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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Hey @bewing, how about when rotating a wing piece in the roll plane causes the center of lift marker to tilt in the pitch plane? Is that a display glitch in the SPH, or is there some weird force redirection in flight?
  2. Overlapping threads have been merged. The behavior exhibited in this thread demonstrates why roleplaying had to be banned on this forum. Oh, and Snark just happened to be the moderator who saw that other thread first. He didn't go rogue, the rest of us would have done the same, and there's no reason to single him out for condemnation.
  3. A few more posts have been removed. Please do not tell the console players they are wrong for asking about updates. If it bothers you that they do, how about just not reading this thread?
  4. Whatever this was about seems a moot issue at this point, four years later.
  5. Some really old stuff was archived. Don't know the details. I wasn't on the mod team then. And the 1969 date is some kind of software default substituted automatically if the actual date information is lost, as it is sometimes in forum software transitions.
  6. @ble210, your question has been moved into the master thread for this discussion.
  7. People get nervous about links that go straight to downloads. Could you please host it somewhere off our site and link to it?
  8. Members can't move posts. But moderators can! Ha! Done.
  9. Now that that's settled, can we please just get on with the actual thread content? Jeez.
  10. French thread moved to the French sub. Carry on. In French.
  11. I suspect you're in a career game and haven't upgraded the tracking station yet. Your projected path line will be white and you can't but a node on it or anything? Yeah.
  12. This is pretty much the definition of playing Kerbal Space Program. Even for experienced players. It's a complex game and half the stuff you build is not going to work as intended. If you're expecting to progress past this stage of the experience, it's not going to happen.
  13. Several posts have been removed or edited to get the thread back on-track.
  14. There is no way to do that. You can request for your account to be banned, if you like. Then no one could access it. Keep in mind, though, that you would not allowed to make a new one, since each person can have only one. You could have the name on this one changed, though.
  15. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  16. Yes, if those are old posts, then it's the umlaut getting messed up by forum software transitions.
  17. I toyed with it a bit but found the interface frustrating and so didn't go very far. Nice concept, though.
  18. Some posts have been moved here from another thread, to keep the discussion all in one place.
  19. Some posts about the EULA have been moved to the EULA thread.
  20. Probably. Ferram's a pretty active guy. Keep in mind, though, that what may seem like expressing appreciation on your part can seem like harassment to a mod maker who gets a lot of these requests.
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