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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some posts removed. Okay, we tried asking nicely but it didn't work. Thread locked due to politics.
  2. We're happy to have you here in the forums.
  3. That is my playing style, too.
  4. Hey guys. The thread had wandered from a KSP movie reference to some gory stuff unsuitable for this forum. Please don't get too dark with the content, okay?
  5. @tsaven, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing. This makes it easier for others with similar questions to browse through the collective wisdom.
  6. I don't know about that. A landed rover can be too massive to allow docking rings and claws to line up well enough get a grip even when they are already in contact with the target. A flying craft (if small) is more likely to be able to wobble enough to allow things to line up. Though, as I said, the piloting can be tricky. Just my feeling, anyway.
  7. Discussing this development in space exploration without delving into the politics behind it is an extremely fine line, and also, an arbitrary one, since politics are intrinsically involved. We know that. Nevertheless, we're going to require people to walk that fine line on this forum because the only alternative is to shut down the thread entirely to avoid having to issue warns and bans in response to the arguments which politics invariably cause here. So if you can't leave the politics out of the thread, please just don't post in it. Yes, that sucks, and we don't like enforcing it. But in this case, it's the lesser evil.
  8. Make a small craft with a grabber claw and an antenna, have it glom onto the lab. Might be some tricky piloting, but doable.
  9. Hey, @Hummingbird Aerospace, this is a great idea for a thread! So good an idea that we already have one for it, and your thread has been merged into it.
  10. The discussion had strayed far from the game the thread was originally about, so it was moved to its own thread. If folks are unhappy about that, fine, go start a thread that is just stealth in space. But don't keep up this argument in the thread about that other space game, because it doesn't belong there.
  11. Discussion split from another thread. Please stop insulting each other about it.
  12. Funny story. This thread got derailed about 10 months ago. All that stuff got moved here. Please talk about Children of Something Something in this thread.
  13. Good luck with your Mun landings.
  14. He/she did. Because the threads have been merged. I know how to do it. And it is done.
  15. We were all newbies once, guys. No need to be rude to them about it. And if you are met with rudeness, newbies, please do not reply in kind.
  16. I'm sorry, but we have no insights on the weirdness of the retained partial posts. Though I do see that quotebox weirdnesses seem to be rarer these days. Anyway, I haven't seen it retain text from another thread, so that would seem to be new.
  17. I myself didn't do it, but you're welcome on behalf of the team.
  18. @Apaseall, I'm sorry, but we had to remove the log file because posts that large cause problems for our forum. Please upload it to a file sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts here.
  19. Suppliers? We're not talking about something in-game? Then I have no idea.
  20. Some harsh language has been edited out of this thread. Please talk about the game issues without attacking each other or trying to assign blame.
  21. Please don't troll each other with the like button.
  22. Isn't it kind of everywhere? And everywhere else, too? Or were you looking for something else? Anyway, wlecome to the forum.
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