont Ask Me, Ask Elon Lol, on his twitter.
  3. Im filipino. I Learned English Beacause School Has English Class. 90% I Use English 10% I Use Tagalog (Philippines Language)
  4. Thanks! I Have The Old One And Now I Can Update It!
  5. The RasterPropMonitor Is Currently Adapted By JohnyOThan https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190737-18x-110x-rasterpropmonitor-adopted/
  6. For Me I Have Been Listening To Old Songs Such As michael jackson and Queen
  7. It sounds like to be similiar to kerbal konstructs but instead of building launchpads or base's, you will build planets. A Very Interesting Idea.
  8. I Would rather use the kerbal reusability expansion Mod Than A Reausability DLC.
  9. I Want someone To Adopt This Mod, This would be great for building Base's And Colonization, Plus Support With Global Construction. As I Know, This Mod basically Died, But we want someone to adopt it. The Only Known Mod Dev That Can Adopt This Is @linuxgurugamer Linux, if youre seeing this, Im Not Forcing You To Adopt This Mod, Im Just Asking If You Want to Adopt This Mod.
  10. This is Stock Right? Edit: I Tried Remaking Yours And Its Now In KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/miguelsgamingch/Delta-IV-Super-Heavy Im sure that its different.
  11. Thanks for the news, I Have been using this mod, but since a moved computer's i forgot to download VesselMover for my drone ship's. But here i am downloading it, so thanks
  12. As i tested, It still work's for 1.10 As It has not be updated in the making of this post.
  13. Hello i would like to report a bug At the delta wings when i switch it from right to left when its at left i can move the part itself for no reason can you please help me? thanks
  14. For Some Reason Everytime In the loading screen of ksp It Says that MechJeb 2 maybe outdated but it isn't and still works fine. This is weird and annoying and i want it to be fixed.
  15. MAS Interactive IVA!?!?! Not RasterPropMonitor.... Seriously..... you might be wondering but Miguelsgamingch RasterPropMonitor Development Already Ended... Wait wait wait JonhyOThan Adopted And Will Maintain It: There is your proof.
  16. Updates For Kerbal City: Added New Buildings Including Kerbal City Airport. That Hangers That You See There And Tundra Space Complex. Including 39A And 39B Which is in real life SLC - 40. Also there are 3 landing pads there. Also Added Some Wind Turbines And Decorations (Trees, Water Towers, ETC) (Its Like Its My Own Version Of KSC Extended Lol.)
  17. INTRODUCING KERBAL CITY Mayor: Miguelsgamingch Builders: Miguelsgamingch Including The Following Kerbals: Bob Kerman, Carney Kerman And Barbara Kerman Building Kerbal City With Kerbal Konstructs And Omega's Stockalike Structures (Did not Use KSP Extended Lol) More Buildings Soon.
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