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Everything posted by modus

  1. It's been so long 84 years since I clicked
  2. modus


    And it's gone now...what a wild ride for a mod I never used.
  3. Imho they should just get rid of those blue things. Really don't see the added value.
  4. modus


    Sorry can't help you I'm still trying to find a description of what it actually does...
  5. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/218752-docking-alignment-display-dad-v043-for-ksp2-020/
  6. modus


    Yeah ok, now this thread is linked as the mods website on spacedock. Let's hope I have only positive things to say about this mod I know nothing about.
  7. And so begins the age of planet modding, let us rejoice!
  8. Yes, the goal is to put kerbals in space, even to colonize space. And apparently you have to make some kind of progression, wherein you unlock more, better parts, learning how everything works. Isn't it more logical you have non-kerballed things to shoot into space first? What's the reward in unlocking a probe if there's no challenge (and for now, no real use) to launch them? And if the program already has experience with probes, you shouldn't have to unlock them But like you -and I- say, there's a mod for that, so everybody happy I guess.
  9. Yeah that's my face right now (4 am)
  10. Really annoying indeed.
  11. I know there's already a mod for it, but I'd still prefer a (stock) probes before crew tech tree. Even for new players, I believe creating a progressing space program requires unmanned flights first. It would also make progression (a little) slower imo.
  12. In the text editor there's an eye symbol, that's the spoilertag
  13. Thanks for explaining. Since your reply I've seen multiple people in multiple threads saying they don't understand the whole workspace thing so I'm glad it's not just me I mean, on paper I understand it, but when I'm actually in the vab, I'm all confused
  14. I see this mod on Spacedock: KSRe on SpaceDock There's not much information, not on Spacedock, not on Github. Can't find anything on the forums either. Does anyone has any info about this mod?
  15. Can you explain it again, please? For a friend cuz I totally get it
  16. Can you put your pictures in spoilers please?
  17. Well, there is I hope it will improve to have the ability to place waypoints.
  18. I'm not going anywhere before I established my polar sats!
  19. Apart from the legal stuff, some pictures would also be nice
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