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Jeffery Kerman

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  1. I'm not sure, but my guess is just for more flexibility for designs
  2. its only soft-deprecated, so craft with them won't break, but you won't be able to make new craft using those parts
  3. maybe i could also just entrust mechjeb to cut it off if it finishes while I go to school lol
  4. Congrats on the release of 1.2! I wonder what this update would have been if I hadn't asked about this on reddit...
  5. I've peen playing with FFT recently, but i've been having issues with the low thrust of the engines. While the concept behind PT is good, the mod itself is a buggy mess. Better Time Warp does work alright, but I can't use its higher time warp on larger vessels without them getting destroyed by the kraken. Is there any alternates to these mods without the kraken of BTW and the bugs of PT?
  6. I know this doesn't support mac, but I don't see this mentioned anywhere on the page. A little heads up could be nice for those who don't know it doesn't work for the os
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