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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. Roca Roja (Ace Combat 7)
  2. "Here you go sir, one Starship Meal. Sorry it took so long to serve; this was our fourth time making it." One black hole singularity, please.
  3. Shilage Castle (Ace Combat 7)
  4. Here you go, you 100% lime juice. I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.
  6. Floor 5004: A closed Borders bookstore. Outside, there's a literal fighter jet with one wing painted red parked outside and the pilot sitting inside keeps monologuing and saying gibberish like, "Do you see any borders from here? What have borders given us? This twisted game needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for. We'll start over from 'zero' and entrust the future to the next generation." He has drawn quite an audience.
  7. Absolutely beautiful! This animation was really worth the wait.
  8. The cost-effective F-35 gets hit by FOD while attempting to take off and has to undergo maintenance to its stealth coating, and it gets to watch as Starship's flap survives a brutal reentry and continues to serve its purpose even as it tears apart (o7). @Aviator01 wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  9. I think Vall or Bop/Pol are better for refueling moons, because the lower gravity and no atmosphere and whatnot. But I've never even gone interplanetary yet with 950 hours in the game, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
  10. A cool detail might be to, when drawing the surface equipment, landed vessels, the hab, etc., the outside is stained with Martian regolith. It adds a little bit of extra detail since they're probably being exposed to some minor dust storms over the mission.
  11. Floor 5000: You walk up the stairs and see a huge office cubicle. Each computer is running some kind of software. On the software, people have typed out descriptions of floors you've already been to. The shops on Floor 1, the donkey pen on Floor 1443, the Forum Moderator HQ on Floor 2085, the planespotter pad on Floor 3193... At the center of a cubicle is a countdown. The timer has hit 0. Everyone in the room is celebrating the 5000th floor. There is cheering and someone pops a bottle of Rep. A huge ceiling-to-floor window in one of the walls shows you that you're so high, you can clearly see the curvature of the Earth. You can make out the city beneath you, the ocean, mountains, and above you, the blue atmosphere fading into black space. You don't know why you started climbing this building level by level, but you feel a sort of sense of accomplishment. You take a moment to let it soak in before continuing on, wondering where this journey will take you next.
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