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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 7 hours ago, Delay said:

    I'm back in a period of doubting myself regarding anything. My ability to make/play music, write code or perform basic math, just to name a few.
    It's a combination of being aware of how ignorant I (genuinely) am, coupled with the awareness that I have no one to talk to who could help me. I don't have anyone who could criticize my code, no one to give me feedback on music, etc.

    I don't know what to do. All I can do is wait it out. But even then, even if my awareness of it has slipped away, I'm still on my own. I'm still helpless. Forgetting that a problem exists is not the same as a solution.



    My creativeness stems from my love of music. Music is pure emotion. Music is the infinity sign. Music is self-expression in its purest form - it's how I express my anger, my self-doubt, my love. I think my music is very vulnerable and very expressive, very transparent.



    Do you have a way to record to youtube? I will listen. Do you have a place to upload the code? I will check it out.


    Self doubt can force you forward to a break through or a masterpiece. It can also drag you back to a break down or a catastrophe. I can't promise miracles, cures, or even immediate responses... But I can promise honesty.

  2. I have had less than 2 minutes and more than 2 years to think about it, and their cell walls are definitely not solid like a plant. Their extremities would not move like they do when they walk if their cell walls were plants. The act of locomotion that they exibit are not only very animalistic, meaning the result of underlying muscle and sinew instead of the slow process of cell wall elongation, but takes a tremendous amount of calories with a complex central nervous system. Photosynthesis and Osmosis alone could not produce the amount of energy needed to sustain this activity. The surface area of their external covering, which is in fact a scaleless eperdermal layer that is very thick, is not near large enough to sustain such plant necessities further, they would need an extremely dense and complex root system to even begin to get the energy required.


    ... I got a thesis going on, just hard for my old fingers on a mobile phone to do quickly plus it's late ... but fear not fellow kerbanauts! More details shall follow soon enough!

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I know it is a long held belief that kerbals have evolved from plants, but I say this is an outright falsehood!

    *Slams imaginary desktop*

    Kerbals are a direct descendants of dinosaurs. They evolved from the raptor family of dinosaurs, have near hollow bones with a high healing rate, no feathers, and are warm blooded. The green is to help blend in with the greenery of the planet. Their teeth evolved flat because instead of meat eaters, they are plant eaters.


    More to come....

  4. 3 hours ago, MKI said:

    For the uninitiated alien.... maybe "nerve centers" for the "cells" that follows an orderly pattern that follow largely geometric layouts in and out of these "nerve centers".

    Maybe they are like Zerg and there are no cities per se, just vast collections of central hives and colonies made purely from animal cells that actually lives, eats, and breathes?

  5. 14 minutes ago, K^2 said:

    There are some theoretical multi-body structures that are gravitationally stable, but they are all too precise to occur naturally. (See N-Body Choreography). So a rogue planet is bound to remain a true rogue unless captured, potentially passing through star systems, but no more than once.

    Reading through some papers linked to that got me thinking but those thoughts are beyond the scope of this thread. Thanks for the good start!;p


    16 minutes ago, K^2 said:

    For the purpose of a game like KSP2, I would be happy with a rogue planet just having a fixed position - same with stars. You can have considerable relative velocities between stars, but in a game, that introduces a lot of technical questions that just aren't worth addressing, IMO.

    True. I can get behind this and use the KISS rule.

  6. 12 hours ago, Teilnehmer said:

    It's the other way around. The higher the center of mass is, the longer is the lever fin forces are applied to, the smaller the fins can be.

    True, it was a bit late at night here at the time and I was tired but enough for excuses:joy:

    I may have been thinking of center of pressure,


  7. 2 hours ago, MechBFP said:

    I think their legal department needs to take a step back and see for the forest for the trees.

    I look at it as the "Caution Hot Coffee Burns" warning label.


    And when done a certain way a digital signature is legally binding, but since that isn't the case here, I understand exactly what you mean.


    For me, at the end of the day, I believe I am fully aware of all implications and use of any data/feedback coming from me, afterall I did skim the EULA, and since this is one of the few forums I trust, as well as a game I fully support, it doesn't bother me. If they get a great idea from me and make 1 million off of it, great, it's not like I would be able to do the same anyway and it benefits me gamewise. If I didn't trust the forums or the company behind it I never would have done the feedback in the first place.

  8. 5 hours ago, K^2 said:

    Unless a rogue planet happened to pass through Kerbol system at some point in the past, I have no other explanation.

    Thank you, I always love your insight and accuracy. Your rogue planet idea throws questions to my mind, and actually is thread related. 


    Could a rogue planet explain Dres' orbit? Are there rogue planets that can be encountered during interstellar travel? If so, will any of these planets have travel orbits/lines like the stars, independent around a central mass, or could they potentially be caught in a large orbit around two or more stars?


    That could be interesting, ride a rogue planet to the next star system.

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