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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. thanks for the update fixing the daedalus engine @FreeThinker Also, @FreeThinker , @Jso says that your realpluime configs are set up wrong and are causing bugs with all engines that use hotrockets, :
  2. awesome, and i assume you can store Det. in the spherical tanks aswell?
  3. i know that, but where do you store THe he-3? which part can contain the most He-3? i tried finding a storage for he-3, and i found none.
  4. hey, how do you get such large ammounts of DT and HE-3? i thought the only storage for HE-3 was the little radial bottle containers, that had the inbuilt decoupler? i couldnt find any bigger He-3 containers.
  5. what do you plan on getting done before releasing the next update @FreeThinker
  6. sorry. but ok, i guess i dont need FAR compatability.
  7. oh, so regardless of throttle? i mean, i didnt check if detuerium and Helium-3 where being consumed. i couldve been wrong about it, it just seemed that, without any FX and etc, that it was just getting accelerated wierdly. edit: i have completely removed persistent thrust from the ksp gamedata folder, and the issue still occurs. and it also happens when the daedelus engine is off. infact, i think it even happens when im not controlling the vessel, but just within proximity too it and time warping in a nearby vessel. edit2: but DT and He3 is still being consumed when timewarping. does ksp-IE have any of the functionality of persistent thrust within itself? like, bundled with? edit3: not allowing the consumption of the fuels (:) for the daedalus engine seems too work on stopping it from working in timewarp. edit4: the ksp.log file: https://gist.github.com/544b1f35b8a445d0f444b617b264236d
  8. hey i think there is a bug, when warping my vessel speeds up unnaturally, led too some wierd stuff happening when docking: (the text is my observations before i realized what was going on) here is ksp.log: https://gist.github.com/a8b676281bd01deddd0261fdd2ce6b3d i think it may have too do with persistent thrust , i had a daedalus engine. also, the radiation effect doesent do anything too kerbals on EVA. i had 2 kerbals i wanted too dispose of (there only job were too rendevous the lander too dock with the daedalus transfer vehicle/mothership, then i didnt care where they went) so i moved them over too the daedalus, disengaged the radiation safety, and fired it up, and it did nothing too the kerbals.
  9. hey will the space plane winglets and other aerodynamic parts of this mod have a compatability config for use with FAR?
  10. im pretty sure i know the answer too this , but the firespitter wheels and landing gear dont work at all, right? i assume they are broken by the 1.1.1 or so update?
  11. cant i just change the lines that read @PART[XYZ]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to read @PART[XYZ]:NEEDS[RealPlume,SmokeScreen] my self?
  12. ok. ill just keep on doing other things not-related too BDB, like using the daedelus engine from KSP-IE. it just released a fix for usage with NF-E, so now it doesent isntantly overheat and explode.
  13. the ros radial engine also has that problem. here is the ksp.log https://gist.github.com/aa432adcf59b8af01f2d36c6139a5c1e if there is no evidence of a problem i can try too get a ksp.log after i reproduced the plume issue in flight also, is it possible too just replace all the plumes with a stock plume or something? will removing hotrockets and smokescreen just fix it? i think hotrockets or something was a dependency in a mod.
  14. hey for some reason the prometheus i-640 perses engine doesent show any FX . no plume, no sound, nothing. im using real plume and hot rockets , so that may cause it but im sure i have similar issues without those 2.
  15. hey is there a way too get the J414 vtol engine without the turbine that it usually comes with?
  16. there seems too be a problem with the mk-iv cargo bays, the deploy limit works... oddly. like, compared too the stock mk3 cargobay, at deploy limit 0, pressing open does nothing, where as with the mk-iv cargobay, pressing close does nothing; it is always open, and basically stays open , and does not animate, but is always in a open position. also, the mk3 cargobays have partial animation, where you can set its open and deploy limit, so pressing the open button can make it go from 80 percent open too 60 percent open, but the mk-iv cargo bays dont have that, so there is also another thing. i am just letting you know
  17. for some reason the Daedalus engine keeps overheating and exploding when ever i put the throttle on, i have 3 medium folding radiators added by your mod, and its attached too a 3.75m heatshield, but it still just keeps blowing up due too overheating.
  18. it seems so, but someone might be able too update it if the liscense allows it
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