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Everything posted by Stephensan

  1. This bug is still active and still simple to test and pull off. To test it is still the same way the original bug report was reported and they still behave as what the initial bug report reported.
  2. This post needs to be merged with This bug report has all the air-breathing engines which also includes the j-33. and just tested today, that this bug still affects all air breathing engines, so just do a mega thread instead of one bug report per engine when it affects all.
  3. here to confim that this is still active, just tested and got a instant game crash. (I'm retesting most of my bug reports)
  4. Also going to add this This issue can cause Save Rot. Save Rot, means even if you go back on saves on the craft the issue persist and is only really "fixable" by grounding the mission to the initial launch.. This will cause headaches if you built a craft and it's perfectly normal even in a sandbox state and then return on the save you actually wanted to do, put the craft where you wanted it, even made sure the issue of wobbling didn't exist.. The issue can arise after doing multiple missions and when returning to the craft regardless of which save you pick, the wobbling can start, causing a save rot, rotting the usefulness of the craft, and can cause the reverting of a lot of progress. Save Rot, isn't end all of end all, there is a chance with enough saves that suddenly the wobbling stops, but I'm talking 30+ quicksaves/saves can go away just trying save a single craft. It is possible to get the craft in less saves "rotted" but its hard to reproduce the cause of the issue, it just starts.
  5. i need more silliness kind regard -Ksp 2 community
  6. I just see general issues over and over They are treating the Beta/Early Access as the real game, so behind the curtain, is for an "element of surprise".. There is simply zero ways for us users to help find bugs in updates that are not out yet. With only two CM's one on leave and the other is poor dakota, there is simply not enough CM's to keep the community satisfied. For example, we hear about the holy grail of the slack channels, and yet dakota cannot show nor talk about anything that is really in there.. I mean is it really hard to do that, give us no information unless it's really needed and show us untextured models, or UI WIP, or something of the sorts? I really don't know who is the big wig on that but it's getting kinda silly hearing about crafts they have built, cool stuff the team has been working on and everything in between that they have had to make multiple Slack(tm) channels just to keep it in check. saying that some of the team even adds music and other things to it and what not and then just not show any of it?? Just to get like a 1st anniversary of the game a single photo/leak of colonies, and to see, read or hear that the team wishes that we could see it spin around or if it was in motion cause it looks so cool, like the first year? What does that mean, the textures only got worked on and its movement is not functional yet? I'm questioning if it is hard to post a photo and then during the same time, create a video of the vehicle in motion in case the parts show physical movement, and if you want to get extra spicy put a kerbal near the part/craft. Example: Teaser 1 Teaser 2 Teaser 3, 4 Also making a funny joke that some of the videos recorded are like 1080p30fps/60fps and like 2500kbps. I just made 3 or 4 leaks out of a single craft and guess what, that will be 4 weeks' worth of leaks instead of a single photo and groaning of "where leak", you know how long it took for even editing placing craft down and video editing well if i wasn't doing other things all this would have taken an 30 minutes at most, and 30% of it was trying to make a poor first leak photo instead of the crisp 4k. but man.
  7. should have been here, sorry i wasn't nice leaks cannot wait to see more, glad its been a year first 8 months was the hardest year of it all
  8. the thing i dislike about the graphics (besides the lack of good clouds and weather etc.) is the inconsistency of the game looking good or not, high quality textures or not etc.. avg texture for most of my landings, either due to location or "geolocation" on the planet/moon.. I spoiled cause like a lot of photos.. there is just some hope that we get weather with better clouds, reentry effects tweaked a little, perhaps slightly better textures for certain areas on planets, colored reentry, sparks on reentry and shock cones for atmosphere flight.. a lot of small things, but we have a lot of work to be done also, i really do not want to go to laythe to see good clouds/atmosphereic effects, i just want some decent large clouds on kerbin, lava lamps just don't suit the game with everything else being so dramatic
  9. this needs to be put in the suggestions for it to be put INTO ksp 2.. such an amazing mod..
  10. is seeing crafts overlayed over the re entry effects on the bug list or a bug report with a suggestion making it be overlayed over and off having reentry effects not showing the craft?
  11. man i was hoping to see hex colors for some reason XD anyway, good post, its better to read
  12. i have absolutely sent in on a large build going around 8kms into kerbals astmophere and lost 0.2 tons. it really needs to be tweaked.
  13. i think it should just be an option to have simplified or something closer to Comnet, let the users decide if they want more of a realistic challenge, requiring more parts more launches etc to make there game more interesting.
  14. i don't need to re-read what i saw happen, i was there when the "show went down" (insert circus music). just hearing suggestions and talk about it on discord is nothing really official on post on it.. Discord talk at the end of the day from even the gods of intercept games for ksp 2 is as much value as me saying I'm a developer due to giving feedback that "might help" due to playing like 1,000 hours. my input doesn't really matter its more so the entire community, I'm like a broken record with mods that i would like to see as vanilla but i can see why it isn't in base game, things like K2D2, Flightplan, Alarmclock, Trim Control, Kerbal Headlights.. l know that alarm clock has been screamed top of the lungs, and now its even a mod. The community shows what the game is missing, and it doesn't hurt to talk to modders and ask to put mods into base game.. like alarm clock. and kerbal headlights.. etc.
  15. Signals go through planets and moons (CommNet/Antennas not affected by occlusion) the community just wants ComNet just like ksp 1, and if you want to make it more complex if you like.. non kerbal controlled builds are far far to easy, and it will slowly boil down to the features and mindset like Ksp 1 Comnet. Also, just like Surface Scanning to find the POI's without needing to use other people question to find it.. something like Orbital Survey, By Falki works just fine right now. just make it find POI's aswell. this includes what they just posted 2 hours ago.. its shockingly already exists in the game as a mod. i only somewhat dislike it uses parts vanilla but as a mod its perfectly ok.. its something sorely missing right now in ksp 2. i don't mind if its almost a drop in as of right now, but much prefer a actual new model(s)
  16. thinking the best way get rid of this lack of wanting play ksp 2 0.2.0 due to burn out is to install some mods.
  17. my skills of talking to zero people for hours on end is something someone shouldn't listen to. my editing skills is still far novice, I'm a quite a shut in. no one needs to listen to the ramblings of a crazed person.
  18. everything else is hidden sorry cause i actually talked in all of those, a lot.. a lot a lot, if I wasn't commentary about what I was doing and why, Im insane.. its "prob not talk unless someone asks"... speaking out aloud on every other one ,a lot, with the only person was my mom.. yes my mom watched, the last one, and me checking if the stream was working. i felt its just not worth keeping them up cause i sound insane.. hope that helps :3
  19. im already doing extra stuff, i have already flew across kerbin, went to the north pole of that did every biome unless I forgot 1 or two, of minmus AND mun.. 1 mission that just seems way to silly, 1 mission is literally broken, and 1 mission that is the seemingly only mission you can do.. hitting duna 50% scanning is only 40 research.. its still beyond jawraing there is some critical mission learning points that can be added that will not really be needed due to duna being the first non kerbin sphere of influence. it went from, some steps here and there, to instantly, go to duna land there for RP.. then we have the issue of not finding the secret POI's without stumbling across it. surface scanners need to exist, if there is dozens, and I went AROUND kerbin and didn't find a single one which actively trying to locate them, there is an issue, and for most players they shouldn't need look up a guide to find poi's. Surface scanners with different behaviour based off of the orbit it is in, classes or, well tiers of surface scanners should also exist, it is a huge missing point that ksp 2 has right now, right next to functional ComNET, and not this "one satellite per body will do everything regardless of position etc" they make one thing to simplified when the community just today(tonight) said just like weather it should really be implemented in the game, and they want feedback on others things.. i gave them feed back Minmus to duna main mission is missing 2-4 for most anyone it is and should be critical for people to learn how to put satalites for things like surface scanners, or ComNET, to find POI's or further progress the story line. surface scanners/cameras with different behavior based off of its tier, purpose, and how It is orbiting the planet should be implemented showing perhaps with each tier giving something important with like early tiers, only doing a visual camera, only able find small things, to things that show possible (not fully accurate) resources locations, or geography based off of something like LIDAR (i cannot think really honestly right now).. perhaps there would be one that can do little bit of everything but not as good a one that was purposeful etc. this isn't a matter of "i wanted it hard" this is a matter, of they are making it difficult on one thing, like POI's and the other just a gap of learning/missions. anyway, i hope i can get rid of this sickness
  20. Hi, You may know me as an insane person that plays ksp 2, but imma cut the chase. Been playing KSP 2 For Science update, and I got a few actual bones to pick with how the missions work and behave.. Settings I play on. TLDR, Hard. but revert and quicksaving due to skill issues/bugs (many) I been playing ksp 2 new update for a while, and let me say, there is a huge hard wall/brick that comes with this update in gathering science, I play rather simply, each object I created in this save has a purpose to further progress my game. It usually does a main mission, or a side mission, if not completing a few while doing both on the same craft... So, lets get to it. i have done a few missions about 12 hours~ or so in this update ( I have about two hours I forgot to stream ) but it was just simply building and testing a craft. yup amazing, playing about 10 hours, with zero views, its a fashion statement at this point with how little traction I have. during this time progression was fine if not perfect pace for 50%, this was until I saw, and seen the big four Duna Monument Wheelin and Dealin LIL CHONKER Keostationary Orbit let me just quote my discord post(s) For me there is a huge (quite a few) gaps in how research is earned, and how main mission's skill slope is way to aggressive. as of now, I'm quite stumped as behaving as a general player trying to follow the loose primary/story missions, there were 3 steps to complete missions of getting a lot of research to progress For me, each main mission required a vehicle, so did land on X object, "weird signal" created a probe/sat, and then landing a craft near the objective, while this craft needed to also (optional) land at each biome and get science/etc. Now, with the stop of nonsense rambling There should at least 2 or 4 more missions before landing on duna for me this is too aggressive (no idea if it's like this for other missions I haven't progressed that far) Put a satellite into a high duna orbit Put a satellite around dunas moon Do a prob X parts and land safely create a Craft to go to the monument Duna, in the way mission control is set up, is the FIRST post kerbin sphere of influence, it has a Moon, Atmosphere... Why in the name of Bob Kermin do we need to be thrown directly into the duna's monument when other things should be taught / more research to be given out. As of right now with 1 secondary mission that is a little to silly Lil Chonker, 1 mission simply not working, Wheelin, And Dealing, the only option to further progress is to do keostationary orbit, or do off "story" missions.. there is way to large of a gap in what is needed to be learned when going from minmus to duna. Second talk Doing a lot of sidequests of gathering ground science, flying science etc, there is simply just not enough Science points to be given out without finding the secret POI's as also stated in my discord post.. these missions might feel fine with normal research speeds and you have loads of of SP to get into deeper into the second tech tree without not completing the first tech tree, but for me, its hard. There needs to be a way to have like camera satellites, to find POI's on certain planets something like the surface scanner, but in a few tiers, with the weakest only finding the largest/most noticeable and the strongest just finding everything as a part both slowly in days(months) in game depending on range, geostation orbit/ polar orbit/ etc I really didn't want to do this post cause I'm not feeling well and I'm going sound like a complete mad man when I have what I want to say in my head, but out loud its just me spouting nonsense/broken english. personally, I that even doing premium+ missions that i need to be very picky on what i need to further progress the game, if the game had what i said above being able to get the few extra 100's of SP needed for a competent build should need to happen let alone teaching players that after getting to X planet they might have moons, or a atmosphere etc... i really hope the rest of the main story isn't like this, i don't know what I'm going to do honestly but the aggressiveness slope is to high from minmus to duna. please understand I'm really trying to say something that my brain isn't able to process due to being sick, and well, not able to do it in the first place without like 9 English to english translators.. also if anyone is able to translate this right now into something that is more, like readable I will edit this post make it better, but there is at least some points I'm trying to give out.
  21. I have the same issue, actually everyone should have this issue, it should be universal.
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