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Everything posted by kerbmario

  1. I want to have some sort of Failures with Aircraft Engines (for example i wanna add support for such thing to My mod) The mod should -just include basic failure system (or it should have availability to turn anything besides failures off) -it should not be a big mod Bonus: If the mod can do particles or animations when the part fails, it would be a bonus TL;DR: Searching for Simple Part Failure Mod
  2. can i use this outside of RealismOverhaul?
  3. a part of the KSP community to say the least
  4. oh ok i am thinking kinda along you i tweaked all ignition limits for engines to have 5 or 7 times more ignitions ksp2 shouls have at least not infinite , maybe like 100 ignitions for rocket engines, infinite for jet engines
  5. welllll, if i manage to export (tried with WXYZ), and import again to see if it works MOST OF THE STUFF; ALL MESHES ARE GONE!!!! EVEN SOME COLLIDERS
  6. I want to save my animated part with XYZ euler, i get errors, i heard that that isnt supported is that true?
  7. Physics vessel range can be more than 200m, just install PhysicsRangeExtender (PRE) How about EngineIgnitor (or EngineIgnitorReIgnited), would that satisfy what u want in things engine restarts???
  8. how about you try cheat engine and see if it works??? @N9 Gaming
  9. So the CF34-8C and the CF6 iirc could you show me your problem? i don't see anything unnormal with the flags, they work for me!
  10. i have been trying to do a pylon config for a turbofan jet engine, but i have a few questions! is transform the correct way for mesh switching? i have two .mu files, one is pure engine, one is the engine WITH pylon attached. should the second mu be with engine or pylon only? does transform support paths? if yes, how exactly it would also be nice if anyone could provide some example code for mesh switching or any mods that use it
  11. this isn't exactly KSP, but the Balsa Section of Spacedock (Which is primarily a KSP mod site) has some weird "Mods", uploaded by an user called "gotik", all these mods contain a docx document. but "gotik" seems to be some ITS (Qoute is Profile description of spacedock account gotik i have written an email to spacedock support like 1.5 weeks ago (on 9th of June 2022) and they haven't replied! is this email ([email protected]) dead or dont the spacedock people check the support email? has anyone information about why they won't respond? thx in advance
  12. would it be the same case with 31-37AD, which i renamed to 37-50AD? +PART[37-50AD] { @name = 31-37AD %category = none }
  13. i think only cones or fairings are kinda able do this intake-to-exhaust transition, but it would look bad. we would need smooth curved parts for that
  14. are those parts compatible to be imported correctly to blender using the mu plugin? also another question i asked in the old thread before being you are now maintaining this cool mod. When will we get more included Textures, like Turbofan inlets? (I want to create engine 2 of a Klockhead K-1011 with the cool looking elliptical/tube shape, with CRFP)
  15. are you still working on this mod @Kartoffelkuchen???
  16. When will we get more included Textures, like Turbofan inlets? (I want to create engine 2 of a Klockhead K-1011 with the cool looking elliptical/tube shape, with CRFP)
  17. If I import crafts that used TweakScale, the scaled parts aren't scaled when imported. Kinda same thing for B9 Procedural Wings. Any Procedural (Wing) Part will revert to standard shape of the given part (the shape you get when you want to place that part in VAB!) someone needs to try and import CFRP CarnationRed Flexible Fuel tanks and see if they have the custom shape or the "normal shape". @CarnationRED @linuxgurugamer(lgg, current maintainer)
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