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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 5 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

    The point in making experiments take time isn't so much to force the player to wait as much as it is to get the player to place a craft and make it capable of holding a specific type of condition.

    This and let's face it, realism..

    6 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

      As for the waiting, that is an inevitable byproduct of this, there is time warping or moving onto another project while the first gathers data.



  2. Although I may prioritize differently, I mostly agree with your list overall. And while I believe life support could add to the game, it has been confirmed that it will not be implemented.



    Simpson noted that, while you can colonise other planets, you won't have to worry about feeding your Kerbals and keeping them alive once you get there. Life support isn't going to be a concern.




  3. 41 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    For humans.

    But as other species can digest it, it just should be fermented before cooking.

    A large vat for chitin fermentation, full of wings, antennas, and legs floating is spicy solution.

    You got this all planned out don't you? :grin:


    I am still set on chocolate and peanut butter myself, or maybe fruit rollups as a main course?

  4. Quote

    After you've successfully landed on a planet you'll have to find and collect resources to build vehicle parts and expand your colony. However, this doesn't mean Kerbal is pivoting to become a resource management game. Once you've picked up a resource, brought it to your colony, and built some transport infrastructure, an automated delivery system will continue to deliver it. For Simpson it’s a "happy medium" between giving players new challenges to overcome and letting them get back to the business of spaceflight.

    Simpson noted that, while you can colonise other planets, you won't have to worry about feeding your Kerbals and keeping them alive once you get there. Life support isn't going to be a concern.

    This helps ease my mind that the colonies at least, will not become a micro managing nightmare. Yes! 100's of colonies, I can see it now!


  5. Just now, ColdJ said:

    KSP 1.12.0 has removed some parts for the RCS and replaced them with new variable designs. This means that I either have to make it not so lite and include the original Squad parts as part of the next update or change the parts used to the new parts, which would break backwards compatability. So I guess not so lite on the next update.

    On the plus side with no further updates other than bug squashes it should be easy to maintain at this point, wouldn't you think?

  6.  :joy:

    I can't speak for others but for myself I pronounce it JAY-PEGG.


    And it is an acronym. The P stands for 'photographic'... Joint Photographic Experts Group

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