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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Congrats on your first mod! Welcome to the modding community! Looking at your mod and the files, I have noticed several things that are quite off.. so.. here are some tips I can provide! The issues and then the ways to solve them 1. there no normal maps for any of them Bodies in KSP require normal maps to be properly pathed and in the mod itself, the normal kittopia generates gets desposited in kittopiatech>plugindata>(planets name) Kittopia is a VERY useful tool for planet making and getting started on your first planets. The color of the terrain should match the scaledspace (Scaledspace is what is seen in space, PQS is the terrain) There is also a missing heightmap for one of the bodies. Also, Niermun does not have its green color in scaledspace, probably an error with setting texture . I did look in the config file, and you did specify a normal map for all of your bodies, the heightmap.. as well as the texture. Heightmap and Normalmap textures are supposed to be in different .dds formats. Heightmap should be no compression, L8 format. Texture should be DXT1 (DXT5 if there is transparency for stuff like oceans), and Normals should be DXT5nm 2. textures have polar stretching and seams. The textures while I couldnt open them in GIMP to see how they are like, they appear to be squares, which do not match on the seam, and have no polar distortions. (I use GIMP to do textures) What I do to solve polar distortions is go to filters>distorts>polar coordinates. This will set the texture around the top edge or bottom edge, which are the poles, depending on if you do map from top or not. do the same distortion BUT unselect "to polar" to go back to normal. The seam is fixed by using Layer>Transform>Offset, and then click offset by width. Heal brush is typically used for fixing seams and such. 3. ring texture is.. its ok, but the moons have square texture shapes For better ring textures, try to make them a bit more... transparent if you want some realism. There is nobody commanding you on what to do with rings, I think some wild rings are good from time to time! The shape of the files do not have to be perfect squares. Ring textures could be 10000 textures wide and just 1 texture tall and it would be fine! Also for the ring tiling, for some reason, I have found that it only takes the leftmost 500 pixels, where the left border is the inner edge and the right edge of that section in the texture is the outer edge. Planet textures are best in 2x1 shape, where its twice as wide as it is tall. 4. heightcolormap set to same colors for every single class This will cause no color variation in the terrain depending on height. I usually use this feature to color my planets (In fact, almost ALL of my bodies in my Estrela Dobre mod used it, some are getting custom textures based off of the output from heightcolormap) 5. all bodies in one config file I have never seen this done before. I am mildly impressed that you managed to do it without breaking the game. However, this format is only probably ok with a pack with like.. two or three bodies, but this is an ineffecient way of doing things. To make it easier to troubleshoot and declutter the config file itself (like.. the contents), you would want to get into the habit of making each body its own separate config. This does cause a large amount of config files with large planet packs, but you can quickly get to a planet if something breaks like a missing bracket causing the mod to not load and it not specifying where it broke. If you dont know whether the thing you are about to do will break the mod or not, always take it one step at a time, otherwise doing multiple things may cause confusion and make the body just not work anymore (This happened to Correlae in my mod, I just used another moon's config to fix the issue). 6. no folders in the mod file? For small packs like yours, it is fine to have all of the bodies in the same files, but if you want to make more and bigger packs, I highly reccommend you to put each type of files in their own folders (like normal maps in the 'normals' folder, heightmaps in the 'heightmaps' folder, etc, etc). This will help especially with large planet packs that add in entire new systems of moons, planets, or even stars. 7. High gravity? I did notice that the moons have... unusually high gravity, especially the smallest ones.. Overall, This is an ok first try with planet modding! its good to be proud of your first planet! I was really happy when I made my first planet, even if it was just... a low quality blob lol.
  2. Granted, but the game is so buggy, that every craft in KSP2 is now permanently "Untitled Space Craft", and it spreads to KSP1 somehow I wish the default spacecraft name in KSP2 could be changed in the settings.
  3. So I was controlling a station around Dres, and got news that there is water in Vall, and couldnt be bothered to move the mobile station to Jool, so I went to map view, clicked on a craft around Jool, and clicked control. And the game lagged a lot.. but I was now switched to it! yay! HOWEVER I was still in control of the dres station, while the jool ship is practically on the other side of the kerbol system.. And I have set persistent debris to 0 once, and with all the debris cleared, my FPS everywhere dramatically increased... I am fairly certain that the game does NOT unload vessels at range like KSP2.. it is frustrating when you launch a small little flea on Kerbin and are getting horrible lag from a station around Jool still being loaded. KSP1 has a loading range of about 2.25km by default, and more ships added causes the game to just... take longer to load and take more ram. but in KSP2? The lag in the entire system is based on the number of PARTS in the entire system! This has led to my friend being unable to play a few days old save due to intense lag. In my opinion, this is one of the more serious of the bugs and glitches out of all of the ones I have seen...
  4. I think I switched from main menu but it did flicker into the KSC view before fully switching to the craft
  5. Maybe, maybe not? or perhaps you just jinxed it and it will take a dozen and a half years instead? nobody knows! Will there be a KSP-3
  6. I did a launch from the hardest planet in my mod! Solis! It is a chthonian planet that is 1800km in radius with 3.2g surface gravity and 7.8atm pressure. I did launch from a high peak, which due to the atmosphere being squished by the crushing gravity, is actually at 0.75atm. HOWEVER, there is still potentially insane gravity losses, so I had to have very high twr. I havent released the latest update of Estrela Dobre / Everoth (Everoth is the name of the cluster, which is the mods new name), so its just the one system with four planets and their moons. Solis orbits a different star.
  7. I smacked INTO the sun and brought the entire KSC along for the ride! idk if this counts as I didnt survive smashing into the sun at over 90km/s
  8. So yea.... I used an ion craft with a mk1 "explorer" pod connected to 7 xenon tanks and an ion engine along with infinite fuel and electricity. the reason I went with this setup is that thrust warp was that it kept stopping me due to low fuel when most of the stage delta V was used up.. still does it with inf fuel and electricity for some reason.. this setup allowed 50km/s increments.. I had throttle all the way and spam clicked the max timewarp button. A bunch of glitches occures before hitting the edge.. and they all happened looong before the 1/10th mark of the journey.. first was the altimeter failing and reading 0m, and then floating point errors caused the engine to not physically push the craft anymore so I had to drift for 132 years.. also the floating point errors were ONLY present at 1x timewarp in craft view while in Kerbol's SOI Yea literally nothing works now, everything has stopped working except for the game and maybe the velocity or something... its still running and didnt crash.. yea... the craft got warped, and the throttle, timewarp, SAS, movement, pretty much anything (including EVAing) just does not work beyond Kerbol's SOI.. I have a feeling that I wasnt supposed to do this before the interstellar updates lol... Has anybody else left Kerbol's SOI?
  9. So what happened along the way... First there was the warping issue with infinite fuel and warping under thrust.. I found that just spam clicking the last arrow made it go the fastest... And then at some point, the altimeter failed and read 0m. at this point if I zoomed out to where the sun's SOI went edge to edge, my ship was barely beyond any of the icons.. but in reality it was between 10-100x the distance of Eeloo.. probably closer or beyond the latter. I continued on for a while until suddenly, slightly further away where it was just... idk.. 1/20th the way out, the engine stopped working, I went to ship view and found it vibrating from what I could only assume was floating point errors... so I coasted the rest of the 130 years out to the edge.. when I crossed the edge (shown in the video), an immense amount of lag hit, the orbit line glitched out, and the floating point errors suddenly became SO BAD, that it warped my craft... oh and also Tim cant EVA despite it being at 1x timewarp.. I have a feeling that I wasnt supposed to do this, but it is pretty neat finally being free from Kerbol's SOI, despite having no way of moving (engine long stopped producing thrust). On the top left, it looks like my craft is entirely independant of anything and is just... floating in the world Oh and also, before exiting the SOI, the floating point errors were ONLY at 1x timewarp... now outside of Kerbol's SOI, it has spread to all warp rates Edit: NVM timewarp straight up doesnt work... Neither does throttle, SAS, manuvering, EVA, or... really anything a craft can do...
  10. I used infinite fuel and electricity on a craft with an ion engine.. It is a pod on top of the largest xenon tank with six more of those radially attatched and a single ion engine. Thrust warp kept stopping every 56km/s due to 'running out of fuel' despite infinite fuel being on... AND THEN I LEFT KERBOL'S SOI
  11. I decided to challenge myself to launch from my two newest planets which are hard in their own ways. Tumidam has 0.2g and is 16000km radius. But a side effect of this is its enormous atmosphere that goes 2540km up. Thr other is Solis, which is about the size of Jool’s core and is effectively a super Eve. 3.2g, 1800km, 7.8atm.
  12. Discovered how easy it is to just... add scatterer configs to my planets and did it for the Estrela Dobre system! I will not use it on other systems that arent at least nearly complete (like.. one or two missing vacuum bodies or something), and just... I will make sure it looks good with stock atmorim n stuff before applying scatterer. Also, apparently modulemanager spits out nyan cats when its national cat day in japan, which got me good thinking that my game was dying for almost an hour lol. Oh and I added scatterer config to Tumidam (already worked on it a lot) and.. yea its a puffy boi the effect extends about 2400km.. which will be around its final atmosphere height also, I dove to 50km above the surface and wow everything is merging into each other, Oh and I also made a short video of orbiting Hados and Ichor Ichor's atmosphere barely extends higher than its terrain by about 2km. the atmosphere is only 20km thick, so it is pooled into certain parts of the planet. I may make Anos a bit more titan-like, very foggy n stuff.
  13. Ok I have decided that for the sake of being able to complete the Everoth cluster, I will have the Mortuus and Anestrammo systems be in their own planet pack. It is easier for me to split stuff up. I realized that the way I was going about developing Everoth would result in it never being fully complete. I have not added either of the systems, so I will not need to split off any configs.
  14. slaps Schrodinger's box "well see about that!" How long will the series go for?
  15. ah ok.. I am running a system replacer so it may not work at all there... so I will just use drills and such to mine the asteroids
  16. yes but it scales really oddly due to it being such a small body.. had to reduce it so I could land slower than 10m/s as if I try doing so above that, the terrain collider doesnt load fast enough and I just phase right through
  17. I am back with more planets! here is Tumidam, the second planet in the Arcturus system! It is a puffy gas giant, nearly three times the size of Jool at 16000km in radius, but has just twice the mass. It is still actively cooling from the stellar merging event that effectivley roasted the system. The texture was generated by @NathlessOne using Gaseous Giganticus! (I just couldnt get GG to work) I made its moon, Vitrum. It orbits extremely close to Tumidam, about 6000km from its cloud tops, and its SOI nearly reaches the atmosphere! I did make use of custom colors n stuff so it was not entirely colored via heightColorMap Vitrum is a glass moon, its surface is mostly glass, with some jagged peaks and ranges here and there, it is slightly bigger than Kerbin. The planet is considered the prime destination for glass racing, which I imagine to occur very similarly to the pod racing in star wars.. except racing over glass instead of sand. Tumidam is well in the schorching zone, so while Vitrum is breathable, bring some strong sunscreen to explore the glassy plains surrounding the two oasis cities setup by the native species!. Fun fact about Vitrum, if it wasnt for the species moving this moon around 7000km outwards as Tumidam expanded from the intense heat of the event, it would have entered the giant's atmosphere and been destroyed. I then took a screenshot landed on the surface of Glacios' moon Pagos and got a really beautiful sunrise The surface of Pagos is using CTTP textures.. some of the planets in my mod is going to use CTTP and others entirely custom texture due to having very strange surfaces that wouldnt have any of the included CTTP textures Also, I currently am not running any visual mods.. though... would a skybox mod be considered a visual mod? I am not sure lol.. Oh and I shrunk Temporalis for the lols
  18. I am wondering, where do I find graviolium in space? It says deep space and such, but I am not sure of where as I am playing a system replacer. I tested the busard collectors in low homeworld orbit, near the planet in a solar orbit, near the binary stars, and in interstellar space and yet still none.
  19. that is what I was thinking.. they would optimize a ton after everything is added.. or a lot of stuff is added and they optimize each section of the games code or something...
  20. I will attempt to play on my laptop that has a GT 1660 ti... will need to backup data first just in case
  21. idk I thought a ryanair landing looked buttery smooth compared.. but... Lets just hope that there may be some optimizations in the future. I do plan on building my own pc in the future but... jeez the requirements
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