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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Click on the search box and a little menu pops up. You can limit the results to topics. And yes, we have a lot of posts. The game's sky is a background image. You can name constellations if you want, but there are no official ones. And welcome to the forum.
  2. This is a known issue and it's being worked on for the next version, but unfortunately, there is no fix at the moment.
  3. I send uncrewed probes to the other planets as soon as I can, but do not send crewed missions until I have cleared the whole tech tree and can send deluxe ships. But that's just my play style. You can do it that way or not. Welcome to the forum.
  4. Current politics is interesting. Current politics is important. Current politics also invariably goes bad and turns our forum members into enemies. So current politics is banned here. Only the mechanics and flight characteristics of this rocket are relevant to this forum and allowed here as discussion topics. Is this frustrating? Is it arbitrary? Is this hair-splitting? Yes to all three questions. But it's still better than having to give you all warns until you end up getting banned. For these reasons, a number of posts have been removed from this thread. Also, an increasingly heated personal exchange has been edited, to keep things polite.
  5. For the user title text go to your profile, click to edit profile on the upper right, and change the text in the first box. For the signature, go the dropdown menu under your name on the upper right and click on account settings, then choose signature from the bottom of the list on the left.
  6. @CosmicCharlie, your question has been merged into the thread for this mod.
  7. Stick to the current ones. At least one of the old domain names is now a malware source, which is why it's been banned on this forum.
  8. Thread moved to the support forum. Good luck with your issue.
  9. Some posts in this thread have been edited. Please don't get into politics on this forum, folks. It never ends well.
  10. This is a known issue and a fix is anticipated for the next game update. Also, moved to support.
  11. I'm sorry, but no. Trading versions is illegal due to the copyright laws governing software.
  12. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. (Better late than never.)
  13. But the question is still relevant and the answer hasn't changed.
  14. Gaarst is succinct, but also correct. KSP's aerodynamics are not that detailed.
  15. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  16. Not diameter: radius. And the physics is the same, except that KSP celestial bodies are fantastically dense and impossible close to each other.
  17. Добро пожаловать на форум, @AlexALX. Ссылки на альбом Imgur ведут себя странно здесь, но я исправил ссылку для вас. Поздравляем с вашей миссией. (Извините за любые ошибки, поскольку я запускаю это через Google translate.)
  18. If this will be a ship it should be in Spacecraft Exchange, if it's a mod it should be in Add-on Releases, but as it seems to be nothing yet and the thread has gone off topic, it's time to close this one down.
  19. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
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