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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. Granted. ... ... ... I wish I could come up with creative things to comment in forum games.
  2. Here's both of your shaved ices. I'd like a pancake, shaped like a waffle.
  3. I've noticed a few people on this forum play Ace Combat games (like five lol) and I also noticed that you could make threads about specific games here. Seeing as there is no dedicated Ace Combat thread, I made this for Ace Combat players to talk about... well, Ace Combat and such. How do you do the campaign, what's your go-to fighter and special weapon, etc. Ace Combat is a series of games that take place in the alternate universe of Strangereal. Strangereal's Earth has different continents and countries, such as the Osean Federation and Kingdom of Erusea. Most games are set after the planetfall of the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroids, an asteroid that devastated part of the Earth. Anti-asteroid weapons helped negate the damage but the asteroids that did hit would lead to massive instability, setting the ground for most of the franchise's wars. The player's character is a "silent protagonist" and is always a fighter pilot from one of the fictional countries. Common traits of Ace Combat and their campaign-based gameplay involve: a wide spread of aircraft and weapons, enemy ace pilots, and giant superweapons. Not to mention the excellent storytelling (usually), graphics and music. Also, fun fact: more players play KSP than Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown by monthly average from Steam, but roughly the same number of games have been sold for each. AC7 released five years later than KSP, however. *** EDIT: From this thread I've been doing a bit more research into Project Wingman and found the two games are pretty similar. I mean, obviously, seeing PW was made by AC players. But the two games are similar enough in gameplay, genre, fanbase, etc. that it probably doesn't negate creating a separate thread. Project Wingman is an indie game that takes place in an alternate, post-apocalyptic future Earth nearly 600 years in the future. All of Earth's geography and politics have been significantly altered. This was due to a disaster called the Calamity, where the Ring of Fire had massive tectonic disasters, triggering huge eruptions. While this plunged the world into winter for over a century, it also unearthed Cordium, an unstable natural material that can be utilized for energy and fuel, making this resource highly coveted by new superpower nations. Similarly to Ace Combat, the protagonist never speaks and is a fighter pilot (this time for a mercenary company). The game features plenty of aircraft and weapons, and boss battles against airships and enemy ace squadrons. The story is also well written, and the music is superb.
  4. I've only gotten the Top Gun: Maverick DLC because it was bundled with the base game on sale on Steam and it was cheaper than the base game or Season Pass at the moment. I'm pretty happy with my F/A-18E and the spread of aircraft given by TGM and it has gotten me almost through the campaign completely (I'm about to start Mission 20 on Easy with Expert Controls. Keep in mind this is my first campaign). But I'll look into some DLC aircraft. I've heard about that game! After I finish AC7, I might start looking into Project Wingman, because from what I've heard, it's very good, and maybe even better than AC7 from some reviews. *** EDIT: Well, I did it. I completed the campaign. I got a lot of nice screenshots from the cutscenes, and I wanted to share them. Keep in mind there are game spoilers ahead. I'll also summarize all the game's storyline.
  5. That's unfortunate, but understandable. Hopefully this can be continued someday.
  6. 4. Unfortunately, one of the Kraken's friends came and accidentally physics-glitched the fun park.
  7. Granted, but it can only spill out and can't be recollected into the bottle because time only goes forward... I think. I wish to visit Gunther Bay, Selatapura from Ace Combat 7.
  8. Floor 4753: A replica of Gunther Bay, Selatapura from Ace Combat 7. Overhead, you think you can see a fighter jet with an interesting marking on its vertical stabilizer, composed of three lines.
  9. Seeing as the poll results have slowed down, it looks like we've settled on keeping the timeline the same. Thanks for the input!
  10. For the past week, I've been playing Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. It's a fighter jet arcade-style game that isn't a simulator like DCS but still extremely fun! In the Ace Combat universe, Earth has different continents and countries, including the Osean Federation and the Kingdom of Erusea. Twenty years before the events of AC7, an asteroid named Ulysses 1994XF04 was on collision course with the planet. In response, several countries built massive superweapons like railguns to snipe the asteroid out of the sky, but the asteroid fragments made planetfall anyway (maybe that wasn't the smartest move). This in turn led to several large conflicts, each with their own AC game. But Ace Combat 7 takes place in the Lighthouse War, where [Spoilers]. The player is an Osean Air Defense Force pilot named "Trigger". Long story short, after flying with a regular squadron for four missions, you are [Spoilers]. The game is a ton of fun, and I've never been this involved in a campaign and never been so pumped up by gameplay for a long time. And yes, I chose the F/A-18E as my aircraft. I used the F-15C to get a nice uniform formation screenshot, but I haven't unlocked air-to-ground munitions for it yet, which were pretty needed for this mission. I quickly switched back to my F/A-18E after this.
  11. UPDATE: Nailed it! (Let's ignore the fact that I slammed into the grass in front of the runway at 100 knots and definitely rendered the airframe unusable for another flight, as well as probably giving the pilot injuries, before stopping here on the runway.) EDIT: Finally, I did it! For real this time! Also, @Meecrob and @Toaster355, thanks for the advice on landing my bird!
  12. The F-35B fails another VTOL landing so it can't claim the "C-Word Pass". It's a draw! Rock-paper-scissor shoot, anything you want to do!
  13. "Due to overwhelming demand, we have sent the ISS astronauts real freeze-dried ice cream. They did not seem to appreciate it as much, especially when the crumbs got stuck in all the instruments."
  14. Yes, but the customers complained about the clicking noise. Waiter, all the old Geiger counters from the tables appeared in my soup!
  15. I wonder if my F/A-18 Super Hornets can offer anything to the battle?
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