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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. P.A.I.G.E. has gone ballistic and decided to prank us by scrambling the SAS and attitude control on all of our probe cores command modules. Fortunately, throttle and staging still seem to be working. Until IT can figure out how to re-enable P.A.I.G.E.'s ethical restraints, we're going to need you to run the space program without any guidance... literally. Mission 1: Launch an unguided command pod above 70km and return safely to Kerbin. SAS must be turned off, and no touching the attitude keys! You can still throttle and stage though. Mission 2: Launch an unguided communication satellite into a Kerbin orbit. Launch clamps and the part rotation tool are your friend. Mission 3: Launch an unguided command pod and land it safely on the Island Airfield. Mission 4: Hit the Mun with an unguided probe.
  2. This is fixed, and I believe still needs to be verified
  3. There's context on the social posts, but this isn't actual IVA. It's the capture camera clipped into the cockpit.
  4. Maybe I should be more specific. Looking for gameplay-related specifics, not really strategic/planning changes. I agree with all of the points you presented though!
  5. As the disclaimer on the bottom of the post says, the K.E.R.B. does not represent our internal priority list. We see the reports about docking issues and we're working on it. If you want docking issues on the list, go upvote the existing bug reports!
  6. Asked this over in Discord and it spurred a good discussion so I'll ask it here as well: If you could pick 10 features/changes/parts to be prioritized for KSP2, what would your list be? excluding already announced features / milestones (incl For Science!) As big as robotics or life support As small as QoL changes or a statue of Dakota out front of Mission Control Choose wisely!
  7. Going to call out the three issues that are asking for information. If you've experienced these issues in v0.1.5, please let us know!
  8. Yeah so it's definitely something to do with your account. Weird. Can you try making a new account and see if you're able to log in?
  9. This is most likely a permissions issue with that specific subforum. Try now @JoeSchmuckatelli. I reset your perms.
  10. Happy to share that you can expect buoyancy improvements in For Science!
  11. After the 12th instance of "unplanned recreational water landings" this week, the Kerbal Space Center Administration would like to remind you that the new cranes and gantries on the Boat Dock are for mission use only. Yes, that applies to you too Jeb....
  12. Rules: The glider must be completely unpowered and launched into the air by a powered rover. The rover may use any propulsion system to build speed before decoupling the glider, and must stay on the ground until decoupling. The glider must carry at least one kerbal pilot. Primary: Launch your glider and land safely back on the runway Secondary: Fly your glider under the R&D bridge Jeb: Land (Crash?) your glider on the VAB or Training Center helipads. Val: Glide as far as you can from KSC and record your best distance!
  13. There's a whole bunch of new Kerbals arriving in For Science! Here's just a handful of the 42 million (!!!) visually distinct Kerbals that could potentially be a part of your crew
  14. Updated a few things in the background and looks to be working on my end now.
  15. To ensure visibility, basically. Plan on releasing more over the course of the next few weeks as we head into For Science! If you want to discuss the sneakpeeks with other forum users, I suggest using the EA Discussion Megathread or making a new thread in KSP2 Discussions.
  16. Making this thread to centralize feedback about the K.E.R.B. including the bug report forum and report listing. Feel free to drop your feedback below!
  17. A recent exploratory mission on Laythe transmitted back this image to the KSC R&D Center.......what's that in the distance?
  18. KSP2 Sneakpeeks are back leading up to our first milestone update For Science! For Science! includes a whole lot of new points of interests scattered about the Kerbolar system. Can you make out the details in this one?
  19. We should probably have you do a dev blog about writing+loc, shouldn't we?
  20. Fixed this, was a pain to track down the cause. The child pages were just loading the sidebar when they shouldn't have. Changed some things around in the backend and it shouldn't happen now.
  21. Unsure if anything past like is needed. Maybe could see a case for a "Thanks" reaction and maybe a "love" reaction, but also I feel like the "Like" encompasses those two anyways. My two cents.
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