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Everything posted by Royalswissarmyknife

  1. I would much prefer Missions to be like Ksp-1's world first's feature but instead being things like "get into mun orbit". The game would probably be benefitted from having it always be active and never requiring a contract before it to be completed. It would save me a lot of pain from forgetting to accept them and also allow the player to have much more freedom. Oh well not like the Ksp-2 devs will even consider our feedback.
  2. No not tonight but come back on Wednesday and then maybe it will. Waiter there's Liquid methane in my soup!
  3. The first submission for the challenge happened more then a decade later.
  4. Its perfectly playable. Its not fun at all for me though.
  5. I BEAT MINECRAFT!!! I got suited up before I went to the Nether. Sadly I forgot to take pictures there but got 20 eyes of ender in total from there. My helmet also broke and almost got killed by Piglins Found the stronghold and the portal Then filled it up with eyes of ender and then jumped in. Shot the end crystals and the dragon a bit. Ran out of arrows and had to wait for it to perch. Then got the egg and jumped back into the portal.
  6. The games already playable. The question we should be asking is if it makes the game enjoyable.
  7. Planes should be unlocked at the beginning. Not everyone wants to fly planes and they dont provide much in the way of science or money that you can get with a rocket. but they should be unlocked at the same time as rockets like many unmanned tech tree mods do.
  8. The Discord Dev tracker isn't even big enough to show the full date of the update. Has to tomorrow though.
  9. On Pc so idk why its like that. The only reason they added comets was because of the ESA collab and the Rosetta mission. it would be a bit odd to send Rosetta to an asteroid. If they never had a collab with ESA then I think we would have never seen them (mainly because they had almost no reason to be added (asteroids already existed)). also Ksp-2 has been in development since 2017-2018 so its been a while since Intercept got around to adding science.
  10. Ran out of fuel and is being pushed back to the station to get some more.
  11. Science is most likely just going to be Ksp-1 science with different experiments. if they had an amazing or at least a somewhat better system they would have said SOMETHING other then showing off one of the new science parts.
  12. Ran out of likes pretend this purple heart is a like.
  13. Future me reporting in. I will still not be happy with Ksp-2 when it gets science. Unless they majorly change how science functions from ksp-1. Also the inactivity on the hype train really shows how people currently feel about the game.
  14. Another thing I would love to do is improve my already existing designs as much as possible when I get new technology
  15. I think they will have backwards compatibility with the Ps-7 just for the gamers without as much cash. (the Xbox's name is Xbox Ö)
  16. They expressed an opinion different from mine they must be a horrible human being!
  17. After 1.0 (that means in like 20-50 Years)
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