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    Taiwanese Florida Man, and proud of it!
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    Florida, United States of America
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    -Space (I would hope so if I'm here of all places)
    -Video games in general

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  1. This is amazing. I did something like this a long time ago, but you put WAY more thought into it than I ever did. 10/10!
  2. Well, I didn't think this would be the announcement, but consider me excited! Plus look at how shiny those British rockets look. Though I have to ask, wouldn't this cover similar territory as the Knes mod?
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Isxj9OZcuBroD3CSfh3yiF90uK9Z3qfx/view?usp=sharing Sorry, I'm very bad at Google Drive. I'm using the current release version of BDB, 1.14.0 if I recall.
  4. Wanted to let you guys know that Reviva no longer seems to work with BDB. Specifically, only the stock IVA works. If you switch to any other ones the IVA portraits disappear (as does the IVA view in general), and won't even reappear if you switch back. I have the log as well just in case. I've admittedly missed out on a fair bunch as I've been back and forth with other stuff in my life (nothing bad, just other hobbies), so I apologize if I've missed out on a new dependency of some sort. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Isxj9OZcuBroD3CSfh3yiF90uK9Z3qfx/view?usp=drive_link
  5. Has anyone else had trouble with Reviva? I was playing around with Gemini and Apollo parts and noticed the IVA's disappear when you switch out of the default option. I've provided a log in case. This seems specific to BDB parts so far. I tested out stock capsules and they seem to be unaffected. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Isxj9OZcuBroD3CSfh3yiF90uK9Z3qfx/view?usp=sharing
  6. Congrats on the update, guys. The new parts look amazing. Slowly wading my way through my old Atlas/Titan craft files to replace the old parts.
  7. The mod does have IVAs. It even has Freeiva support. Last I checked this is the mod you need and the dependencies. This is via CKAN. The starred items on the right are the dependencies.
  8. I think this is the first time I've ever seen these particular Apollo test articles. According to the post on Facebook, this was part of a rescue training exercise. Also definitely not thinking about this being a possible in-game skin... Also link to original (definitely not mine): https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=930503409118134&set=a.459928852842261
  9. About that... In all seriousness, there are IVA's for Crew Rodan, there's a specific mod you need if I recall, I forget which one.
  10. We need a slice of life forum post with Jeb and the OG crew hanging around a space station eating snacks and pondering the future.
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