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Everything posted by DerkyJerkyWreaksHavoc

  1. there should be an update for less laginess or increased number of parts allowed in the V.A.B before the games gets sluggish. i wonder if they will ever make that an update or part of it or if they will even include that in KSP2 where there will be monstrously sized spacecrafts.
  2. Rover don't wanna work? KICK ITS SAS! Then contact customer support and curse at them for an hour
  3. oh im making a new thread... that one's pretty old... but thanks for the Information
  4. Hello its me DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE! I stumbled on a question that has been bugging me recently. i've been wondering, What will other KSP fans do in KSP2 when KSP2 comes out? It kept bugging me like a Kraken until i had the wits and determination to make a topic about it. I am hoping y'all can shed some light on this and tell me what's the first thing you will do when KSP2 comes out... Feel free to talk about this topic in the thread as much as you want! at the end of the day, it's a discussion thread after all! Sincerely, DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE Future member of the Positive Forum Society...
  5. Actually i've seen the forums UI Change quite a lot @Vanamonde and the day when the Forum was getting one of those U.I updates, the forum crashed on me and i couldn't get in but im fine now... Nice work! must be tough to be a moderator...
  6. Here is a video of the KSP2 trailer that i edited. i call it "KSP2 Trailer Gone Wrong" or "KSP2 Dank trailer". Please note that this video is far from perfect and am still revising and editing it. it is in Version 1.1. Enjoy! https://photos.app.goo.gl/qro55BVuKMsRs5PD8
  7. I wonder what will be the first thing people will do in KSP2? I have an idea... i'll make a discussion thread out of it!
  8. it was in career mode. my craft was a command module with a paracute on top with 2 Mystery goo containment units symmetrical on the sides of the command pod with that little solid booster... what's it called... oh yeah.. the flea! anyways, those were some good ol' memories before i got decently good at the game. now i am pretty good.
  9. @RealKerbal3x When you are a console player for KSP, the struggle is REAL. all the cpu players get all the Goodies and all the console players can do is cry and weep until the update comes to them. Also i am a console player.
  10. Jebidiah : Aww.. don't worry high school will be a blast! (remembers he flunked high school)
  11. True. and that is one of the reason why KSP2 is including Colonization. without colonization, all you an do is plant a flag, take some samples, and enjoy the sights. there is no real reason to spark players to visit other planets. Actually now that i think about it, I believe that there will be larger ISRU machines, larger ore tanks, and NEW ISRU types for fuels such as metallic hydrogen but that is still not confirmed. I think that space race idea is a great idea. i also think it would be fun to bomb another players KSC because you need to explore more than they do. i can imagine what Danny 2462 has in mind... I wonder if there will be BLACK HOLES!!! check out this video i edited out of the KSP2 trailer. it will appear blank for the first 5 seconds and it will switch to the trailer and start! Enjoy! https://photos.app.goo.gl/3i88DasMFVVdpbKx6
  12. Behold my artwork that deserves to be a meme. you guys can go ahead and use my picture if ya wanna make a meme out of it. i grant full permission to anyone.
  13. [We need ~685 posts per day!] Let's Make This The Megathread! Why can't my topic have 207 pages? Btw: my only forum is WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FEATURE OF KSP2? Poll Discussion Thread Here is the Link:
  14. WOW! really?! [snip] about a game that its prequel got an 88 from Metacritic and a 9/10 from IGN with a 2011 release!? IMAGINE NOW in 2020 with the extremely improved graphics, new technology, advanced orbital mechanics, INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL, and SO MUCH MORE! [snip] Honestly, if [snip] developers (who work tirelessly day after day) and fans (who devoted 1000 years of loyalty to the game altogether), [snip]. I cant believe [snip] what our developers are pushing for in this pandemic. NO THIS IS NOT THE NORMAL. we are in a PANDEMIC! they are working as hard as they can. imagine working on a major game with a team of only what?... 15 PEOPLE?!?!? maybe more on other days! the hype train has its hype because people have GOOD SPIRITS[snip]. My honest opinion is that the hype train is going at a PERFECT SPEED and i hope it goes even faster to show how jam packed with energy and enthusiasm the community has. [snip] people with lives, dreams, hopes, and a great career! And just in case you DIDN'T KNOW, the person who owns private division is a game company that actually made a game with Rockstar and its called TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE! they made GTA V one of the most successful games of ALL TIME! so you know what i say? i say that KSP2 IS IN GREAT HANDS! I feel bad for all the KSP fans, moderators, and KSP and KSP2 teams that have to soak up all this negativity and extreme criticism... to the KSP2 and KSP developers and moderators, Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!
  15. @QvestionAnswerNeeded I actually believe that there will NOT be a KSP2 wiki but will share the same Wiki as the original Kerbal Space Program. First of all, the reason is because it makes things much simpler (its easier to manage one Wiki rather than two). Second of all, KSP looks like its on the road to becoming a franchise especially if KSP3 comes out. Third of all, there is nothing wrong with sharing one Wiki. Fourth of all, it will definetely be easier to obtain information of KSP2 if you just put the Information where the original KSP game is. sure the Wiki will need an massive update but still there can be 2 sections in the Wiki. Hope this answered your question.
  16. soxblox i put 20 on the size (Which is NOT large) and i put bold so that people can see it better. i even had one person compliment me for putting bold. am very sorry that your "eye balls" hurt. better see a Kerbologist to get those kerbal eyes checked up @SOXBLOX There are unfortunately some people on the forums who cant see very well so i give them an opportunity to see info through bold and i only put caps on a few words
  17. Yea people come on!!! be kind and spread the kindness! at the end of the day, you guys arguing ain't gonna make KSP2 come any faster. it just slows us all! here's a quote from elon musk: “There's a fundamental difference, if you look into the future, between a humanity that is a space-faring civilization, that's out there exploring the stars … compared with one where we are forever confined to Earth until some eventual extinction event.”
  18. thanks and sorry about the fact that i said balsa was made by squad. someone actually told me they made it and so it appeared i got the wrong information
  19. Man just think of all the things we could do with TORCHENGINES, METTALIC HYDROGEN NOZZLES, ANIT-MATTER ENGINES, And good ol' ORION Concept. i wonder what happens if you have an Orion engine ignite on the launch pad? will it destroy the pad entirely? will it summon the kraken? or will the game pretend nothing happened? only the developers know the answer to that question. I wonder which engine is more powerful? Torch Engines or Anti-Matter Engines? my honest opinion is Anti-Matter Engines are more powerful and probably gonna be the last engines to unlock in the game. Away from the propulsion sector, i wonder if we will get new science experiments (probably not since there are NO MICROTRANSACTIONS). i definitely want MORE AND NEW solar panels (that's for sure), especially if we get to build those monster spacecrafts we see in the KSP2 trailer. i also like those circular solar panels they have on the Mars InSight Lander; they look so cool. Oh and one last question. i've heard of this term being tossed around CONSTANTLY and its actually in Balsa Flight Simulator (Squad's new game). what are "procedural wings"?
  20. i think ksp is 100 times better than simple rockets 2 (just my opinion) but KSP2 is about to come out so you might wanna wait for that.
  21. Have you ever waited in anticipation about when KSP2 would be released? have you thought about what date KSP2 would be released if ANOTHER setback occured. Poor Ksp fans have no references to look for . OR DO THEY? that's where I COME IN (Jebidiah smiles). here is an estimated graph on what i would believe KSP2's release dates to be if or if not there is a delay. SO HERE... WE... GO!!! Delay Meter Estimated Release Date Possible Warnings or Caution Ahead of schedule Summer of 2021 None On schedule October 1st to December 20th or 25th Schedule may vary Slight delay Winter 2021 to January 2022 More waiting Moderate Delay Spring of 2022 introduces uncertainty Severe Delay Autumn of 2022 Introduces extreme risks and uprising costs to develop the game. Extreme Delay Winter of 2022 or spring of 2023 Game could be cancelled or ultimately shelved I hope that this sheds some light on many KSP fans uncertainty and gives them a place to start and what to expect. Sincerely, DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE "Eavesdropping into KSP2 developers conversations for all Kerbal-kind (OK JUST KIDDING!!! )
  22. Have you ever waited in anticipation about when KSP2 would be released? have you thought about what date KSP2 would be released if ANOTHER setback occured. Poor Ksp fans have no references to look for . OR DO THEY? that's where I COME IN (Jebidiah smiles). here is an estimated graph on what i would believe KSP2's release dates to be if or if not there is a delay. SO HERE... WE... GO!!! Delay Meter Estimated Release Date Possible Warnings or Caution Ahead of schedule Summer of 2021 None On schedule October 1st to December 20th or 25th Schedule may vary Slight delay Winter 2021 to January 2022 More waiting Moderate Delay Spring of 2022 introduces uncertainty Severe Delay Autumn of 2022 Introduces extreme risks and uprising costs to develop the game. Extreme Delay Winter of 2022 or spring of 2023 Game could be cancelled or ultimately shelved I hope that this sheds some light on many KSP fans uncertainty and gives them a place to start and what to expect. @Dat Kerbal Dude @Andrew 2000 @Lewie @mattinoz @KerballingSmasher @Lisias
  23. I really hope that in 2030 (A.K.A when i believe KSP3 will come out) they put a REALLY GOOD story mode. That would make KSP3 sell like nuts and (of course) maybe KSP3 could be in 4K since there are already 8K T.V (guess what, THEY'RE 8000 DOLLARS!!!) but not very affordable. by 2030, 4K will be the new normal and 1080 pixels will be like what 720 pixels is today. And if KSP2 DOES NOT PUT THIS FEATURE I AM ABOUT TO NAME THEN I BELIEVE THAT KSP3 SHOULD PUT. I think KSP3 should have a space race mode if KSP2 doesn't have it but it might get installed into KSP2 by updates. These are just my theoretical predictions on what KSP3 might have and although its not 100% (after all, there might not even be a KSP3) (lets not jinx it though) that KSP3 will have these features, it is pretty likely though as well as other features that i haven't named yet.
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