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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. Any of the Star Wars Sequels. I never even watched them cause they’re so bad.
  2. its not Loot Boxes, its "Surprise Mechanics!" new page!
  3. Iaptus Kerman was sent deep into space by himself in cryosleep. when he awoke, he was greeted by a Space Marine. Because he was a xeno, the Marine killed him with his holy bolter. Quandale Kerman - gang warfare
  4. This is a thread for anyone interested in anything Warhammer. 40k, AOS, Blood Bowl, Kill Team, etc. Here's a video on how to play 10th! (I actually don't know how to play 40k, but I want to learn using some Star Wars Legion minis lol) Post photos, lists, lore questions, and more!
  5. no no no! ai greentext dead ahead! >be me, 2045 >have neuralink >mandatory to install $79.99 app to connect to internet >pay $235/month for premium (no ads is an additional $300/week) >go to sleep >wake up in dream >in mobile game ad >running from a dragon >dragon spits fire >i'm trapped >giant finger taps to save >not working >panic, try to wake up >can't move >crap.jpg >dream continues >ad plays on loop >i melt >game over >wake up in a cold sweat >furious at musk >dreams are not for profit Now, why did we let a guy who can't even run a social media site run our brains?
  6. My headcanon with Scorch is that he was kinda traumatized by Sev’s death, and then Order 66 came in and made him a bit more mindless. Perhaps Hemlock tried to make him a CX clone too.
  7. ah. well, at my FLGS lets us use 3D printed minis for things like Star Wars Legion at least.
  8. Anyways, I don’t get why Games Workshop bans 3d printing, you guys know why?
  9. Granted. It is stuck only running the original Crysis. I wish I could be a part of Hermitcraft.
  10. Floor 4805: @AstroWolfie's Miniature gallery. This is the newest piece:
  11. ARF trooper I kitbashed for a Star Wars: Legion painting contest.
  12. Has anyone ever gotten a free model from their local Warhammer store? I want to get one but I don't know how.
  13. Pay-to-win systems/loot boxes in games, along with publishers forcing the devs to abandon the game they worked on.
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