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Everything posted by Adiri

  1. Yes, support is planned for KNES
  2. No, It's made using the (as of now, March 19'th, 2022) latest BDB version on ckan I do plan on updating the configs though, so yes I wil update the stuff on the dev branch once it releases
  3. UPDATE 1.3 | The (Partial) BDB Support Update https://spacedock.info/mod/2992/SRB Waterfall Effects (SWE)#changelog ---------------------------------------------------- Fixed Issues with stock SRB's as well
  4. I probably won’t do escape towers or separation motors/retrorockets (maybe in the future)
  5. I’ve been working on them slowly, I have all of the Delta, Atlas and Saturn SRB’s done atm, I’m currently working on the srbs for titan then I’ll release a mostly complete version before finishing it completely
  6. I’ve used KVE before, I’m pretty sure it used outdated scatterer and eve configs for Venus which is why it doesn’t work, tbh im not sure tho
  7. Here's an example of one of the plumes for BDB, not sure when it will be done, probably a few more days!
  8. Yes, waterfall will overwrite the effects on all the liquid engines so you won’t see it’s effects unless you are using the SRBs anyways. The only thing realplume adds is the smoke and some extra plume to the SRBs
  9. I've got a question for you all, would you rather I leave separation motors untouched or should they have waterfall as well? (Asking because BDB has a lot of different solid powered engines)
  10. Its gonna take a day or two, maybe more. I haven't started yet due to burnout but I will soon
  11. 1.2 is out! Photon Corps, H2, and Gemstone LV have waterfall support for their SRB's https://spacedock.info/mod/2992/SRB Waterfall Effects (SWE)#info
  12. Restock is now DONE! Download it from spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2992/SRB Waterfall Effects (SWE) Photon Corps is up next!
  13. Hey, was just wondering about the license for this, I made a mod that uses realplume configs and I was just wondering if that’s fine or if I need to change anything
  14. Thanks! Hopefully soon it will have configs for other mods as well.
  15. Wow thanks! I’ll add those 2 mods to my list
  16. A set of Waterfall and RealPlume configs to improve Solid plumes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Mods: Stock Restock version of the original SRB's Photon Corp Bluedog Design Bureau Gemstone LV H-IIA reDIRECT KNES Tantares Chrayol Design Org CRE Benjee's Revamped Orion Better SRB's Support coming soon: KW Rocketry SpaceY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPENDENCIES (The mod will NOT work without these): Requires RealPlume, RealPlume Stock, Module Manager, Waterfall, Smokescreen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: Kochi (Original configs for Waterfall and RealPlume) Leopard (Module Manager Patches) Lemoncup (Custom PhotonCorp Configs) Katniss (New RealPlume configs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD Github Download ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License: CC-BY-NC-SA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Never heard of those engines lol, are they part of the stock game?
  18. Unfourtunate, those 2 engines look ugly compared to the rest
  19. @Nerteaare you ever going to revamp the Bobcat and cheetah engines? They desperately need a revamp
  20. Just a question related to the EVA footprints, would there be a way to add something similar for rover wheels? (Picture for example)
  21. Hey thanks for using my “mod” lol, if you wanted I have some 32k mars configs, for KSRSS, they aren’t perfect but I’m sure you could tweak them
  22. Wow! These look awesome, would you mind sending them to me? I'd love to try them
  23. Thanks a lot! New Configs Time! WIP RSS Config WIP Stock Configs (Based Off Kerbin Config) Version 2.4
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