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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Most notable mods are Flight Plan, MapView Focus and Targeting, and K2D2 | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB I have a craft in LKO (~100km) that is supposed to be bound for Duna. I'm using a medium hydrogen tank, with 6 radially attached small hydrogen tanks, and each small tank is outfitted with 2 small hydrogen engines. According to the dV readout on the right side of the screen, this stage has 2329 m/s of dV remaining. I created a maneuver to go to Duna, which is to end with a Pe of ~90km (which is pretty standard, at least for my flights). According to the maneuver thing on the bottom of the screen, this maneuver should take 1121 m/s of dV, which should then leave me with over 1000 m/s of dV to circularize and maneuver so I can start the landing process. However, the burn takes up all of the available fuel in the stage (all 2329 m/s), and the maneuver isn't finished being executed. To complicate matters further, the burn timer shows that there is still 16 seconds remaining, with no indication of how much more fuel is needed to complete the burn. If the maneuver calculation was correct, and the craft really did have 2329 m/s of dV/fuel when I started the burn, the maneuver should be done accurately. Fuel consumption, maneuver burning, calculations...all wrong. The video I attached shows this all happening. Apologies in advance forthe length of the video (>1 minute, < 2minutes), but I do not use time warp while burning, and I wanted to show the entirety of what happens with this issue. Included Attachments: Ksp22024_02_02-07_59_18_01.mp4 TutankhamenI.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  2. @ArmchairGravy I'm going to probably agree with @MechBFP on this one and state that your TWR is probably less than 1 here. Which makes this a bug in that either the TWR isn't calculating properly (you are showing 1.65 in the VAB) OR that the engine isn't outputting thrust accurately.
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Micro-Engineer; MapView Focus and Targeting; Maneuver Node Controller; Flight Plan; K2D2 | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB Created a craft to try and get to Duna. Craft has a central stack of 2 X200-64 Methalox tanks sitting atop 2 Mainsail engines. Radially attached to this are 4 X200-64 Methalox tanks, all 4 of which are topped with an RS-AD 800, and powered by a pair of Mainsail engines. Fuel lines flow FROM radially attached tanks TO central stack. All engines (2 central, 8 radial) are in Stage 1, with the decouplers for the radial tanks in Stage 2. dV calculated on Stage 1 as 2558 m/s at 0 altitude in Kerbin atmosphere, but the dV calculated for Stage 2 is 0 even though there should be fuel/dV remaining in the central stack after separation of the radial tanks. This calculation stays the same in the VAB and on the launch pad. Images in the spoiler: Removed the fuel lines, separating the 8 radial engines and the 2 central engines into their own separate stages. dV recalculates as having 2562 m/s in Stage 1, with 1739 m/s in Stage 2. This is at 0 km altitude on Kerbin. Images in the spoiler: Included Attachments: TutankhamenI.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. Is the engine bell occluded by anything? Does this happen with any other engines? Pic of the craft?
  5. So, this morning I would have woken up inside NHL 2020. Considering I can't skate or shoot, I'd be pretty hosed if they put me on the lineup and made me take even a single shift.
  6. Granted. Your wish creates a wish paradox where no more wishes can be wished for, and this results in a nice cup of tea. Basically, you get a scalding cup of hot chocolate thrown in your face. I wish that last corruption didn't seem so random.
  7. [snip] I have. And I've stated every other thing I've done. I use the same descent profile I've always used: Coast to 10km, burning whatever fuel I have to take as much speed off as possible. At 10km, which generally but not always gets me a speed of ~200 m/s, I stage the chutes. Drogues and normal chutes at the same time. This has worked without issue in KSP1, and it worked without issue in KPS2 until 0.2 dropped.
  8. Sigh. Sorry, but this isn't my first rodeo. Yes, time warp is set to 1x. I've tried space bar, opening PAM, save/load, save/restart/load. NOTHING WORKS. Period. Chutes do not open for me, which makes the game unplayable. For me. And the fact that it broke with 0.2 and didn't get addressed in this release is disappointing; I dislike having a $50 piece of software i can't play.
  9. Time for you to slide down the Bannister rail.
  10. Well, the game is unplayable if parachutes don't open. Like, literally unplayable; you cannot land on Duna, or Laythe, or even back on Kerbin, if the chutes don't open. Guess this stays on my shelf for another couple of months whilst you sort out the chutes issue. Sigh. I was really looking forward to playing this again and getting on with the missions.
  11. Bugs are merely features that were, during initial publishing, unintended side-effects of the code we signed off on.
  12. Probably not until after 10 AM PT (because of where the studio is located), which would be sometime after 6 PM GMT.
  13. It's also an inability by T2/PD/IG to allow us to remap camera controls. If they don't want to change the scheme, that's all fine and dandy. But at least give us the option to map the controls to a scheme that we are comfortable with.
  14. This. Maybe it is just a product of the games I played growing up, but after having to craft V Jolt with only 3 empty vials and math instructions in Resident Evil, the single button "click me and you are done" just doesn't cut it.
  15. Except that it does affect gameplay (the camera controls in the VAB suck, as an example), and your flight can get ruined due to camera angle (flying in Eve's atmosphere, change to map, come back to an odd angle really zoomed out and you can't see your craft and boom before you can react to something happening).
  16. Aloha! Now it is time for @AlamoVampire!
  17. Nothing on chutes not deploying? That is...less than ideal.
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