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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 34 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

    Two enter. Only one can win. Fight!

    (Don't actually fight :D )

    :joy: Out of likes again, you guys are just gonna have to quit doing so many things I like, thats all there is to it.

    Anyway to get that added to the T&C of the forums?

  2. 1 hour ago, Master39 said:

    99% of people don't write reviews

    I wouldn't be surprised if this weren't too far exaggerated.


    Yeah the only things I use reviews for is to see patterns in what was said for areas of possible issues. If I see 10+ stating that the UI is unusable, I realize that while I may not find it that way, it's something I should pay attention to and test thoroughly for myself.

  3. 53 minutes ago, pandaman said:

    That absolutely doesn't prevent you from saying 'this cool feature was suggested by Pandaman' or even paying me, or sending me a free plushy or something for it if you want to *hint :D*...  but it does make it clear to me that I have no automatic right to recognition or compensation when I suggest things or request certain features.

    Don't forget Dientus! If one of his lame cool ideas got used, a free Jeb plushie would be most welcomed! :grin:

  4. 2 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    So no, PLA is really not suitable for any temperature you couldn’t tolerate yourself.  

    So my question now is, PLA, ABS, TPU, PETG, (and did I see that correctly? Carbon fiber? As in REAL carbon fiber?) all appear to be available to use. What would be sturdy enough and not become pliable in 70-80c environment? 


    Initial reaction is carbon fiber btw but something seems fishy to me about using a standard 3d printer for that....


  5. 5 hours ago, Mahnarch said:

    Like, when the Flash is running really fast and everyone else looks like they're standing still - we see them moving in regular speed but, in reality, it takes them an hour to pull a lever!

    Not saying its impossible mind you, just thinking about the useage of rocket fuel vs escape velocity given the known gravity on Kerbin, physics and speed of flying in atmosphere, and the clock on the screen that follows conventional time format of minutes and seconds as well. Given the evidence that the game gives us, it appears to be consistent with our time frames and what we see on screen happens as it would in life as if we were there.


    To elaborate... Time may flow it different rates throughout the universe, hence why I won't dismiss it out of hand, but the rate that all time flows is relative and is influenced by speed and gravity. The game gives us those numbers (speed and gravity) in our standard formats so when we watch Jeb walk across the tarmac it's happening the same as if you or I walked across the tarmac in a space suit.


  6. 2 minutes ago, cubinator said:

    Why is the wind speed such a problem? You can just ride it on your floating city and then the day/night cycle becomes 4 days long instead of 200+. Already the air is habitable enough in a balloon full of breathable air, as long as adequate acid protection is present.

    I  guess it would depend entirely on HOW you were floating, relative speed and all.

    If there were a way to make glass balloons strong enough we may have a winner, how do you think floating/flying should be accomplished to combat the obvious? That is, excluding tech that is too sci fi, such as anti-gravity.

  7. Interesting note, about 56 km (35 miles) from the surface, the atmosphere is the most Earth like in the solar system. With the heavier gases sinking, and O and H rising (not breathable still mind you) 

    If it wasn't for those high winds, floating cities may be another future viable option. Shame the wind speeds at the surface are low, and the winds higher up are unbelievable instead of the other way around.

  8. I remember a lot of viewpoints on this subject in original KSP. Some for and some against. I am still of the mindset that weather would be interesting and challenging, but I feel several things should come with it.


    Toggleable - prefer degrees of effect. A range of 5 at the most. Maybe start default at low/no affects to craft and launches. How would you feel if you started KSP with no knowledge at all and lost 3 craft in a row due to what appeared to you to be random events? Rocketry is hard enough on its own for laymen no need to alienate everyone and make the game even more niche.


    Real Instruments - if the amount of ionized particles increase, a low pressure system is nearby, or the wind is too high for launch, I want the ability to be able to know this from instruments on the ground, in the air, and in space. If it's to simulate real weather, then let's do it and not randomized variables. (Consider accuracy and availability dependant on tech)


    KerbNet weather maps - since we will likely still have a form of KerbNet, add the ability to track these systems at work and make viable future predictions.  (Consider accuracy and availability dependant on tech)


    This old KSP thread may have good ideas to build off of.


  9. The largest adult reptile ever found was a saltwater crocodile that was about 6.4 meters long (21 feet) and weighed 1075 kilos (2370 lbs)


    Conversely the smallest adult reptile ever found was a chameleon 28.9 millimeters long (1 and 7/50th inch)

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