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Everything posted by GamingHen

  1. Well I'm modelling in Blender. I have access to Photoshop and Substance 3D painter, but I would prefer if I don't have to use Substance. I think I understand how to get the colors correct, but how do I go about adding a Grunge Map or something similar? Do I just get random ones online and choose one that feels right, or is there some library of stock-alike textures somewhere?
  2. I'm in the process of making a mod that replaces the stock Fairing Base Plates with new ones that look closer to those from KSP2. The only thing that's really left to do is I need to figure out how to texture my custom models so that they resemble the stock parts. Problem is, I have no idea where to begin. I'm at a point where I'm willing to give of the texturing to someone else in the community if they would like to give it a go. With that being said, I would also love to do it myself, but like I said, I have no idea how to go about it. I made a temporary 2.5m model that represents what I want the final product to look like. I applied a temporary texture and imported it into the game. The config file has been set up in such a way that I can just copy, paste and adjust some values for the different sizes. If anyone has any tutorial or guide suggestions, please do let me know. And if anyone would like to give it a go themselves, just say so and we can get in contact.
  3. Whenever I have both Waterfall and Parallax installed, the engine light effect produced by Waterfall causes an insane stutter for a few seconds after launch. Apparently this is caused by an interaction between Waterfall and Parallax. If I don't have Parallax installed, the stutter disappears. Does anyone know of a solution for this issue?
  4. This might be a bit of a long shot, but hopefully someone can help me because I just can't seem to figure this issue out. With the current mod list I have, the engine light produced by Waterfall causes an insane stutter for a few seconds after launch. Someone on Reddit suggested that it's most likely an interaction between the engine lights and Parallax that causes this and they suggested that I disable the engine lights in waterfallsettings.cfg. That fixed the stutter, but obviously I want engine light because it just looks good. So I wanted to try and replace the engine light effects using Engine Lighting Relit. The problem is that whenever I have any sort of Waterfall config installed, Engine Lighting Relit just doesn't do anything. If I have Waterfall and all it's dependencies installed, just without any configs that actually change anything, Engine Lighting Relit still works. But the moment I install any sort of config, it stops working. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don't care whether it's a suggestion to get Engine Lighting Relit working or whether it's a solution to eliminate the stutter caused by Waterfall engine light.
  5. This might be a bit of a long shot, but hopefully someone can help me because I just can't seem to figure this issue out. With the current mod list I have, the engine light produced by Waterfall causes an insane stutter for a few seconds after launch. Someone on Reddit suggested that it's most likely an interaction between the engine lights and Parallax that causes this and they suggested that I disable the engine lights in waterfallsettings.cfg. That fixed the stutter, but obviously I want engine light because it just looks good. So I wanted to try and replace the engine light effects using Engine Lighting Relit. The problem is that whenever I have any sort of Waterfall config installed, Engine Lighting Relit just doesn't do anything. If I have Waterfall and all it's dependencies installed, just without any configs that actually change anything, Engine Lighting Relit still works. But the moment I install any sort of config, it stops working. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don't care whether it's a suggestion to get Engine Lighting Relit working or whether it's a solution to eliminate the stutter caused by Waterfall engine light.
  6. I literally just came here to ask a similar question. Waterfall already does exactly what this mod does so technically this mod is useless if you use Waterfall. But I had to disable the lighting effects produced by Waterfall because with the mod list I have, it causes an insane stutter for a few seconds after launch. So I was hoping to use this mod to replace those lighting effects, but for some reason I can't get them to work. So I'm not sure why you want to use this mod along with Waterfall, but if you're having the same problem I'm having, I will update you if I find a solution.
  7. I had to disable the light effects produced by Waterfall because for some reason it causes an insane stutter for a few seconds after launch. So I decided to try and replace the light effect using Engine Lighting Relit, but for some reason whenever I add a config file for Waterfall, Engine Lighting Relit just stops working. I tested it after I downloaded all the dependencies for this config and Engine Lighting Relit was still working. But the moment I add a config file, it just stops working. I'm not really educated on how these config files work, but what I'm thinking is that it somehow changes the properties of the engines in such a way that Engine Lighting Relit doesn't recognize it anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Even if it's a fix for the stutter caused by Waterfall
  8. Thanks, I'll check it out and see if I'm able to achieve something. But I'll give you a bit more info just in case you're able to tell me right away that it won't be possible. The mod in question is Sigma EditorView which adds options to toggle the lights and open/close the doors in both the VAB and SPH. I've found the textures for those custom buttons but they are .dds files. So I quickly went into GIMP to see if I'm able to even open these textures and I was in fact able to. But I mean, if it's not possible, I'll probably just completely delete those buttons seeing as I'll probably never use them. It's Sigma EditorView. If you're not familiar with the mod, it basically makes it so that the inside of the VAB and SPH actually reflect what it looks like outside. So basically you don't have a static view of the outside. But the mod also adds the option to toggle the lights inside the VAB/SPH as well as open/close the doors. And those are the custom icons that are added. Edit: Also, thanks for that mod suggestion. I never knew it existed, but the moment I checked the mod page, I knew I needed it
  9. Is it possible to make custom custom textures for the ToggleLights and ToggleDoors button
  10. I downloaded some mods that add new icons to the VAB, but obviously they're made in the stock style. Is it possible for me to make my own icons that fit with ZTheme so that I can replace those icons with custom icons? If it is, how would I go about that?
  11. I built a Mun rocket that has a first stage, a transfer stage and a lander. Whenever I used the transfer stage, it also drained fuel from the lander's fuel tanks. The stages were separated by a separator and the Fuel Crossfeed was disabled.
  12. Hi. So I just downloaded this mod and did a few launches. I did a launch of my Soyuz build and I think it worked but then I did a launch of my Saturn and SLS builds and neither of them had sound. If I understand correctly this mod isn't compatible with Waterfall as is and I need to change some things to get it to work properly. Will anyone be able to help me with this please?
  13. Yes it is with the capsule as the root part. I checked with 3 of my crafts that I'm having this problem with.
  14. I'm having a problem where whenever I use the Modular Launch Pads parts in a build, the DeltaV indicators on the staging tiles get messed up. So you know on the staging tiles there are little blue indicators that show you how much DeltaV you have left in that stage? Well whenever I use the Launch Pads parts, they always read 0 m.s on all the staging tiles. Even on ones that just have parachutes. But it isn't on all the builds. I still can't figure out which parts cause this. It used to only happen on my Saturn 1B builds but now it looks like it's happening to my Space Shuttle build aswell. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?
  15. I was hoping someone would be able to help me. I have some kind of problem but maybe it's easy to fix. I don't know if it's a specific part but currently I have an SLS rocket on the Saturn Launch Pad with all the Saturn infrastructure. For some reason it doesn't show any info in the Staging Panel. It just shows "0 m.s" on each stage panel and when I expand the panel it's just blank. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.
  16. The legs are part of the Kerbal Reusabilty Expansion mod so my guess is that you probably did something wrong while installing Tundra Exploration itself
  17. I have a question about the engines. When I switch engine modes on the Falcon 9 booster and I'm pretty sure on Super Heavy aswell, the DeltaV on the staging panel doesn't show anymore. I was wondering if this will be fixed in the future or not. I mean it's not like a game breaking problem and I can get on fine without it but it would be more convenient if I was able to see how much DeltaV I have left when landing.
  18. I don't know if it's just my game but the Dragon Heatshields don't act like the stock heatshields. They're basically just good for the ablator because they don't have a "lifting surface". This causes the Dragon Capsule to turn on its side on re-entry. Just wanted to know if it's just my file that's bugged or if it's everyone that's having this problem because I have a fix for this.
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