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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. @Astromoo2, it already is in the modding subforum. "Add-on" is another word for "mod."
  2. This discussion of how to play the game has been Moved to Gameplay Questions Discussions.
  3. People in this thread: 1. Leave the moderating to the moderators. 2. Don't yell at each other about fonts. 3. Try to be nice to each other, for pete's sake.
  4. Only we moderators can move posts, but you can ask us to do it for you here.
  5. Oh, misread. I thought he wanted to land from orbit. Nevermind.
  6. This is the best kind of ridiculous.
  7. You can also use the set orbit function on the F-12 menus, under "cheats."
  8. Overlapping (happy) threads have been merged. Also, happy new year.
  9. The box must have been enormous!
  10. Quite a few posts have been trimmed from this thread. Modders are not obligated to act on requests. Also, please simply hit the report button on posts which you think are problems rather than replying to them, since that just creates argumentative clutter for others to click past.
  11. This game-style thread has been moved to the game-style subforum.
  12. Since there's a thread for the event itself, this one is no longer needed.
  13. It's called, "Do you want this thread locked? Because this is how you get threads locked."
  14. My peeve is when people argue about others' peeves instead of having fun griping about their own peeves. If the hint wasn't enough, get back on-topic, please.
  15. It sounds like the vessel is using up the power faster than it is collecting. If you can't rotate the craft to bring the panels more perpendicular to the sun, you could wait for Kerbin's orbit around the sun to bring the sun perpendicular to the panels. That could take quite a while in warp, though. Welcome to the forum.
  16. For one thing, try shifting the mass farther forward or the lift farther back, or both. With the center of mass that far ahead of the center of lift, the nose will try to point down. Welcome to the forum, by the way.
  17. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  18. When you connect the parts, it sounds like the assembly has a different orientation because it is figuring from a different control point. R-click on the rover's capsule or probe core and click "control from here." I suspect that will fix your problem. Watch the navball while you do this. Also, welcome to the forum.
  19. Here's a guide I made a while back. Good luck.
  20. Modding question has been moved to the modding subforum.
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