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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. I feel on fence about it, on the one hand, it could help in areas like colony maintenance and resource gathering, on the other hand I don't want the game playing itself.


    Just wondering if you could elaborate on the 'feel less dead' part? Simple animations in windows could suffice for that, couldn't it? Or are you thinking more like Sims? Which to be honest, doesn't particularly appeal to me


  2. 52 minutes ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

    What's the point of this sub-forum then? Also, the devs were the ones who made this sub-forum. Not to mention, some of the things I posted require very minimal effort. For example, VR compatibility is built into Unity and would not only offer greater control to the player in the VAB but should even be easier to code in than mouse/keyboard.

    Finally, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


    To add, as  @Dr. Kerbal mentioned, I have dug through the forums extensively learning things in the game over the years, and that was one of the things that made me decide to finally get an account here. The devs (or maybe the team leaders?) Have definitely used this forum as a suggestion platform. There are quite a few things that have been added to the game that was first requested on these very forums.


    Of course I know that it depends on the developers end vision, production company willingness to expend resources, and the amount of people requesting a particular addition (and various unknowables) for change before it would even make it into the game. But to me it seems obvious it has occurred multiple times in KSP, so why wouldn't the same be true of KSP2? 


    After all if you make it, they will come. And so will the money they bring. :grin:

  3. Granted. But when the exception to deceptables became a deception to exceptables, the deceptables got stopped by the exception that they can no longer decieve. Thus the wish got decievably excepted and cancelled out. And you got a headache following that.


    I wish for a simple bologna sandwich.



    * Ninjad!!! LoL


    Granted, but now your motherboard is fried.

  4. 1 hour ago, SOXBLOX said:

    I read the article @Dientus linked, and oh boy, are there some pretty pictures there. There was only that little bit on LS, though, saying that KSP2 will not be a resource management game. So I think there will be a life-support mechanic, it just won't kill your Kerbals to not have it, or not have more than the baseline.

    If this is how it comes to pass I myself wouldn't mind it so much. In my mind it's just detailed management on more than a few colonies would be such a tedious grind and they made it clear that's not what they're shooting for.


    The one good thing about KSP2 is it being built to be easily modded means everybody can have it their own way eventually with a mod.

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