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Everything posted by MashAndBangers

  1. Just warn people about 1.10.x I'm sticking with my 1.9.1 install. actually, there's a question: If you make the fairings compatible with 1.10.x, would they be backwards compatible with 1.9.1 and so on? Hmm.. Though I don't know what needs to change for 1.10.x
  2. TXAA would have been the best choice, however you get flickering with Kerbin's ground texture, and this is a bug Squad will have to fix (and probably never will!). But I'm not sure about the other choices. I tend to stick with the games AA.
  3. 1.10.1 is out aaaaand the truss still stops the game loading. 1.10.2 here we come.
  4. Which bug would stop the game from loading on certain mod parts? (Habtech 2 Solar Truss for example).
  5. Time for screenshots: Abort systems work. Comrades can into space. Notes: Block G needs more fuel, probably on the list. The N1 stages need less fuel with the current engine configs. 1st stage engines: Hello darkness my old friiiend! 2nd stage engines: CRAAAAAAWLING IIIIIIN MY SKIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!! Squad: Lower volume with more engines? Never!
  6. Tantares now has NK-33, comrades! Build Early Antares rocket:
  7. already figured it out. Benjee isn't using .dds for his textures in Habtech 2, and I guess squad changed something in 1.9 that handles AA for textures and normals so that it only works for .dds textures. Benjee said he'll update the textures in a later update, so gotta wait till next year. ha ha ha not sure if joke.
  8. "We fixed the fix that fixed the fix when fixing the fix that fixed that other fix that fixed the bug that's actually a feature." ~developers "please revert to the latest update by updating the revision that reverts the update to the revision"
  9. 1. CKAN Issues belong in the CKAN thread. 2. Well has stated he would prefer this mod stay off of CKAN because 3. CKAN tends to introduce bugs that manual installation would avoid.
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