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Everything posted by AmanitaVerna

  1. B9PS throws some critical errors when RR Parts is installed and CRP isn't (I'm currently trying Classic Stock instead). It says it can't find RR_CryoA or Ammonia. I tracked the RR_CryoA one back to RationalResourcesParts/Patches/Features_RRTanks.cfg, which doesn't check to make sure CRP is installed before adding CRP resources to the tank fuel switcher. I didn't track down the exact cause of the Ammonia issue, but removing RR Parts fixed it. I assume it's the same kind of thing in a different file, but there are a lot of references to Ammonia in RR, and I figure you probably already know what file that would be anyways, if that's what the issue is.
  2. CKAN doesn't seem to know that this requires CRP. I tried to install it with Classic Stock instead and CKAN let me, but then I got a bunch of errors when I actually started the game.
  3. Do you happen to have this mod installed? Because I'm pretty sure it either has a memory leak or eats way more RAM than it reasonably should, which might also cause problems with your OS.
  4. After the first time I launched a submarine with a Bon Voyage controller (on Kerbin), memory usage shot up to 80 - 95%, and even recovering the submarine and restarting KSP didn't fix it, but uninstalling BV did. (I have 32 GB of RAM and KSP was using a *lot* more memory than usual) I had to restart KSP a lot while it was installed because every time memory usage got up to 95% Windows would slow way down, presumably from it dumping the memory of active programs into virtual memory. I didn't notice exactly at what point the memory use first started increasing (after I designed the vehicle? After I launched it? After I used the autopilot?). In any case it continued even with no BV vehicles in the world.
  5. The big saucer is still tagged like it's incomplete or in beta or something, isn't it?
  6. Would it be difficult to turn warp dragging into a tractor beam projected by an emitter that you could lock onto specific targets?
  7. Kerbal Flying Saucers can do this, in theory. When you do a particular experiment near a crashed UFO and return the results to KSC, there's supposed to be a chance to discover a UFO technology if you don't have it, or some other technology if you do. I don't actually know if it works because the chance of success is so low, and because I'm using Kerbalism and it might interfere because of how it changes science and the experiment modules.
  8. First zip it up and see how much smaller it becomes, then upload it to some cloud service like OneDrive or Google drive and share it. Anyone who wants to look at it can download and extract it. If it's that big, in all likelihood it contains a lot of repeated exceptions and stuff, and will compress really well as a result.
  9. It would be easier to copy the mm patches in the mods that depend on CTT and modify them to depend on Skyhawk instead and put the various parts into whatever part of the tech tree you want them in.
  10. I'm also using Kerbalism and RR, and I was never able to figure out how to get GC to work, and ended up switching to EL.
  11. When I last tried OPT Spaceplane, all of the normal parts in the spaceplanes I was building had antimatter storage, for some reason (I hadn't unlocked any antimatter storage or use for it), and while I didn't load them with any antimatter, they still demanded huge amounts of power to contain the zero antimatter. Iirc bad things happened when it ran out of power, but it's been years and I didn't make any notes about it. I do remember a red message of doom when they ran out of power. Anyways, I'm wondering if you happen to have noticed and fixed anything like this in the new version. Or taken antimatter storage away from all of the normal parts and relegated it to antimatter-specific containers? (I was assuming this wasn't the fault of some other mod mainly because opt spaceplane parts are the only parts I've ever seen this with)
  12. There's an outstanding pull request from two years ago to fix a different cfg error, so I don't think Nertea is maintaining this anymore.
  13. It does it on my perfectly ordinary 1080p display also. The most common issue for me is when the part overheating gauge appears, it covers the waypoint text. Which, since I use SystemHeat, is often, because the radiators get hot. I love this mod, by the way. I use it to mark biomes to target for landing, and (with the icons and colors) to keep track of which ones I've sent science probes to, and which ones I've sent kerbals to, etc.
  14. It sounds like this would make it possible to produce LFO or methalox anywhere? I have no clue how to interpret the numbers to know if this would be a fast process or not but I assume the intention is for making fuel from rock to be slower than making it from directly mined resources that don't have to be sifted from rock first?
  15. After updating this mod from to 1.4.0, I started getting a bunch of B9PartSwitch errors on the mass driver parts from the Netherdyne mass driver mod, and I don't understand why. This is the only thing I've updated since the last time I ran KSP, nothing else has changed. I've zipped up my KSP.log, player.log, ModuleManager.log, MMPatch.log, and ModuleManager.ConfigCache into a .7z file with 7zip and uploaded it here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlnEemcsDL9Xlc1s6oqU77pOkbfMrg?e=h9WKvD The first B9PS error in the KSP.log starts with this and is on line 91244: [WRN 00:13:10.060] Warning on PartSubtype MissionControl_ASET on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='IVASwitch') on part massdriver1: Cannot match a module node without a name! [EXC 00:13:10.061] ArgumentException: Cannot match a module node without a name! B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.NodeMatchesModule (PartModule module, ConfigNode node) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0) B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindPrefabNode (PartModule module) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0) (I've never figured out how to use these mass driver parts, so I might just remove the mod they're in, but there's no guarantee this is the only thing that's broken with the new version of PCR) (Edit: I decided to roll back to PCR instead.)
  16. Nope, unfortunately, that won't help. The Kerbalism wiki says that additional antennas don't increase the bandwidth, it can only counteract losses due to distance (which shouldn't be a factor for the SENTINEL since you can only do the experiment near Kerbin): https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/PlayGuide-~-Signal
  17. The experiment says it needs 1.26 MB/s to transmit the data as quickly as it is generated, and in total it generates 289 TB of data over 25 years, so that is far too low unless you were planning to try to store the data and return it to Kerbin every time you run out of data storage. Personally, I waited until I had researched an antenna which could transmit at over 1 MB/s before launching any SENTINEL probes. Of course, that cost 1000 science, so I only researched the topic when I wanted the antennas to send probes further into the solar system, since there wouldn't be much point spending 1000 to eventually get 660 and for no other reason. It's not electricity with the SENTINEL telescope - The experiment only needs 1.91 EC/s.
  18. @space_otter what antenna do you have on it? It needs a *lot* of bandwidth.
  19. I will admit that when I first started using CKAN, I was surprised that Steam stopped counting how many hours I had in KSP. But, I also didn't care enough to launch through Steam instead. And it is convenient to be able to have multiple KSP installs in different locations. Some people definitely do care to know how many hours they've played, but presumably they can just launch it through Steam? Assuming that still works properly. I was going to say that it couldn't hurt to have a one-time popup to inform that hours wouldn't be tracked if launched through CKAN, but it occurs to me that it actually could hurt, since it could lead some people to conclude that they can't use CKAN at all if they want their hours tracked, which to my understanding is not the case.
  20. I ran into a sort of similar problem back before 2.0 (I haven't checked to see if it was fixed with 2.0, since I kind of forgot I was running a custom patch to fix it until I was reminded just now) with drills not showing the option to mine uraninite when both NearFutureElectrical (which adds uraninite mining to the two stock drills) and RationalResourcesKerbalism (which then deletes the modules and replaces them with B9 ones without including uraninite) were installed.
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