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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. After the success of the F-15C Eagle with the Vankadian Air Defense Force, McDonnell Kerman began researching into the Charlie variant's biggest weakness: air-to-ground capability. Designed to be a multirole aircraft from the start, the F-15E has been highly successful in the Second Global War, performing airstrikes and high speed interdiction missions day or night. It also maintained the F-15C's excellent air superiority capability. This is my attempt at making a replica of the F-15E Strike Eagle, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) and flown mainly by the US Air Force. It's not perfect. For example, I clipped four extra engines in and yet it cannot even go Mach 1. It's also not the most maneuverable aircraft in the world. However, I feel that it's okay, and that even though it's not a supersonic aircraft the high speed and acceleration still gives it a semblance of realism. Based on experience with previous fighter replicas, I put extra work into making every hardpoint and weapon slot interchangeable. You can now remove hardpoints, add external tanks, put a JDAM here, an AMRAAM there, all the good stuff. KerbalX link: KerbalX - F-15E Strike Eagle
  2. I've been playing with planes a lot recently, and I dearly want my Kerbals to be decked out in flight suits to really get that test pilot/fighter pilot vibe going. Are there any mods that add flight suits in the IVA, or even just a flight helmet?
  3. Hello, forum-goer! This is my first KSP craft collection thread, and I'm hoping to fill it with my random aerospace-related craft and vessels. This includes replicas and original craft, jets, props, and maybe helicopters if I'm feeling especially adventurous. All craft will be downloadable through KerbalX. Also, to make things easier, I tend to stick to standardized action groups, which also helps because AFAIK KerbalX doesn't save action groups. So here's the standard set for BDArmory fighter jets: CRAFT LIST
  4. "Well, here we are! It's a shame that we had to come here because we polluted and nuked the Earth, but Mars is looking pretty sweet!"
  5. Oh geez, good call! Imagine if these shots filled the atmosphere with carbon DIoxide!" Waiter, there's dry ice in my soup!
  6. Some photos from my career save/mission report. Bob Kerman, KASA Kerbonaut, the CSM pilot of Trinty-6. While his companions, Casey and Irene, are both on the Munar surface, Bob is alone, to man the CSM and, as a side task, map the Munar surface as he orbits over the surfa
  7. Here's your TOMATO. I'd like a potato that isn't bolded, italicized, and underlined.
  8. The CTOL F-15 already has a hook, as well as pretty much any CTOL US aircraft, except that it's only for emergencies, and cannot be used in a CAT/TRAP situation.
  9. I note with particular interest that Dilsby is taking the Kerbulan fighter to the abandoned Gumdrop Pod that was left in Laythe orbit near the battle...
  10. One of my favorites is the F-15N Sea Eagle. This fighter jet could've taken the Tomcat's job, but the Navy turned McDonnell Douglas down due to many factors, including that A) the F-15 was a CTOL craft from the start, and navalizing it would present a lot of issues, but also mainly that B) it couldn't carry AIM-54 Phoenix missiles (or at least not as many) as the F-14. I could barely find any good pictures of it, but here is what I could find:
  11. I would give it a like, but I'm out of rep for today. I guess it's fitting... The issue that plagued scores of viewers years ago now strikes again!
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