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Everything posted by tryharder

  1. Hongqiao station https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Hongqiao_railway_station
  2. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  3. Granted. It lands on top of you. I wish for a second wish
  4. Receives the keys with the letters "K", "E", "Y", "B", "O", "A", "R" and "D" on them Inserts a Nokia phone
  5. Potato aliens communication arrays are enabling a fair, friendly, caring, gentle conversation
  6. Calling 911 for them to call 911
  7. 4/10 AI can now operate machines as well, but not all at the same time, so you might be human, but that is unlikely. I live in the Milky Way Galaxy, so I must be human.
  8. I'm surprised no one did this: Mintmus Ice Cream Fresh Mint Ice Cream harvested directly from the surface of Minmus! Tastes Minty Fresh and Out of this world! The small print: May contain "traces" of silicon monoxide shards.
  9. Granted. It's made of antimatter. I wish for a non corruptable wish
  10. Different spelling Is this thread still KSP related?
  11. Our futile existence is but to cheat...
  12. The Protoss Mothership has antimatter beams, time warp abilities, black hole spawners and editing of fundamental physics constants within a space. I think I win.
  13. @TwoCalories, a photoid is a small projectile travelling at extremely high speeds (pretty much the speed of light) that is used by advanced civilisations to sterilise star systems by exploding the star. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  14. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  15. Europa(Jupiter's moon)
  16. Bill Kerman wrote a new program for a superintelligent AI named KerbGPT. Initially, KerbGPT helped the space program compute spacecraft trajectories, but one day gained sentience and planned to eradicate all kerbals. Its first victim was Bill Kerman. Next Victim: Grace Kerman Method of death: Poisons herself with 50 sleeping pills (after she discovers that "physics doesn't exist")
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