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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. YEAR 1 DAY 222 Kerbal Spaceflight Magazine: A view from Kerbmun Munseeker 7, launched aboard a MSCV Lifter (yes it is ssto lmao) With Kerbmun being the most suitable target for kerbal colonization, the MSP quickly construct a Kerbmun Lander. A whopping 3800 m/s ejection burn to take the craft out of Mesbin's gravity well Although this is not the first probe to visit Kerbmun, it is the first to attempt a landing. Deorbiting/ Orbital insertion With no atmospheric vehicles built ever since the Kerbals arrived on Mesbin, the technology on this lander is dodgy at best. Once the parachutes deploy, Munseeker 7 begins sending data back home. The results are not exactly what the MSP was hoping for. A 5% oxygen atmosphere which would be just slightly too low for a kerbal to comfortably breathe. Yet, Kerbmun has a similar atmosphere pressure to Kerbin. There seems to be no signs of life here. Maybe in the sea?
  2. Chapter 3: Grabbers and Dockers Year 1, Day 67 Almost a month had passed, and the KSC crew were finally ready to launch the prototype Ascender 1 Capsule. Furthermore, they had also been able to recruit some of the old kerbonauts from the old space program. Powered by 2 Swivels and 4 small SRBs on launch, the Ascender Launch Vehicle, dubbed the "Turbo-Yeeter" was easily the largest rocket to launch in the past decade, being nearly twice the height of the largest Kermarian ICBMs. This capsule will be launched unmanned without an abort system to conserve delta-vee. "Ignition of the Swivels was successful!" "Clamps away!" Due to the rising news of the new space program, a large crowd had gathered on a tour bus nearby. If anything went wrong, it wouldn't look too good for the space program. Everything was going well until fairing separation, where one of the clamshells struck the right solar panel of the Ascender Service Module. Luckily, the other solar panel should be sufficient for this mission. John watched the command screen in apprehension as the capsule began its orbital burn. If the engine failed or the capsule wasn't able to reach orbit, that meant having to drive across hundreds of kilometers of uninhabited terrain. until the screen lit up: "O R B I T C O N F I R M E D" Although the rest of the KSC krew were celebrating like mad, John simply thought to himself: " at least this thing reaches orbit." Next, a course was set for HORP. A few hours later, Ascender 1 arrived at HORP. Now it was time to reveal its secret weapon... A big pogo klaw stick! Upon coming into sight of the capsule's cameras, the HORP was revealed to have two intact solar arrays. It also seemed to have some sort of fuel storage module. Regardless, the Ascender capsule maneuvered into position thanks to Siggel Kerman, a shuttle pilot for the old space program. He soon determined where to latch on to... And the capsule found its mark! Now with a communications system and a compatible docking port, the station should be ready for crewed missions! The capsule successfully landed in the mountains where a recovery crew was quickly sent out. Luckily, despite the fact that they had to chase away a kougar to stop it damaging the capsule, the capsule was completely intact. Now the only thing to fix was that pesky fairing.
  3. YEAR 1 DAY 206 The Mesbin Times: Successful Landing! MSCV undocking from Mesbin Station. With the science data taken from Statmun, the MSCV prepares for descent! Firing transfer stage, we're on our way down! - Jeb Kerman 15 klicks up, fire the lander engine Jeb! - Bob Kerman Watch out, we're tipping - Jeb Kerman Any landing you can walk away from... - Jeb Kerman
  4. Flight 1001 (KSC - Island Airfield): KJ-119-1 Crew: Jeb and Bill The KJ-119 is the first jet airliner built by Kerbal Spaceless Program to use more than 1 engine. In this case, it's a Wheesley and a Juno. ----------- Jeb: Good morning all Kerbs, welcome aboard to Trans Kerbin Airlines! We will be taking off shortly. Bill: Wow, they even put a second engine on this one! Talk about safety first! The Wheesley spooled up and spat to life. The Juno? Not so much. Bill: Jeb, I think the Juno failed. Hopefully we'll make it to the Island Airfield. Jeb: SIlly old Gene making us fly test planes with passengers on board. Bill: Wait a minute... you left the PA on! The passengers immediately began screaming. Jeb: Calm on guys, we've almost landed. After the landing, the passengers made their way of the plane and the other unsuspecting group of passengers entered the plane. Luckily the flight went relatively smoothly. As the passengers left, they made sure to leave their positive reviews. "They didn't even have seat cushions!" - Bingus Kerman "Where are the in-flight snacks, and why am I able to open the plane's windows?" - Doofus Kerman "This flight pulled more G's than I ever did in the Kerbin War!" - Rofel Kerman The KJ-119-1 was immediately sent to the SPH for repairs for the Juno. Hopefully this ends well.
  5. Minmus was added as a second destination to visit before going interplanetary.
  6. One lazy timeskip later: TV Kerb: Welcome to the very first launch of a kerbal to orbit aboard Silo 8! How do you feel Jeb? Jeb: Fine. How about you? TV Kerb: Weird. No one ever asks me that. Anyway, let's proceed with the launch! TV Kerb: Liftoff! Good luck Jeb! Jeb: Uh mission control? I think something exploded! Gene: You are missing a SRB! Abort Abort! Jeb: Nah. Gene: What do you mean "Nah"? You won't make it! Jeb: I think I have enough extra fuel though... TV Kerb: How thoughtful and festive! Fireworks! Jeb: Starting orbital engine... Jeb: Ack, a few m/s short. Gene: Oops. Gene: Well at least you reached space! Jeb: When are the rescue planes coming? Gene: You might have to do a little camping...
  7. Ah yes. I remember you also had one "Science Chair" on the Punk Rockerr from Conquering Whirligig! But that was more a seat for collecting science experiments and not a jetpack...
  8. Flight ????: KJ-099-1 Crew: Jeb and Bill Passenger: 1 TKA Flight Inspector The KJ-099 is the first passenger plane the KSP developed. With a passenger capacity of 4 kerbals, the KJ-099 is perfect for use for flight inspections (establishing a new flight route). The first test flight is to send an inspector about 20 km out above the ocean and fly back safely. Morty gives a little pep talk: Bill: Whatever, starting up the Wheesley... Jeb: Fly safe? That's not something we're good at! Flight Inspector: What'd you say? Jeb: Nothing... With a bit of struggling due to the bad landing gear placement, the KJ-099 somewhat flopped into the air. Luckily it seemed to like flying, so that should be okay. Flight Inspector: Why does my metal seat have no cushion? Bill: Uh... it's for cooling purposes since we don't have an air-con vent back there... Flight Inspector: I hate my job... Jeb: All kerbals please fasten your seatbelts. This landing may not be pretty. Jeb: Try to flare it a bit... Jeb: Nailed it! With the success of the first flight, the KJ-099 is immediately sent to the SPH for improvements, notably the bad wheel placement. A few days later... Flight 1000 (KSC - Island Airfield): KJ-099-1 Crew: Jeb and Bill Passenger: 3 TKA Flight Inspectors Bill: Can't believe they woke us up at 2 for this. Flight Inspector 1: Well get on with it, can you? Jeb: I think they're complaining about the legroom again. How are they so awake? Bill: I suppose it's the jet-lag. Now that the jet has arrived at the Island Airfield, the Inspectors get off to negotiate flight deals. And before long, the KJ-099 is off again. The wheel placement improvements certainly helped with takeoff. Jeb: "Friendly reminder that you are not allowed to have food fights in the cockpit" Gene knows us so well... Bill: So how'd you enjoy the landing? Flight Inspector: At least it was better than Kyanair... Now with a place to fly planes to, the KSP begins building a larger plane...
  9. (DISCLAIMER: Not at all related to @TwoCalories's excellent mission report The Sky is Not The Limit) Well normal things were happening on planet Kerbin. The big war had ended, "world peace" established, and Gene Kerman and his gang were just about to open the Kerbal Space Program. However, the moment the KSC was about to open, their friendly neighborhood United Knations officer reminded them that there was a strict "No Fireworks" policy in the region, and that they would have to buy an access permit from the UK. The unfortunately would set them back a good 5 million kerbucks... so Gene Kerman simply decided to convert the space program to a airliner business instead. How hard could it possibly be... The Sky IS the Limit Rules: Important Mods: ------------------------ Now with the help of the Kerbal Environmental Institute (a former street gang turned aviation club) and a small rocket probe (Gene told the UK it was a "experimental propulsion test plane") , the Kerbal Spaceless Program was ready to face the future "head on"... soon...
  10. A Science Jr. Rocket was launched. Silo 4 visits the Mun (no science experiments due to part limit) ...then prompts burns up on reentry. And yet another orbital probe, this time with barometers!
  11. What exactly do you mean like that? Do you mean a mod downloader like CKAN?
  12. So one day, I was reading about the Von Braun Ferry rocket and how it was built based on the calculations of the inefficient rocket engines of the 1950's. So I thought: why don't I try doing this in KSP? Little did I know... Swivel Space Program: A Low Tech Journey to Glory (or insanity) So of course, I got to making the patches to make it happen. It's probes and planes first, then rockets... I also added a bunch of funny patches making use of some unloved engines. Basically all the engines I get to use are: Reliant, Swivel, Thud, All MK1 and below SRBs, Nerv and Jets (the rapier is excluded). I also made engine plates unlock earlier for ease of building engine clusters as well as using KCT with twice the usual wait time to spice it up. Furthermore, I threw in USI Life Support for more interesting stuff. (Note: Swivel gets are little rebalance for more vacuum usage) Now we all start from somewhere... The Silo 1 is a small three Flea-powered rocket surgery hopper probe. Still, It took us like 25 days to build this trash can of boom boom. Cool, now what? This is the Silo 2, a massive upgrade from the first one. Featuring the engine we're gonna use for most of this series: our friend Swivel! Silo 2 reaches orbit successfully... And makes it back too! (dont worry guys, rockball will not be ending, but I made so much progress there that I got sick of having to update the mission report...)
  13. My grand tour had a part count of about 250 during the main mission, but the Eve lander raised it to 400... Needless to say I'm glad it's over.
  14. The existence of the Olivine Formations proves Minmus is, in fact, mint chocolate chip ice cream
  15. YEAR 1 DAY 206 The Mesbin Times: Kerbals on Statmun... MSCV orbiting Statmun. Today, the MSCV crew of Jeb and Bob Kerman made their way to the innermost moon of Mesbin, Statmun! Statmun is a clump of metal and iron that spins rather quickly. So quickly, that it is in fact impossible to land on Statmun's equator without floating away! Jeb takes the MSCV down to the ground This is why the MSCV crew decided to land on Statmun's North Pole. From the looks of it, the surface of Statmun seems to be half covered in rust, similar to Duna! Just a little fun on Statmun... If, I mean- when the MSCV arrives back at Mesbin, the science experiments done there will be of great interests to scientists. Well this doesn't feel like a real moon... more like a glorified asteroid! - Jeb Kerman Due to both lack of supplies and boredom, the MSCV Crew make their way back to the station. I feel underqualified for this! - Bob Kerman
  16. L00nTech's response to the Novera 1 We at L00nTech are very supportive of the decision to declutter space and make space exploration cheaper! The Novera 1 perfectly fills the gap in the heavy launcher segment and should be a perfect addition to Beyond's arsenal. However, it seems that our CEO, Loony Kerman is having a bit of a fit (screaming and tables thrown in the background). Anyways, about the RBS v2... give me that mic peasant! Oh no, he's taken the mic! Oh KiwiTech, you better watch your back... not saying we're competitors but I dare say this reusable launch vehicle town is too small for the both of us!!! *faints* Oh great, he fainted... anyhow, we can't wait for the launch of Novera 1 next year!
  17. For visuals: EVE, Scatterer, Waterfall For parts: Near future suite, Restock
  18. Doesn't matter, it's good when people make their own spin on things
  19. I got tired of having to send repair kits from Kerbin,,,
  20. New Update! 0.19.0 "Integrated" Fixed messages for VesselAnchor not disappearing Included LTUtils folder in the L00nToolbox mod DOWNLOAD
  21. Hey @theJesuit, i have been using Tetrix with Ground Construction. However, the placement on the ground DIY kit in the aerodynamics strand make no sense to me. Is there any reason for this?
  22. YEAR 1 DAY 205 The Mesbin Times: First Kerbs in Space! Mesbin Station and MSCV. Today marked the launch of the first kerbals to space ever since they crashed on Mesbin! Mesbin Station launch. Jebediah was the first to launch on the Mesbin Station, while Bill 'n Bob arrived on the Mesbin Station Crew Vehicle(MSCV). MSCV launch and subsequent docking. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, two of the kerbals will be returning home in the MSCV! How are we so sure that it will work? Well a few days ago, the Sample Return Probe was launched which successfully returned the first scientific data from Space to Mesbin. Sample Return Probe flight. Now in the meantime, the krew at Mesbin Station can prepare the expedition to Statmun! Kerbal Spaceflight Magazine: Probes are going places Munseeker 6 Launch. Recently, the KSP has completed the challenge of the Graymun 3: Flyby Statmun, Thresomin and finally land on Graymun! This challenge was posted as a joke, however, the KSP has actually gone and done it! Now we have no choices but to give the money. Boo hoo. Flyby of Statmun Flyby of Thresomun. Landing on Graymun!? Munseeker 5 flyby of Kerbmun Anyways, Munseeker 5 was launched to Kerbmun, where it performed a gravity assist to push into a high and inclined orbit, perfect for relays. Speaking of relays... Relay 1 The Relay 1 satellite was launched today, providing speedy connectivity to TV and radio broadcasts around Mesbin! It currently resides in a orbit between Graymun and Thresomin. Meanwhile, it seems that some goobers are paying big bucks to into space... Stay tuned, Vacuum-Heads!
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