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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. How about a screenshot of the vessel? And one with your r-click menu open for the Rovemate?
  2. I followed it closely and bought the DVD sets back when they were new and expensive. But around season 3, I began to get the feeling that they had no idea where they were going with it. I still liked the show up to around season 6, but by then it was clear that they were just going to keep adding new conspiracies without ever resolving or explaining any of the existing ones. After that it's pretty much just a blur, until the finale left me angry. And the movies were underwhelming. It makes me sad to admit, but I haven't even watched my DVDs in years. The only one of season 10 I even remember was the cute one with the lizard guy. They should have dumped the mytharc years ago and just gone with a monster of the week format. It was always the characters that people really liked anyway.
  3. While we all here support science, please keep in mind that related political discussions tend to cause arguments, and so have been ruled out of bounds for our forum. Other than that, discuss!
  4. Hi @Pretorian28715, and welcome to the forum. Your post has been moved to a better subforum for this kind of question.
  5. They seem to be working for me, @WinkAllKerb''.
  6. The girl kerbals in those things better have shiney purple hair, or I will be angry.
  7. You are free to talk about their appearance. You are not free to attack each other over opinions on the subject.
  8. @Abastro, we don't remove threads in which others have posted, since those posts are not yours to dispose of. However, we do close threads if the OP requests it, and so that's done.
  9. Sorry, Winky. Discussions of forum rules tend to turn into arguments about moderation policy.
  10. @Daltonjames, we understand your frustration, but please keep in mind that we like to keep things polite on this forum, and you may have noticed that our filter automatically cleaned up the language in your post. Mind our forum rules, please, and particularly 2.2.g.
  11. Your issue has been moved to the support section, @Bartman. Please provide as much of this detail as you can.
  12. If you don't like the pony stuff, don't look at it. But there's no need to single out a group of people for ridicule, so this thread will be closed now.
  13. The fact that some people violently dislike the appearance of some of the parts is off-topic for this thread, and is an argument already taking place on other threads. This thread has gotten back on-topic now (procedural parts), so please keep it that way and stop attacking each other personally.
  14. How about pics of the ship? Those are easier for people to examine than downloading and flying your ship. I play mostly stock and so can't give you mod advice, but someone will be along shortly with that, I'm sure. Welcome to the forum.
  15. I have tinkered for a few hours but still haven't a clue what I'm doing.
  16. Guys, mentioning more than one name is cheating. One at a time. Like this: @diomedea
  17. Howdy new guy or gal, and welcome to the forum.
  18. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. Oh, solved? Well, moved anyway, for tidiness' sake.
  19. Your post has been merged into the home thread for this mod, @mrgreco.
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