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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. What is the intention of this thread?
  2. This sounds like a combination of wheel changes and craft design, and so, moved to Gameplay Questions. Pics of the craft often help diagnose problems, though.
  3. Hello MarkWatney. Were you trying to post a pic or a vid or something?
  4. Sure it's not the classic out-of-power thing? Or do you mean literally stuck in an unmoving position?
  5. Mod-use question moved to the mod-use subforum.
  6. @Kaelten is this forum's Curse representative currently.
  7. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  8. Please don't start insulting each other over preferences in gaming platforms.
  9. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  10. This is going to end up being a craft sharing thread, and so it has been moved to Spacecraft Exchange.
  11. Wheels are being worked on. If you'd like to give specific information on your issue, please do so in the support subforum and in the necessary format.
  12. Even if removed, mods might still be part of the issue. Please list the ones you had, as well as the other information needed for a proper diagnosis.
  13. The matter has been brought to Squad's attention now.
  14. Some more argumentative and off-topic posts have been removed. Since the fighting in this thread hasn't stopped despite several moderator interventions, the thread will be closed until the OP requests otherwise.
  15. Relocated to the Lounge, since it's not actually about KSP.
  16. Guys, this thread is starting to slow page loading down. Maybe don't list every song you like, please?
  17. Welcome to the forum, Boovie.
  18. Why does it have crossbows, kapteenipirk?
  19. If you feel it would be worthwhile, the place for it would be the Exchange. But there's no guarantee it will end up getting stickied.
  20. Jerrbear, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of question.
  21. Well, you can't have mine. @NecroBones
  22. We have fun here. You probably will, too.
  23. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
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