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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. On 7/1/2021 at 7:07 PM, panzer1b said:

    My only annoyance here is the fact that there is no fireworks "resource" making it impossible to reload the weapons,

    I am curious, have you tried EVA replacement via Engineers? Have you tried using clamp-o-tron docking ports? (Even possibly tweakscaled if you use mods)


    I have been meaning to see if these ways could work to reload. I have not had a chance to check this yet. If it does work (either way) an ammo ship design would be nice addition for the fleet. 

  2. 4 hours ago, ColdJ said:


    I wish that my hard drive died

     Hmm. Granted, but it died so violently that it blew apart taking with it the motherboard, graphics card, and dvd rom. Now when you shake your tower (laptop) it sounds like maracas (ole!)


    I wish for self replicating nanotech which can be programmed and controlled by me.


  3. 7 hours ago, Rogue Phoenix said:

    yes.  Ran some tests which I'll post soon.

    What does locking the motors do? I set up a KAL-1000 specifically to lock all the arm components (there are a lot of them). In the VAB, I locked everything, then ran the program (on a separate KAL-1000) to stow the arm, expecting nothing to happen. The arm stowed. Priority on both controllers was 3.

    Last I knew using KAL-1000 to lock motors was dodgey. If the part is sensed as moving the parts won't lock. I think that might still be the case but do not know since I lock individually in flight and just haven't tested in quite awhile.


    In my experience, locking and shutting off motors seem to make the part much less 'wobbly' and leaving them that way while switching to another vessel has so far avoided the kracken.


    As an example how I use robotic parts, I have a space station that has 4 very large solar panel arrays made up of g11 hinge, servo, structural pieces and rows of gigantor xl panels. When I dock certain large ships, they would destroy my sollar array so i unlock and turn on, fold the arrays up out of the way, relock and shutoff,  then dock. I have three similar space stations in orbit around Duna, Mun, and Kerbin. So far I have yet to ever experience a kracken attack with any.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Welcome!

    I hope this helps you out...


     and if you run into problems afterwards, maybe this thread could help with that


    I'm not near my desktop right now so I can't screenshot exact information for my KSP steam install. I do know it depends on the platform and how you installed the game as to which directory you will be targeting to place the files into.


    Good luck and happy rocketeering!

  5. 2 hours ago, federicoloren said:

    Hi everyone my name is Jason

    I play basketball in my spare time, I also play the guitar with friends and learn to play the ukulele too!

    have a nice day, everyone!

    Hey! Welcome aboard!


    I always wanted to learn guitar but never did :grin:

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