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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. What kind of wobble are we talking about? My interplanetary tractor ship doesn't have trouble.
  2. When a thread is going bad in a really rapid way, we will close it to prevent the problem from getting worse while we sort out the mess, then open it again when (we hope) tempers have cooled. Occasionally, someone also gives us a well-reasoned argument as to why we should change our minds and re-open something. Allowed to, yes. Do I remember any right now, no.
  3. Seeing as this is about KSP, it has been moved from the off-topic lounge to the on-topic lounge.
  4. Since your question involves making a small modification to the game, the place to ask is the modding subforum, where people who do that sort of thing hang around. And so, your thread has been moved.
  5. If you go to map view and zoom out, or switch to the tracking station, you should see a marker hovering over the planet.
  6. Welcome to the forum, Zer0gravity.
  7. Recently I have noticed a delay in receiving notifications. Not all the time, though. I haven't discerned a pattern to it.
  8. Looks like a jet launcher to me. SPROING!
  9. Again, we are accused of over-reacting when we lock, but we only lock threads for two reasons. 1) It's a subject guaranteed to go bad, like religion or politics, or 2) we've warned it several times already. Keep in mind: you do not see the warns we issue to people who are not you, and you don't see posts we've removed, so it might not be evident to a non-moderator just how much we've have to intervene in a thread before locking it.
  10. I have closed threads in which I would have preferred to continue talking, because they had turned into personal arguments. We get accused of shutting things down cavalierly, but remember, this also means WE can't participate there anymore, which is just as frustrating for us as it is for you. I have also issued warns to nice people, because it wouldn't be fair if I didn't treat everybody the same way.
  11. No reason at all. It happens once or twice a year.
  12. Oh, cripes, air to air missiles. NO, you ninnies! They do not fly around maneuvering tightly for several minutes while chasing the target! How much flipping fuel do you think those things could hold?
  13. Often, a smaller ship can go farther than a large ship. Trim mass off the top and each of the lower stages gets longer range. Also, the stock ships are meant to give you ideas, but are not meant to be better than ships you can build for yourself.
  14. Most are fake people names, some are company names, and some are gibberish.
  15. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  16. A couple of posts have been removed from this thread. Please don't insult people on our forum.
  17. The modders will know how to do this, and so this (fairly old) thread has been moved to the modding subforum.
  18. Here's a nice way to share craft, which was made by forum member @katateochi and is specifically for KSP: Kerbalx.
  19. Can I just say that it aggravates the snot out of me the way that fighter-bombers are always shown dropping their bombs from such low altitudes that in reality they'd be getting blown out of the sky by their own bombs? Because it really does. Oh, and we constantly see soldiers with swords killing each other with slashing swings, even though the target soldier is wearing chain or plate armor which would render this impossible. Oh, but I recently learned that this is not entirely unrealistic in samurai battles, because only the wealthiest samurai could afford iron armor, and the vast majority of them were actually wearing hardened, laquered leather armor.
  20. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
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