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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 2 minutes ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

    Each segment of the wing changed size and morphs except the leading edge including the structural base and tip of the wing and the main structural body of the wing. I've now included the video starting at the beginning of the clip in the OP 


    Well now I feel stupid, I totally missed him literally saying "....now you can change control surfaces...." LoL



  2. 4 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

    So now I am assuming that each individual part of these wings may serve a function as is the case in real aircraft. This make me wonder to what depths will we be able to design our wings?

    Interesting... I see it now...

    So my question of the second is, are they changing the control surfaces of the wing? Or is it only the size and location of flaps?


    I really need to go through these videos again and try to find planes created in KSP to watch for any flex, flap movements, and such during flight.

  3. 5 hours ago, Brofessional said:

    Two different models would be a mess in regards to sharing craft or learning the game.  Also one would likely end up neglected anyway as the community forms a consensus on which is better.

    If they can make the aero model more realistic without hurting performance too much that's great, but I don't expect anything drastically different than KSP1.

    Add my two cents to the "no two models" column.


    I do hope for more accurate representation and calculation of aerodynamics and shearing forces, but would like more accurate metal and materials strength and flexibility as well to balance it out.

  4. The way I saw it, while it may be doubtful KSP2 would be a full fledged MMO due to the need for company maintained servers and overhead, nothing would prevent private servers maintained by the players. Many games use the private server method for multiplayer and I am leaning towards that being the case with KSP2. I am definitely wondering what the player capacity would be. 8? 16? 64?


    Of course until devs are more forthcoming we won't know for sure how it will be. I am interested in your take  @PlutoISaPlanet definitely and await your theories. :grin:

  5. On 7/12/2021 at 8:12 PM, IvanSanchez said:

    What I mean to say is that hiding UI elements is a tool that may help focus the player and smooth the learning curve. I, for one, do not agree that having all the options available from the beginning provides a pleasant learning experience. That's good for a simulator, but KSP is a game, and I think KSP2 should have game mechanics.

    I understand your point, but unless I am misunderstanding what I have seen in the show and tells and have heard from the devs, they are aiming for KSP2 to be both. Easy and game-like so most people could understand, play and enjoy it without the gritty reality of instant gruesome death and needing to understand things like relativity, but real enough that it could be used in aeronatics and space sciences and give us Earth-bound folk a glimpse at what we will likely never see in life. See link for KSP as an example https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/gamers-tackle-virtual-asteroid-sampling-mission


    In that context, I would think at the least you would want all of the UI present on the screen, but grayed out/inactive if it is not there/present. This could also be done in tutorials so the UI layout will always be there and be familiar to noobs, but only the controls being taught are highlighted or active.

  6. Granted its Wikipedia but it's close enough...


    While it may be an interesting anamoly, I'm not sure how much of a difference gameplay wise it would be since one has not yet been discovered. I just don't really know if it would be worth devs time or not.


    Using guesswork, It appears that any carbon based liquid would be more viscous than standard water and not be easy to travel through, if at all. Visibility would be nil. I guess it could be interesting to visit as long as it didn't stick and solidify on the craft. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

    I know it's not that good.

    Why? Whats funny to me is Kerbin is 1/10th the size but Kerbal physics and parts wobbliness makes the equipment 1/1000th the strength!

    Just too true!

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