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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. I have two others, but they are for stock Kerbin with Kerbin Side Remastered https://spacedock.info/mod/2573/Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - flight contracts https://spacedock.info/mod/2685/Kerbin Side Remastered Gap Extras - additional landing strips and harbours I do have plans for future contract packs, just still on the drawing board though. any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
  2. Team getting some test flights in the Boeing 737-400 before they go into service. All stock from 4riqAerospace on KerbalX
  3. I like seeing the KSRGAP segments. I rarely get to see how other people use it. Thanks a lot for including it in your play through.
  4. Current Status Back to original flavour KSRGAP... (KSRGAP Classic?) Learned a few tricks writing the JNSQ version so some code improvements to flights will be in the works. Need to finish the river expeditions contract for KGO I've been toying with the idea of conducting some KK archaeology on KSR Airports and perhaps salvaging some of them. Early tests are encouraging. Also a second survey of runways is in order to correct heading discrepancies between the NAV tools. The new method is much better than the one I started with
  5. Overview Port of the Kerbin Side Remastered GAP Contract Pack for Flights to the JNSQ environment. Current version: v1.0.0 License: MIT Where to get it: Download from : https://github.com/caerfinon/JNSQ-KSRGAP/releases Available on Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2722/JNSQ-KSRGAP Coming to a CKAN near you. Install: place directory JNSQ-KSRGAP and all sub directories and files in your Gamedata/ContractPacks directory (Create if it does not already exist) Thanks and Acknowledgements: Lots of inspiration and ideas from the following creators inigma - Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP)- https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-161-milestones-air-flights-coast-guard/ Keniamin - Kerbin Side GAP - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133545-13x-kerbin-side-gap/ Required Mods Team Galileo - JNSQ - version 0.9.0 - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/184880-181-jnsq-090-03-feb-2020/ For full compatibility the file https://github.com/Galileo88/JNSQ/releases/download/0.9.0/JNSQ_KK_Fixes.zip must be installed as well. AlphaAsh,ozraven,Ger_space - Kerbal Konstructs - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151818-181-kerbal-konstructs-18115-15dec2019/ nightingale - Contract Configurator - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91625-1101-contract-configurator-v1305-2020-10-05/ Optional Mods (Patch support included) linuxgurugamer - Kramax Autopilot Continued - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150846-19x-kramax-autopilot-continued-course-guidance-and-auto-land-for-spaceplanes/ Ser - NavUtilities continued - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162967-140-181-navutilities-continued-ft-hsi-instrument-landing-system-v072-2018-apr-1/ Change Log
  6. "One day you'll look to see I've gone For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun Some day you'll know I was the one But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun" - Lennon–McCartney ( The Beatles) A little quality fly time...
  7. Moar Aircraft Flight Contracts! :rep:

    1. Stormpilot






  8. Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP New map with additional airport sites Navigation information gathered for sites S00A, Smusgrave, VTereshkova, and Y. Gagarin for changes due to JNSQ_KK_Fixes.zip update to JNSQ. Should be able to complete tests on the 4 new sites and have an updated beta release this weekend now. Available at: https://github.com/caerfinon/JNSQ-KSRGAP/releases/tag/v0.0.1-Beta
  9. Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP The Kerbal construct changes are not as bad as I thought. Most bases are unchanged and the current settings work. AirBase S00A has had runways realigned to north/south and east/west. Before the fix file they were off by about 8 degrees. So this one needs a redo. Smusgrave has been given a new runway Of the new sites only VTereshkova and YGagarin have runways So four bases to map out, but only three to integrate into the flight progression.
  10. Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP Issue tracker so far Issue 2 - Multi flight support - passenger flights with connecting flight to regional airports Issue 3- Cargo Retrieval Flights - flights for small medium and large cargo planes Issue 4- VIK Transport Charters - transport very important kerbals to their destination(s) Issue 5 - Adjust settings for JNSQ_KK_Fixes.zip This is the big one from a time point of view. I will need to install a copy of my dev instance, apply the changes from the JNSQ GitHub and resurvey the bases and make changes. So more flying ahead. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I completely understand there are a lot runways and the navigation tools can get a little "busy". You can modify things as you like, you can always restore form the releases if you need to replace some of the profiles you removed We are a full service airline
  11. Thanks for the information. I will apply the fixes and adjust for the changes.
  12. I installed JNSQ from CKAN on a KSP 1.8.1 instance and everything is working very well. I noticed however on GitHub there is a file JNSQ_KK_Fixes.zip as part of the 0.9.0 release that does not appear to have been installed by CKAN. Is this a required file and does it significantly alter the configuration of the bases from the JNSQ.0.9.0.zip contents? I'm writing some base to base flight contracts and need to make sure the runway data is precise for the navigation tools.
  13. There's this one // Add in-vessel transfer support to all parts that can hold science, unless // explicitly disabled by the part. This is the same ability that the stock // Experiment Storage Unit has; it doesn't really make sense for it to be // limited to just the that part. // Author: Wyzard @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]] { @MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer] { // Allow "Container: Collect All" and "Container: Transfer // Data" by default. &canTransferInVessel = True // Allow targeting by "Container: Transfer Data" on other // parts by default. &canBeTransferredToInVessel = True } } from:
  14. Kerbin Side Remastered works fine in ksp 1.11. It does not change the original KSC very much except to add some hangers and taxiways on the side of the runway, But it does add another 22 sites made up of airports and launch sites. The Kerbal Konstruct mod that does change KSC extensively is called KSC Extended. Both mods can work together side by side, but it is important to have the most current versions and of each mod, Kerbal Konstructs and all dependencies. CKAN is a good way to install everything you need.
  15. Kramax Autopilot Continued is what you were thinking of I think. Excellent mod for flying.
  16. Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP @Beetlecat @theonegalen @Coyote21 Well serendipity has granted me time I didn't expect I'd get, so I'm ahead of myself To that end there is a Beta available -> https://github.com/caerfinon/JNSQ-KSRGAP/releases/tag/v0.0.0-Beta and a wiki -> https://github.com/caerfinon/JNSQ-KSRGAP/wiki If you find bugs in the beta, please use open an issue -> https://github.com/caerfinon/JNSQ-KSRGAP/issues Any progress you make in the Beta will be maintained in all future releases.
  17. Jeb takes the KAA inspector on a certification flight for the new airline. Flying an old favourite from KerbalX the swjrjet-UltraPlus-Mk1 Testing out all the things over the Western Sea! This JNSQ place is kind of pretty...
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