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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. It depends on the size of the rocket, the size of the fins, where its center of mass is, rockets trajectory, and the speed of the rocket. I am sure that there is a formula for it somewhere but I can't find it (I know, some help I am  ) all of this changes in flight.


    If the rocket design limits fin size, then place more. If the center of mass is further up, make them larger. If you go faster, you could use less fins if you change trajectory less. The whole purpose of fins is to keep the back of the rocket pointed TO the back to provide thrust in atmospheric conditions and prevent loss of thrust by eliminating the wobbles which makes the rocket easier to fly and more steady during ascent.


    I think? :joy:

  2. 5 minutes ago, Spacescifi said:

    Obviously trying to dig to Venus core, insert thousands of tons of molten iron and  spin it is probably one if the hardest ways to do it. So let's try... anything else.

    Actually, NASA has a pretty sound way to do that now using plasma physics by building a structure that can generate a dipole field. They plan on using it for Mars. So it's not impossible, just adds to the overall complexity and cost of terraforming.


  3. 2 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

    Venus is probably a better place to terraform. Almost big as earth, gravity about the same, megnetosphere. 

    Well, it doesn't actually have a magnetosphere. The atmosphere does however create a type of induced magnetic field that partially protects the planet, but for us to live out in the open there, we have to remove a LOT of what creates that limited protection. If we do that, the absence of a magnetosphere will be painfully evident.


  4. 1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

    and beamed energy propulsion maybe in an expansion down the road.

    I play a mod in KSP that uses beamed energy, very intriguing to say the least. Sometimes it's very cool and wonderful, sometimes very clunky and troublesome. 


    1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

    I think its been confirmed that they aren't doing it. I was just saying at less than 15% the speed of light it seems okay to handwave it away. 

    I agree, especially for gameplay... but to play devils advocate, what if they use the helical engine that can hypothetically travel 99% the speed of light?


    1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

    And supposedly there's a trans neptunian object analog besides eeloo maybe? 

    I keep wanting to use the gravitational and mass formulae to explain Eeloo s orbit but just never crunched the numbers. I bet @K^2

    May have a better understanding of that.


    Sorry edit mobile bug struck again

    It would be useful to verify the theory and hypothesize the mass of the object.

  5. 6 minutes ago, MKI said:

    I think the game will sidestep this problem all together, where a Kerbal in their own reference frame would be the same to all observers, in regards to gameplay mechanics. They don't go hungry/go-crazy or get lonely so a Kerbal flying to another star system at a percentage of light speed would act the same as one stationary on the ground. Maybe this is some Kerbal physics general relativity law?

    Thats my assumption since time dilation doesn't exist in the original.


    It could make for an interesting mod if someone can figure out a way to implement it, but I have no clue how that could be done atm.

  6. I agree with @cubinator  actually...


    One thing that comes to mind is the ability to see, read, interact with and change the human mind, including the personality matrix. It would solve several problems at once if you think about it. Reverse engineering the sheer computing power and storage required would catapult us vastly in many other areas. Then there is the direct benefit of changing personalities and getting rid of self destructive behavior. Failing that, the resulting computer AI would surpass SkyNet and solve our problems for us.

  7. On 7/5/2021 at 4:30 PM, Deddly said:

    I actually have no idea if they accept bug reports from regular users. Why not drop them an email and ask? 

    Done, I used my gaming email so checking it is spotty :blush2:BUT finally got a reply from them and it is as we figured... I don't know where to forward the response so if you guys would like the actual email, message me a valid email addy to forward to, otherwise...



    Invision Community

    Jul 5, 2021, 6:02 PM (2 days ago)
    to me

    We do not recognize the email address you used to contact us.
    Please use the email address associated with your client area account for help. If you are having trouble contacting us using the email address associated with your account, feel free to reply and let us know.


    Invision Community

    [email protected]


  8. Well, I will give the idea of terraforming Venus one thing, the attempt in and of itself will be a great learning tool for future, more viable worlds.


    Afterall you can never learn from your mistakes if you don't first try something and see it fail and the 'why's' that caused it to fail. We may discover some new offshoot that is beneficial in the process. Wouldn't be the first time. ;p

  9. I personally don't see any real benefit from terraforming Venus. The cost and time to terraform just don't match any rewards gained. All the materials on Venus are located in far easier to reach places in the solar system so resource gathering wouldn't be a reason. This seems like a "just because we can" situation. At best Venus would be a tourist and curiosity stop, like the worlds largest ball of twine in Kansas.


    The terraforming itself seems sketch to me as well. One thing to remember is that it was once believed that we could put plants on Venus and they would do it for us, then came the bacteria idea. The more we learn about planets in general and Venus in particular, seems to make our previous ideas defunct. I think we do not know enough and our technology is not near advanced enough to effectively terraform any planet to be honest.


    Guess we could always try?

  10. 3 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

    Might be a good thing to have it all (all agencies) out in the open for review by the world's people? Freedom For Information.


    I love your optimistic outlook. I just have a sneaking suspicion that isn't the way it will be.


  11. 6 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

    Will other stars have meaningful relative motion that we'll need to account for?

    This. I have been wondering this a lot. Afterall, we do not aim craft straight at alpha Centauri anymore than we do the moon. All stars are traveling at various speeds around the galactic core which is, itself moving.


    And the oort cloud, will it be there in some fashion? It's obviously out there on the edges of Kerbol (and pretty much all stars) due to how star systems form and is hinted at by the roaming comets and asteroids in the system.


    Also, will cosmic radiation play a role? If so, how realistic will it be portrayed? What about interstellar medium? Will there be just dust? Or will it realistically attempt to have hydrogen and helium? Will any of it be harvestable?


    Tons of questions I wonder about so you are not alone.

  12. Hey there Uncle  @Just Jim !


    Running an information errand for my wife, I was just on *deleted just in case forum rules* forums a week or so back and the level of... i mean... well no other way to describe it... HATE that is there is unbelievable! 


    It's been a while since I had been on those forums and they were extremely toxic back then. The sad part is while my wife was in *deleted MMORPG* at the time, the pure unadulterated rudeness and meaness that comes across in the channel is also terrible, people are literally wishing others to die.


    I just want the mods to know they are appreciated, with this atmosphere, when KSP2 multiplayer drops, it will be ONE multiplayer that I can not WAIT to join you good folks here with! It is very nice to see ambiguous writing and not immediately feel the need to defend yourself. This is truly the model to beat.

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